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Really enjoyed seeing Dock Green at Railex, well done on such a fine layout, looks even better in the flesh. Hope all went well and you enjoyed yourselves.


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Really enjoyed seeing Dock Green at Railex, well done on such a fine layout, looks even better in the flesh. Hope all went well and you enjoyed yourselves.




We certainly did Steve, great show. Thanks for those kind comments.


More later - it's very late and I'm off to bed as it has been a very long day - van returned to hirers just after 10pm.



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I took a few photos at Railex in Aylesbury which I will post later.


One of my operating team, Roy, had to pull out at a week's notice as his wife was in hospital, in intensive care. He was very disappointed but naturally had to be at home. 


This meant that I had to hire a van at very short notice (Roy was to have hired the van) but had to settle for a smaller van, two feet shorter than the LWB transit we usually use. I was reasonably confident that the stuff would fit in with careful loading and it did - but only just!




Although there looks to be spare space it's a question of what can be safely perched on top of other stuff so that nothing topples over as the van is driven round a bend.




You can see from these two photos that it does all fit but it takes longer and has to be done very carefully - so future trips will be with the LWB van, it's all so much easier.


As Sue and I were having to load the van alone I hired a sack barrow with the van but this proved to be a mixed blessing. The worst damage the layout has ever suffered (the "Dixon" road bridge broke away on one side) occurred when the sack barrow thumped down over the front doorstep. Fortunately when the layout was erected the bridge was undamaged, but we had to be very careful at the end of the show how we carried the baseboard to avoid further damage. The fixing on the operators' side of the bridge will require replacement - fortunately an easy job.



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  • 2 weeks later...

A couple of weeks ago I posted that I would put up some snaps taken at Aylesbury. I have just got back from a week in Norfolk so here we go....




You will have to forgive the backgrounds. I could spend ages with Photoshop but life is too short. 




I won't bother with captions for most of these pictures but if you want any details just ask.




I will post them in batches of four...




...so that's your lot until tomorrow.



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Thank you Chaz, always a pleasure to see your layout.





Thanks Grahame. I have said it before - Dock Green is quite a small layout and it becomes progressively more difficult to find new angles for photos. While people still like 'em I will continue posting 'em.



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Another four snaps from the Aylesbury show. I tried to get a bit of variety into what I shot but they do inevitably repeat many similar shots already posted. Regular followers might wonder at the absence of any of the J6 - it is still very tight and until it can be loosened up with an effective running-in regime it will not feature. Dock Green is not going out again until the winter and I do hope to get it sorted before then!










More tomorrow.



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Golly - page 200!




That first photo is of the Ixion Hudswell Clarke "Christine" from a different viewpoint. Worth a second look?









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Well done Chaz,


Inspirational layout.


I am thinking I might expand my little O gauge layout from 8' to 12' (x1 1/2'- 450mm wide)


Mark in Oz



Thanks Mark. As you probably know Dock Green is 16' x 2' (with a 3' board added for cassette work) and is very tight for space. It all depends on what you try to do with it as to whether the space works or not. More is often (but not always!) better.



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What paint did you use on the wooden wagons they are really good?





Various colours of Humbrol enamels, mostly greys and buffs with No. 110 "natural wood" as the base colour.

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A view down the old access stairs to the yard, no longer used but still there.




A view from half way down those stairs.




The hut and the grounded van - the van is an old GER 10 tonner. The prototypes never survived the grouping to run in LNER days but the odd body might have been found lurking in a backwater like Dock Green yard.







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Is scratch built?





No Marc, it's a resin body which at one time had white-metal parts for the running and brake gear etc. I removed all that when I discovered just how ancient and therefore how much of an anachronism the van would be on a fifties BR layout.


I'm not sure of the brand but I do know that the kit maker did a GWR and an LNWR open, both with tarpaulins moulded on the one piece bodies. I'm sure someone on the forum will know.



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It could have been a meteor kit. We were asked if our GER van was theirs by a few people. So it could be one of theirs.




Maybe, but I have had the van a long time. I bought the kit at Telford something like twenty years ago and knowing how kits get passed from one range to another it's quite likely to turn up on a different list, or to vanish without trace....



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<<<  A plea for help  >>>


Dock Green is booked to appear at the Peterborough show on December 8th/9th.


At the moment it looks as though I am going to be an operator short. If you would like to spend a weekend operating Dock Green please let me know.


No experience of operating 7mm models is required but you will need to be prepared to work to a sequence and to "fit in" with the way we do things. A familiarisation and training session can be provided on the Saturday morning before the public enter and I would stand alongside you for your first stint on the rota.


Can I suggest that if you are interested you send me a PM and we can swap email addresses.


<<<  Your chance to join the team for some serious fun  >>>


Too late I'm afraid - someone else got in ahead of you.



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