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I have the greatest of respect for these guys and one of the most impressive things I have seen was a guy with one leg doing the high jump by HOPPING his run-up and clearing some enormous height.


However, I can't help feeling that watching is a bit voyeuristic and makes me feel guilty. Does anyone share this feeling?



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I understand the feeling, Ed and share your admiration.

As they don't start out on a level playing field, their achievements can't be measured in the usual way (although with 100% able bodied athletes I suppose a good big 'un will generally beat a good little 'un).

The real success is that they are competitive at all.

If I had a major disability, I doubt I'd have the strength of mind to train for athletic medals.

I have two friends who have both achieved wonders after significant trauma and they fill me with wonder and admiration.

One is sombre and serious and the other a joker ("give me a leg up" etc.).

However, they both go to great lengths to dispel the type of feelings you mention, Ed.

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Starting off with a disadvantage and then overcoming it is an ENORMOUS achievement, possibly more worthy of admiration than the normal athletes. (Pardon the capitals). Perhaps the media need kicking into covering the Paralympics, instead of barrel scraping for anything with the most tenuous connection with the Olympics.



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Guest Max Stafford

These individuals have overcome enormous difficulties through guts, mental and physical strength and determination.

They are true Olympians in my book.



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Watching previous Olympic Games on TV, there has always been one or other sport that I've known little or nothing about previously which yet manages to capture my attention. By the end of the competition I feel I know more about the sport, its participants and about humanity in general. It's illuminating to watch how paralympians face up to and overcome their disadvantages, and, in the end, evoke our admiration for their strength, skill and competitiveness in the same way as any sportspeople.

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