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From N to OO - Depot Plan


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I've been modelling in N for a couple of years now and I have never been able to give it the detail I want due to the fact I am not very good detailing small models, and I'd enjoy the hobby more being able to make it more realistic. I have a layout at the moment and I will need to rip it up but I will re use the board, which is 1510mm x 710 mm. I have come up with this plan for starters. It will be based in London in the 80's ish so I will be servicing the usual locos of that period, 50s, and maybe a 2-EPB or something similar, if it will fit. Anyway here's the plan:




There will be a station platform along the top edge, and a raised street on the right hand side with the top line heading into a tunnel. No ideas for the huge round space in the bottom right yet.


Any tips would be greatly appreciated.





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Interesting plan. I would decide what the sidings are for and perhaps try and put in a run round loop somewhere although it does look like you won't have much room. I would maybe go down the route of a local freight depot 70's/80's style with a bit of Speedlink traffic and old style vans/domestic coal traffic. I would look at 'surrounding the plan with viaducts/retaining walls. A bit like Battersea Yard near Stewarts Lane.





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Looking over the plan again I see the point made about too much track, so I tried to consolidate it all into certain areas, and taking some ideas from various plans I have come up with this:




A 3 platform station on the right which will be partially underneath the station above, a small depot/shed/fuelling area in the bottom left, and plenty of scope for scenery, perhaps access to the depot area by road. The layout will all be below street level.


I like the idea of retaining walls, and that's the sort of feel i'm after, a central London station with a small depot area.



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