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New Athearn GP: A different spark for a wish list


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With any luck a GP39 variant will be one of the earlier releases based on this 'modular' tooling. The GP39/GP39-2 is definately called for, there is so far only the Trainman offering. I'd much prefer a SD39, but the geep would keep me quiet! :secret:

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I dunno but we're probably 2 years from seeing any in the livery I'd like to see (he says, thankfully..)



Jack can you edit the title to include "New Athearn GP" or something in order to prevent more threads propagating?


Cheers, Pete.

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With any luck a GP39 variant will be one of the earlier releases based on this 'modular' tooling. The GP39/GP39-2 is definately called for, there is so far only the Trainman offering. I'd much prefer a SD39, but the geep would keep me quiet! :secret:


The GP39-2 ought to be very do-able on this platform, and as you say there's only a 'trainset' quality one for competition, the GP50 and GP39-2 I would think would be high on their to-do list.


<OT> One of my "I really, really want one" loco wishes should come true this year with the C636, the other one is SD39s...mine would be Illinois Terminal lime green but I would imagine SP, Santa Fe and Guilford fans would also be up for such a thing... ;)

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A GP39-2 would be very interesting esp as the various Santa Fe models are a potential minefield with differning fuel tank sizes and positions, anticlimbers, step configurations, and rad fan grills across (IIRC) five different build batches. All of these differences seem do-able from the launch models (exp a short tank set right back against the rear truck) and the prototype info has been covered in an excellent article in Diesel Era a couple of years back



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<OT> Snip ................... the other one is SD39s...mine would be Illinois Terminal lime green but I would imagine SP, Santa Fe and Guilford fans would also be up for such a thing... ;)





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