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Hawthorn Dene


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Meanwhile, more pics


I've been putting an extra layer of scatter in one or two places today and ballasting a bit more of the colliery.  Probable day off tomorrow so the vacuum can run over the layout on Sunday and we'll see what the damage is.  Meanwhile pics of the hawthorn end of the layout.




In the corner the ash tree makes the little paddock area look more like something.  Post and wire fence along the railway side, and maybe a single nag grazing- if I can find a dilapidated pony rather than a carthorse.




Moving on, still work to do between the paddock and the houses.  Someone has left their bike carefully obscuring the Lilliput Lane sign.




Full row of houses with a lot still to do, though the fencing behind them is advancing.  Bushes along here later and still a goodly bit of colouring to finish.




The big cree has found its final resting place- top of the bank of course- and been stuck down.  Below it the cinder path is too dark but Mr Makkem's boundary fencing has started to appear.  Allotments 1 and 2 have been marked out and shedded.  Plants still to do. The ash tree in the allotment is hiding a bad blemish (self-inflicted) on the backscene.   More allotments to make in the space to the right of the first pair and around each pigeon cree.


Still a lot to do. 


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Cruel Enlargements


.... cropped very close to get below the image size limit- thinks, when using the newer camera must stand a little further away......


Some progress yesterday and today, mostly with enhancing small areas (very small in some cases.




The allotments haven't had a close-up before.  The tree is hiding a blemish (OK a good old-fashioned black paintbrush stripe caused by an unexpected flight out of my dodgy hand).  The bushy foliage I thought would make a good cabbage is too big for that but makes nice hedgy-type plants, see later.




Continuing anticlockwise round the layout, Ive railed the front edge of the little paddock using the rest of the Faller stuff I used between the houses and the pit railway.  Some of the bushy clumps and some of the wild grass clumps hide the superglue holding the fence in place and cover the white patches missed by the paint- need a set of boards across the railway.




Another paintbrush accident covered.  Touching up the bridge I caught the card stonework round the arch leaving a brick-coloured smear.  Lichens are a little too coarse for foliage but if painted with matt varnish after sticking in place they make a suitable foundation for some scatter.  Looks less like a christmas tree in real life than in the pic, but needs a touch of brown on parts of the trunk. A few not-cabbages and clumps of tufty grass shoved in cover a multitude of sins- leaving a larger multitude elsewhere to go at....




White steps in place and a board crossing below them- the latter will be tried to see how well it derails trains tomorrow after the paint dries.   More non-cabbages in the area at each side.  Shows I need to touch up the sides of the board crossing.


There were other close-ups but I couldn't crop them down.  My next job is studying them to see what horrors they show up that need fixing.


All the very best


Edited by Les1952
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Some very nice modelling as usual .Love the little bits and pieces your adding , can't wait to see the pit end progress even more.



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Been following this, absolutely brilliant!

To me there is something special about colliery based layouts, I am going to build a loft layout with a colliery loosely based on Lynemouth Colliery up here in the North East, if mine turns out only half as good as yours I will be very pleased!



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Very many thanks for the votes of confidence- I'll try to deserve them.  Not a lot happening at the Colliery end at the moment- a wall going along in front of the backscene and some roof duck boards and railings on the roof of the screening house.


New Years Bits.


Newark Toyfair only happens once a year on New Years Day, and since it is only just over a mile from home it is always worth a visit.  The haul today was modest, a pack of P.D.Marsh ponies, men with wheelbarrows also Marsh, GW Station fencing by Ratio (too tall for most use but I can use a length somewhere), a small packet of coloured flock and an Oxford Diecast Lodekka in red (United welsh but that's the nearest to a United one).




With the destination mostly painted out it has been stuck down on the road behind the cottages- from along the backscene you can just about make out the fleetname "United" but not the second word "Welsh", The GPO telephones van has been stuck down as well- the engineer must live in one of the cottages.




A trip over to Trevor's yesterday was the reason I got little done- he had an electrical problem on Parnhams that wanted sorting before he shows it off on Saturday.  I've scrounged some of the stuff he uses to make cabbages. The first row of them in the first allotment. 




Still a lot to do.

Happy New Year.




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Some more details done.


A couple of pics round the colliery, and a couple of bits at the other end.




The colliery ground level is being painted very dark grey and black scatter added before the paint dries.  I've found a large number of Faller wood stacks that will be cut to make piles of pit props.  There is some other stuff that will fill the area in front of the upcast fan.




A view of the screening house roof- an old tank added with duck boarding and railings to allow access to the aerial flight exit when I get it added to the end.  First of the stray grass that gets to the top of old buildings added.  Still a goodly amount to do- the exit of the conveyor system has a decent frame and I've touched up some of the external framing over the brickwork.  Still thinking about what to do with the roof edge- time to look at some high-angle pics to get some inspiration.




The area under the elm in the allotment area has become a hen run.  There will be another coop with a second run somewhere on the banking near the crees- this will be on the slope- hens don't care about ground not being level.....




Lastly Mr Makkem's fence is fully done, with a gate at the back of the cree.  The fencing for the green cree is being painted green- GWR-type fencing looks very fetching in Apple Green.....


Still plenty to do.

All the very best


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A weekend working.


What to do when the weather is wet and windy and there are no shows in the area?  Spend the weekend in a nice warm shed with the rain persistently beating on the roof and the wind howling through the hen fence.  Not that Hawthorn Dene is experiencing weather, it is only really raining flock powder and tiny black ballast.....


First loco news.  Two more NER types to go off to Wickness Models for chipping when the Paypal balance recovers enough- posed on the layout with the power off.  These two are from my Parnhams stock- now redundant as Trevor is selling the layout.  These two plus the J25 and K3 already done, plus another J27 still to do are the only ones being repainted into BR colours from LNER for this layout, though I may do a J50 and an Aspinall tank for Top Valley Goods.




Of these 65817 is a J27 that spent most of its BR life as a Sunderland engine.  It is one that had its centre wheels balanced- I knew those N-Brass wheel balance weights would be used eventually.  I've also got to do 65860 some time.  65776 has no balance weights- and round windows, making it definitely a J26.  It should have a forward-facing lion on the right-hand side of the tender, but the last two I had both fell apart while I was trying to do this loco- I may correct it at some time or just not bother.....


If a big NER 0-6-0 had round cab front windows it was definitely a J26, if shaped windows and balance weights definitely a J27, if shaped windows and NO balance weights it could be either class.....


Moving to the layout, the Pink Pigeon Co's loft has been sited underneath the workshop building, and I've moved the Blackpool hoarding to the right to give a clear sight line in for the birds.  I'm toying with the idea of a second hoarding to the right of the Blackpool one (which is now fixed in).  Plenty from the coalfield went to Blackpool for their holidays- Select Coaches ran Summer specials from Horden and Wilkinson's ran an express service from quite a large area of South Durham every Saturday and Sunday during the season.




Lastly for now Mr Green has his fence around his cree and he and Mr Makkem have their allotments set out in the area with a little edging to do.  Mr Whitehead's allotment is next to get its fence- I've had a fresh set of Faller allotments delivered so have more parts- even bicycles in this one- just as I'm nearing finishing the painting of another pack of P.D.Marsh ones....




As always, plenty to do.

All the very best


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The real Hawthorn Dene isn't quite so tranquil at the moment Les. . . . and with about a mile to walk from the nearest car park, it can stay where it is.

I also have a J26 but no J27 as yet. . . . . . .


Looking good Les




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Moving to the layout, the Pink Pigeon Co's loft has been sited underneath the workshop building, and I've moved the Blackpool hoarding to the right to give a clear sight line in for the birds.  I'm toying with the idea of a second hoarding to the right of the Blackpool one (which is now fixed in).  Plenty from the coalfield went to Blackpool for their holidays- Select Coaches ran Summer specials from Horden and Wilkinson's ran an express service from quite a large area of South Durham every Saturday and Sunday during the season.


As always, plenty to do.

All the very best



Select Coaches of Horden -chief driver Charlie Kilding who's son was at Henry Smiths with me - Plaxton coaches - two tone green - and they always got a new coach every two years -


Have you thought about adding a Lockey's bus? They were all over as school buses when I was at School. 


The layout is looking very good - shame no Q6s but fingers crossed they may get round to do one....  From my memory I can only remember 21T House Coal Concentration (and other) wagons at Horden.  - The 20T ore wagons used to be seen at Stanton steel - and they were a reddy/brown colour (due to the Hematite - Swedish ore not that limestone with iron from Leicestershire).


Horden farm did have some animals - a mate lived there and they had a few cows  and pigs but you are right to have arable areas.


Get Carter (the original one) has a lot of scenes around Blackhall flight - can't remember anything other than aerial flights at Horden and Blackhall - didn't get to easington that often.


Don't worry ab0ut loco numbers and emblems - the only numbers I could see where if you asked the driver to clean one off for you...


Don't forget the Met Cams though - and the 46s on express trains .... and the Mk1 sleepers.....


Barry O


ex Horden 1957 - 1978

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Very many thanks once again for the compliments, gents.    I do have a Get Carter hoarding but was persuaded not to use it as the film is about 10 years out of period.  There is a Bridge Over The River Kwai one buried somewhere.   The J26 was one of the last in service, going in 1962.  It will be weathered almost to anonymity.   The J27 appears in several pics in an album I have, so I'll try to weather it to suit.


The expresses will be steam hauled- having forked out an arm and a leg for a sound-fitted A3 it would be a shame to use a diesel (though I do remember the 46s at Hartlepool.  There are two Met-Camm sets, a 2-car and a 4-car, which has the brake in the right place.  This is a Poole body with the two end cars on Chinese chassis.


I've got hens and some dogs and seagulls to go on the layout, but still can't find anything that looks like a whippet.....


I did think of repainting an RTL or a Leyland coach into black to look like a Lockeys- they also used to do works from Paton & Baldwins at Darlington.  If I do, it will sit in the colliery yard somewhere.


All the very best


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you can paint up a variety of buses/coaches for Lockeys including single deckers - last seen in Malta about 15 years ago.


If you make it Big Meeting Day all sorts of ancient buses were used - SDO double deckers with a side aisle upstairs (Regent V?) seem to stay stuck in my memory.


Best regards


Barry O

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I'm pushing it with the Lodekka behind the cottages, and a Big Meet would close the screens for the day and, with it, the railway.  I do have an Oxford RT in green which would pass for a Bee-Line with the fleetname painted out- I remember their RTs duplicating the Hartlepool CT journeys and being packed (including standing upstairs, all the way down the staircase and on the platform- not all that many fares got collected but it did keep the punters off the West Hartlepool PD2 a couple of minutes behind, and that is what counted.


All the very best


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More details in cruel enlargement..


I'm still working inwards from both ends.  The second batch of grass tufts has arrived, and I found some more bicycles in the Faller allotment kit.  A trip down to Access Models has yielded some styrene strip in two different sizes of square section and some more ground cover.  No excuse really to get on except for having to take a Mikado rehearsal on Saturday this week.


Starting at the screens end, a bike rack installed in front of the upcast shaft- the foreman's bike is a Raleigh, the others cheap and nasty things made in the workshop.  Some touching-up to do here and the fact that the ends of the pit props were hacked rather than sawn shows up- fortunately there are many more to go on the pile yet.




Next we seem to have a few sh...hawks, sorry- seagulls around.  This one is taking off from the cottage chimney- presumably it can see food on the bank just in front of it.  Shows up the join in the Faller guttering I added to the Lilliput Lane cottages.  




"That nice young man in the end cottage, you know the one who is a telephone engineer" is walking his dog.  Dog seems to find the corner of Mr Green's allotment a suitable place to raise its leg.  Meanwhile in front the concrete posts for the railway boundary fence are in place, though the "wire" is still to be added.  In the background Mr Makkem has three leeks so far growing, and has his bike propped up against the door.  Is that a pigeon on Mr Green's roof?  No- another sh..eagull.




The leeks are single strands from 7-strand layout wire, cut to length and superglued into 0.35mm holes drilled into the surface.  They'll be painted later (at least that is my story and I'm sticking to it).  Each cut of the wire yields 7 potential leeks of which two (or occasionally three) survive to stand up correctly in the hole.  So far nine leeks stuck but not yet painted...


Plenty still to be going on with.



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Fencing continues...


I've got the first two strands of the wire fence glued in from the underbridge up to the overbridge.  Little chance of getting them exactly parallel as the cord wraps round each post as it passed, being glued to about every fourth one.  One more strand above it I think then done and ready to colour.




The fencing "wire" is 0.5mm knitting-in elastic, the same as the tramway overhead on Furtwangen Ost.


Mr Green and his wheelbarrow have been added to his allotment but no more leeks today as all seven attempts were failures.  I've ballasted a bit more of the colliery track, mostly around the shed and the exit to the screening house.  Vacuuming on Sunday if the weather is fine- I'm unlikely to get in before then.


On the loco front J27 LNER 2389 has been photographed for eBay.  Trevor's visitor at the weekend bought "Parnhams" so I now have no need at all for LNER or LMS liveried stock.  On the other hand I managed to drop the D11 I was about to photograph damaging its tender coping. It is now more-or-less straight with filler applied.  If I can get it good enough it will be sold on after touching up.  If notit will go into BR unlined black for Rise Park.


All the very best


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Trying to see the leeks....


Five leeks planted today but i have a feeling there will be nowhere near the number of leeks in the allotments that there really ought to be.  Reason- once I've added them I have great difficulty seeing them.  The first two photos will show this-




Looking across past Mr Makkem's allotment- Mr Green in the background down to his shirt sleeves and digging, but the leeks to the left of the sweet pea frame are almost impossible to see.  They've now been painted Doncaster green so I'm not sure if that will make them better or worse.  They're way too long but I think if the right length they'd become completely invisible.....




Now spot the row of five leeks....




No leeks in this picture but a pit pony now out to pasture in the small field.  Also shows that I've given up on a third strand of wire on the post-and-wire fence and painted the two I've got a mixture of black and rust.  At a scale 3" thick plus paint they're overscale but don't look too bad.  The posts have been trimmed to the same height relative to the top wire and touched up again.  Some bushes installed in front of posts, and a lot more wilderness to go in down the bank.  Two of eight lengths of post-and-wire fence made and one painted.  Pic shows I've still got to put downpipes on the cottages.


No courting couple in the bushes on the bank- the bonking banker is behind a semi-opaque window on Furtwangen Ost and can stay there.  I'm still thinking about Doctor Who- now does anyone make Daleks in N?


All the very best


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I did try 3D printing a Dalek but while there are various models of them none seem to scale down nicely for N.


When I'm feeling daft/masochistic or stopped waiting for glue/paint to dry I might try making one out of plastic- meanwhile I'm trying to make a footpath stile to go at the top of the white steps.  Why does superglue always stick your fingers to a piece of plastic six inches from the thing you've applied the glue to?


All the very best


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A quiet week, so far



Tidying up, and a trip out to Digitrains at Digby to pick up chipped locos (and deliver the Tyne Dock O1 for chipping) means not a lot done on the layout itself.  I've managed to spill the six remaining seagulls somewhere in the junk pile, so have been unearthing all sorts of interesting bits while trying to find them.




A view showing the colliery railway snaking its way between the house backs and the pigeon lofts.




The two V2s back from Digby after chipping- 60884 with outside steampipes and 60880 with a double chimney, both heavily weathered.  Sadly 60880 can't pull the skin off a rice pudding.  I'll need to work out a suitable short train for the V2s....


What to do with a spare "Lemberg"?   The sound-fitted A3 shouldn't be all that long arriving, and is a "Lemberg".  Looking back through the allocations to Darlington standing pilot over the years I've found 60075 St Frusquin, with round dome, double chimney and GN tender between 1959 and 1961, and 60051 Blink Bonny with New Type tender, double chimney, banjo dome and blinkers as its final condition.  So a little bit of tender swapping, new nameplates and numbers later a pair of Darlington standing pilots (also allocated to Gateshead and/or Heaton at various times) are now available.




Blink Bonny heads North




and St Frusquin heads South.


Plenty still to do.

All the best



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Another quiet day


I've spent much of Saturday trying and failing to get the 4-car DMU power car sit lower on the new chassis- the set has Bachfar chassis under the two end cars and Poole chassis under the middle two cars- which would be OK if there was enough clearance inside an old Class 101 body for the works to fit in properly.   Why this combination- I need the guards compartment in the second car


A four-car set is DMCL, TBS,  TSL,  DMBS- which is what I have.     


One answer would be to get a BachFar DTCL body for the power car, but so far I've only got one located in blue- the new chassis for the end cars were purchased without bodies. I'll keep looking, but in the meantime here is a video of it passing the J39/2 on the steel girder train.



On scenics little to report- I've tried some textured card as a ground cover between the allotments and the engine shed- given a coat of matt varnish I now wish I'd bought more- it works!




Also done are the two sea coal traders with sacks on their bicycles, planted taking a rest just beyond the overbridge.   In the end with the overbridge sides being about a foot too tall once I'd got the parapets on, I felt the traders would be better just beyond the bridge.  In each case the man glued at the side of the bike makes a triangular base so they didn't fall over when palanted.  I've also planted the second row of trees at the baseboard end, and improved the backscene around the holes- all it needs is a Montgolfier or similar to hide the join in backscene panels...... 




Still more to do, but 3am isn't the time....


All the very best


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Still moving- slowly


Furtangen Ost has emerged from three months of hibernation and been placed on the workbench opposite Hawthorn Dene.  That means working on two layouts, with FO being a little more urgent as its next outing is only three weeks away. 


The new Fairburn has arrived, been tested, and gone back to Hattons to be exchanged for one that doesn't wobble.  Hopefully by the time the replacement arrives the Lenz chip to go inside it will also have arrived.


The two packs of lasercut plants have arrived.  Mr Green's allotment will have some rhubarb plants, and some of the butterbur plants will be shaped to look a little like Brussels sprouts for one or more of the distant allotments where they are harder to see....




On the top of the old miners' baths building a pair of men are gathering up bits that have fallen off the conveyor into a tub, then tipping it into a truck for taking down to the waters edge and tipping near the discharge end of the conveyor.  Meanwhile the stack of pit props is still growing.....


Plenty to get on with

All the very best


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Rhubarb and other such stuff.


I'm still working on both layouts at the moment- Furtwangen Ost's proscenium has its new lights and the railway is soak tested ready for Sileby.  Meanwhile scenic details continue.




From an eBay seller in Germany I've got some laser-cut rhubarb and some pestwurtz, which translates as butterbur- it looks a bit like generic greens so I'm using these as such.  Mr Whitehead has four big rhubarb plants and is intending to enter the local show.




Meanwhile generic leafy greens are going into one of the allotments behind the NCB railway, and a hen run is appearing behind them.


Still a lot of fiddly stuff to do.

All the very best


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Quiet day - NOT


One new toy arrived this morning- the other (the 4MT tank) may be some time as when Hattons tested mine on return they agreed it was wobbly but couldn't find a better one to send me....  They'll test the second batch when they arrive and get me one that runs straight.


What HAS arrived is the new Lemberg.  I've got to study the instructions to learn how to lengthen the whistle blast etc, but so far I'm pleased with it.  I've also got to learn to drive it to get it to sound like it is working a bit harder as it crosses the layout- video shows "out of the box"...



Most of the day was spent at the clubroom on "Rise Park".  What little was spent at home was devoted to the garden area on Furtwangen Ost or to playing trains.


All the very best


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Still moving slowly onwards



Despite playing with Lemberg (which now chuffs six times to the revolution but goes quiet if she goes too fast) I've been getting on with bits for both Hawthorn Dene and Furtwangen Ost.   Hattons have also said my replacement 4MT has been processed, and Digitrains have rung to say the Consett O1 has been chipped and is awaiting collection.




Along the back there is now fencing, walling or hedge to hide the inevitable nasty bits at the bottom of the backscene itself- There's 14 feet of it so it took a bit of ingenuity,  Also to the left the big chicken run has got its ground cover sorted, and has six chickens in residence.  The Pink Pigeon Co has ended up in this area as well, as I couldn't source or make a fence that would be sensible on the slope below the workshop.  They won't have an allotment as the group is more interested in birds than leeks.   There is a pair of gates into the NCB yard- now I'll need to sort a gatehouse....




Moving to the front of the layout on the other board, the first of a pair of nissen huts.  This and its partner will sit on a sub-base that will plug in when the layout is erected to hide the rather wide join between the boards.  Behind it the lower pylon is now finished and ready to bed in when there's some ground to bed it in to.




View of the lower pylon again, and the corner pylon.  I've not found enough half-decent pics of pylons that bend the path so have had to invent it as I built it.  The inside rope is lifted higher to pass a twin wheel- the carrying rope will be in the groove at the top, while the distance rope below will run round the drum part of the wheel.  Buckets will pass over the horizontal girder at the top of the pylon.  If anyone says it is wrong- tough!  




D20 and passenger train passes under the line of the pylons.   There will be a safety net over the track, and another one over the road.  There are prototypes for two separate nets and also for one long one.  Which appears will depend on what I can manage to build.  The nets will have to go in before the pylons are finally strung.    Pic also shows that the water crane on the top level has found its final position and the removable derelict screens are getting dirtier..



All the very best


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Great stuff, Les. N gauge is not normally "up my street" but with my North East connections and knowing the area I really like this layout (love the White Steps which I remember as a lad). You must have good eye-sight though to plant 2mm scale leeks :-)


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Very many thanks for the compliments, Brian.


Now for a little progress on the screening house and the end of the flight.  I figured that it wouldn't be possible to see into the screening house so the turnround and loader wouldn't ned to be modelled.  Next thought was a big pair of drive wheels at the exit would hide what was behind them.  Following that came the reasoning that the framing for all that lot would extend beyond the building, conveniently hiding a bad join on the backscene.  The join is hidden- any resemblance between the framing for the start of the flight and that of an actual flight is purely coincidental....




Oh dear, guess who forgot the hut was standing randomly in the yard!  Still a little framing to go in, and the wall at the back needs strengthening at one point, but not far off ready for wiring.


Meanwhile I've still got to test the Furtwangen stock ready for Sileby next week.

Plenty to go at.....

All the very best


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