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  • RMweb Premium

This is a really nice model, especially (to mirror a number of other comments) the sense of openness and space created.


In terms of perspective and space, that second photo of the hotel gives that 'big sky' effect that I associate with our coastline. It makes the layout look incredibly atmospheric.

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Especially for the more pedantic among us :derisive:


One man's pedantry is another's attention to detail...... Oh alright, pedant I am (you're not the first person to pin that label on me!). :tomato:


Looks good with the adjusted horizon though.



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The purpose of my last picture was to show the layout as it actually is but from a view-point it would not normally be seen from. I was quite well aware that the sea level looked wrong from that angle and when we send an article of for publication I may well doctor some of my shots as I have done this one.

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Hello Everyone


Work this week had progressed to the point where the bungalow has been completed and "planted" with Howard doing some of the basic ground to ensure that It look well and truly set INTO the ground as opposed to sitting on top. He has alos been busy producing a fence along the top of the bank behind the goods shed and in front of the bungalow. I have not been lazy either as the roof on the goods shed is almost covered with slates. Still a fair way to go before this too can be "planted" but at least it is progressing. I will ask Howard to photograph this soon and put it on the site.



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  • RMweb Gold

Had a lovely afternoon playing with Rod's layout. I was really amazed at the weight of the Heljan diesels.


It's the first time that I've seen it and it really is impressive. I particularly like the scenics (to be expected!) and the whole look of the thing.


A few snaps with the cellphone...

























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Thanks for the comments and the snaps, John. I'm amazed how good mobile phone cameras are now! This is the first time so many locos have been on the layout at once.


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Thanks John for the really nice photos and I am pleased that you enjoyed your visit to my layout. Ramchester has progressed steadily over the last 3 years or so and once Howard had weaved his magic on the scenery at the "seaside" end of the layout it will be the station building for the next construction project then all the detailing. You will see from one of John's photos that the goods shed is also making progress with most of the slates stuck on. This will leave the down pipes, the canopy and one or two more bits and bobs to complete before it too can be "planted".


The keen eyed among you will notice that a new signal box has been placed in position to replace the paper "mock up" which has appeared in some of the earlier photos. This is the work of Robert Wigley who is a member of the S7 group and he has made a superb job of it. I need to fit it out inside with all the levers, bells, etc before it can be placed permanently in position. Then it will mean that I have to tackle all the point rodding and signals ......


If you read this Robert a sincere thank you for all your work on this beautiful model.



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We've made a little more progress since John's visit Rod has almost finished slating the goods shed roof and I have got half of the goods yard fence planted. The fence is made with Slaters concrete fenceposts and some silver-grey coloured cotton and has been a real pain in the posterior to assemble! Fine wire would probably have been easier to use if I'd had something suitable to hand.





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Hello everyone.


The goods shed creeps toward completion. I have to do the ridge tiles, the down pipes and the handrails leading to the goods office plus fitting of the canopy over the loading door to protect lorry drivers calling to collect goods from getting wet!ope to have this done before the New Year (with a bit of luck). It has taken nearly a year to get to this point but at last the end is in sight. I have put some internal detail in the shed to make it more realistic but I will have to add a crane to facilitate the unloading of goods wagons and to assist in loading into road vehicles.


Of course I have not spent all the year dealing with the goods shed! Other tasks have been undertaken in tandem like the fitting of Bachmann OO couplings to some of the stock as an experiment (so far so good) and the part assembly of a lorry kit fro the coal yard, as well as other tasks.


Will try to post a phote of the goods shed very soon. Watch this space!


I would like to say a sincere "thank you" to everyone who has followed Ramchester and wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous 2013.



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I love this layout. It really oozes space for a 7mm job. The backscene gives it real depth and a 'place' in the world. I would imagine signalling with all it's attendant paraphernalia will take the whole thing to a new higher level. Really great stuff. Merry Christmas Rod.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A happy new year to all my followers. Now that the festive season is over I hope that work can progress without all the interruptions usually associated with this time of year. The goods shed now has all its slates fitted including the ridge and one of the four downspouts have been made (only 3 more to go), the canopy is almost finished and will soon be ready to fit. This leaves only the handrails leading up the steps to the office to make and fit, then its the final finishing before it can be "planted".


Howard was here this afternoon to continue work on the scenery at the seaside end of the layout and he took a couple of photos which he hopes to post shortly.



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A happy New Year to one and all!

I have now completed the fencing around the goods yard and a short garden fence beside the bungalow behind it. I am now adding more vegetation around this area to blend it into the backscene. Here are three pics I took this afternoon.








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Today I have received the interior detail for the signal box from my friend Robert Wigley. He has taken a great deal of trouble to ensure that "proper" LNWR levers are present (with their loops) and the instruments are placed nicely on their "shelf". These will be fitted inside in the very near future and the finials to the loo added. If you read this Robert a very sincere thank you for all your hard work on this box.


Today Howard has been busy adding to the scenery between the hotel and the bungalow which is now beginning to look great. I have made the four down pipes for the goods shed but still have to complete the one for the office bit so there is light at the end of the tunnel for this building, at last.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi All,

We've made a little bit more progress on the goods yard since my last pictures with the shed at last nearing completion. We won't be doing anything more for a few days as poor old Rod has to go in to hospital for a re-bore on Friday. I had to have the very same op about 20 months ago and if his goes as well as mine he should be back modelling next week.







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  • 2 weeks later...

Good to refresh myself on this one, having just spoken on the phone, sorry to be too late but glad the brake van sold.


Are you running DC or DCC?  I'll be down your way in April, playing with a 12":1ft layout on the SDR with a diesel driving experience.

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On a large layout sound may work. But on the average small 0 gauge layout it does not work for me at all in fact at exhibitons I tend to avoid the layouts with sound. With a BLT were one loco or possibly two a simple cab control works at a fraction of the cost of DCC.

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Sure, on a small layout with perhaps only one or two at most "standard" locos on scene at any given time, DCC probably isn't worth it, but if you want sound then DCC is really the only sensible option.


14ft x 2ft, possibly 3 locos on scene (branch, freight arrived at yard, shunting loco working) all sound fitted may seem overkill to some but done properly then it all helps set the scene.


Of course, some just put in massive speakers and crank the volume right up meaning the layout can be heard not just next door but out in the car park, then I'd put that in the same annoyance bracket as the constant seagulls or fairground noise that you often get. 


Everything in moderation, and all that.

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Hi Everyone,


I am pleased to report that so far my recent operation has been a success - at last I can pee properly!!!!


Howard and I have had a couple of sessions on the layout and further progress has been made. Howard has kindly agreed to complete the handrail leading to the goods shed office and once this is done the only task remaining (I think) is to glue on the completed canopy over the loading bay door. The shed can then be "planted" and the final ground work undertaken. Howard has done much of the ground in this area but final detailing will need to be done. This still leaves the question of the main station building and possibly a cattle dock to construct. I must say that I cannot believe how good the layout looks even if I do say it myself. Much of the credit must of course go to Howard who has often come up to the shed at very short notice for an afternoons modelling. Thanks Howard.


I am currently trying to sell much of my collection of OO/HO, HOe, On30, G scale, and a bit of gauge I that I have collected over the years and hope that this will allow me to develop the layout further and might at last give me the opportunity to go DCC with sound. Talking of which I have noted the remarks on this subject posted above. My layout is quite large being some 30 x 12 but the basic plan is still a terminus/fiddle yard and I need to consider carefully what I want from a control system and whether DCC is going to meet my requirements. 



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Hello All,


This is just a quick update on progress since my last report. At last I can report that the goods shed is finally finished and has been set in place. The office handrails were fitted this afternoon as was the canopy. Howard took a couple of photos which he will post shortly. I must say that this building has turned out to be much better than I dared hope and with a little help from Howard (quite a lot really - he does all the bits that I am unable to see) I think it looks rather nice in situ but I will leave you to judge for yourselves when the pictures have been posted. The ground work around the shed still needs to be completed and there does need to be a crane of some description mounted inside.


I have now started work on the cattle dock and so far the base has been completed.



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Hi All,


The exterior of the goods shed is indeed complete at last (except for a bit of weathering)!  It's far from perfect but I think it will do. 







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