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Legomanbiffo 47 ETH sound advice


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I purchased one of these chips at the Hartlepool exhibition but unless I'm doing something wrong - it seems to be a bit lacking in the sense that the chip doesn't 'open up' in the same way that a Howes/SWD chip does - is it a case of me operating it incorrectly or am I missing knowledge about the sound chip itself? I intend to fit a bass reflex in due course to improve sound quality - but this wouldn't affect how the 47 doesn't seem to go to anything other than about 40% power (well that's what it sounds like). Thanks for any advice.

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There is definitely a different driving style to one of Bif's v4 programs! I don’t have his 47 so this is from experience with other classes. You don’t seem to get ‘’full thrash’’ unless you have the throttle wide open, from starting off, or when in motion. I’ve compensated for this by setting cv’s 5&6 at a low level and setting 3&4 at a high level. This does allow me to ‘’play’’ with the range of sounds without the loco shooting off! Hth, kev.

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James, the driving response of the chip may take a little getting used to but once you get the idea of how it works you'll be able to get the loco to do exactly what you want, on demand, in almost all circumstances. For example, from stationary you can trigger one of three different departures which is determined by how wide you open the throttle. Open it slightly for a very sedate pull-away, or crank it wide open for 'full thrash', plus there's a 'medium' pull-away in the middle somewhere. The loco won't shoot off because of the high inertia settings (100 ton locos don't shoot off, even when light engine). Similarly when driving along, use exaggerated movements of the throttle to trigger either thrash or coasting, and once they are triggered, return the throttle to the speed setting you desire.


Just out of interest, what loco are you running it in? The chip is set up for the Bachmann loco and may need a simple adjustment for optimum performance in a Heljan / Hornby / Lima / Vitrains, but I'm happy to assist you in doing that, just send me a PM. You can also download a four-page helpsheet here;




The bass reflex speaker will improve your sound no-end, particularly if mounted in the underframe facing down.


Hope this helps,



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James, the driving response of the chip may take a little getting used to but once you get the idea of how it works you'll be able to get the loco to do exactly what you want, on demand, in almost all circumstances. For example, from stationary you can trigger one of three different departures which is determined by how wide you open the throttle. Open it slightly for a very sedate pull-away, or crank it wide open for 'full thrash', plus there's a 'medium' pull-away in the middle somewhere. The loco won't shoot off because of the high inertia settings (100 ton locos don't shoot off, even when light engine). Similarly when driving along, use exaggerated movements of the throttle to trigger either thrash or coasting, and once they are triggered, return the throttle to the speed setting you desire.


Just out of interest, what loco are you running it in? The chip is set up for the Bachmann loco and may need a simple adjustment for optimum performance in a Heljan / Hornby / Lima / Vitrains, but I'm happy to assist you in doing that, just send me a PM. You can also download a four-page helpsheet here;




The bass reflex speaker will improve your sound no-end, particularly if mounted in the underframe facing down.


Hope this helps,




The English Instructions can be downloaded if required from the ESU Website. Any more problems/Advice, please let us know. Charlie

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(100 ton locos don't shoot off, even when light engine).


Want a bet?


Put the straight airbrake on a 56 and open the throttle and wait for some amps then release the brakes and wayhay better than a fairground ride. (Or so I'm told, I would never do this of course!)

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I am sure I timed one 0-60 and the seconds it took were in single digits or not far off!

Or the Tyne Yard to Millerhill light engine run when a light engine 56 was put out behind a northbound HST and rarely saw anything other then yellows ahead of it all the way back to Edinburgh.......!

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