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A Visit to Water Orton

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  • 11 months later...

Evening all,


A couple of Water Orton from a bygone era!



This reminds me of when I used to go spotting at Water Orton.

When I first went there, there was a refuge siding to the right of where the class 47 running light engine is in the third photo. The point is still in place.

There was still steam about as this was around 1965, when I was 10.

My aunt lived in Manor House Lane and my Granddad would take me to visit and we would go down to the footbridge and he would let me go up there while he had a pint or two at the Dog Inn.

I can remember a line of three or four steam locos being hauled dead towards Derby? by a live one.

There were also several classes of steam locos still in use particulary 8 & 9F's on goods workings and occasionally a B1 on the Cambridge passenger working from Birmingham. (Usually when a class 31 had caught fire).

I then went on to spend a lot of my Saturdays spotting there during the late 1960's up to 1972 when I went to work.

Happy Days indeed.

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