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Hi All


Just a quick additional post.....


Tea cooked & eaten.....

SWMBO's gone off with the car with camera inside so I'll try & post some pics tomorrow & more of a full update....


But just to say a big thankyou to Ken Hyland & the team of the Falmouth & Helston model Railway Club for making us feel so welcome....


The venue was excellent,we were well fed & watered,nothing was too much trouble & they all wanted to make sure we wanted for nothing.....


Thankyou all again for a most enjoyable two days


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


As promised an update......


As said above I had a very enjoyable weekend......

At times the weather outside was atrocious.....But inside it was warm bright & welcoming.....


The Saturday crowd was much bigger than the Sunday's audience but there seemed a good mix of railway buffs & families.....

Certainly lots of kids seemed to spend a long time in front of the layout.....

Most of them loved the flashing lights & sound effects of the level crossing ....

It was mainly the parents who noticed that the signals also worked.....

However some of the adults present ( not in the audience in front of the layout I might add) weren't so impressed with the level crossing sound effects.....

Will have to think about that as I feel it partially cost me a show invite!!!!


I had a lot of positive feedback from the audience.....


However I did have one or two running issues......


As touched on above the Kadee couplings certainly caused a hiccup or two with in some cases regular uncoupling in which case the vehicle was removed until sorted but more worryingly occasional random uncoupling.....

That problem can be sorted with a rigorous checking of not so much coupling heights but stopping the coupling rising & falling with the cam on the coaching stock....With one exception the wagons didn't uncouple


Also as touched on in the above post to RSLR the loaded OTA'S started to derail as did two of the sealions  partway through the day ,also had a problem with the Van B until I ran it the other way......

Apart from the Van B the the problems all related to Hornby stock which had been run on the layout at home but probably not intensley enough ....I've  had problems with Hornby wheels back to backs before and also occasionally the wheel flanges.....

This problem can be sorted by more rigorous checking of back to back measurements & more running of new stock....especially Hornby!!!!


However all the loco's ran faultlessly as did the majority of the stock .

Oddly I didn't have this running problem with Creedyford at the Hayle exhibition so I was rather caught on the hop!!!


Well the positive is to learn by my mistakes so I know not to take things for granted in the future!!!!!


Any way a few pictures.....


























My son gave SWMBO some expert tuition on layout operation.....




And finally a view of the traverser.....Exeter riverside according to Rambling Rich....




Well hope you like the photo's....Sadly my photography skills aren't very good but hopefully you can get a better idea of the overall picture of the layout from them....


The next phase is to fit the photo backscenes & finish off the coal merchants yard......

Then tidy the whole thing up touching up paintwork here & there  & add more scenic cameos.....

Also I hadn't noticed before but the signal box has been glued down with a definite lean........

I shall be adding a switch so that the sound effects can be switched off,,,,,My aim is not to annoy people but to entertain them.....


BUT LOTS & LOTS OF RUNNING to make sure I don't have a repeat of the small problem I had over the weekend......

The problem is I enjoy the building rather than the operating side of the hobby!!!!

In the main it ran well....

The main problems occurred when I wasn't concentrating & talking to people......

That's when one needs faultless running


Cheers Bill



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Looking good! I've been promised a day off to go to the Barnstaple exhibition (as I had to miss the Taunton RMweb day) - so I'm looking forward to seeing this for real. :D

Hi Rich


Thanks for the above comment....Look forward to meeting you at Barnstaple....


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Not done much to the layout for the last couple of days.......Just caught up on RMWeb......


However this evening I thought I'd draw up a list of jobs to do......

Now wish I hadn't as I ran out of paper!!!!!


Actually not quite that bad as some will only take minutes but others like the backscene will take longer......

& a couple of them are longer projects that are not necessary but will hopefully add to the scene....


Anyway Mojo returning......Problem is the garden needs doing.....


Could hope for rain every weekend I suppose!!!!!!


Cheers Bill

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Here's a few pictures I taken of Bill's Railway at the Helston Model Railway Show.
What better way to start off but with a Rat on a China Clay train! :sungum:



Interesting picture this ^ not only is everything in the right place at the right time but the chap on the left is lifting his girlfriend up by the hips to see if she can see the clock on the other platform (although I can't be 100% sure). Chap on the footbridge is looking at something. Passengers on the other side are waiting for the train which is now arriving into the platform.



Bill looking cheerful ^




And finally of course the Creedyford to Newquay service ^ My DMU with stupid amount of detailing and modifications! I think it looked good on Bill's railway.

As always good to see you again Bill and the awesome layout.

Cheers, Reece

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Hi Reece


Thanks for posting those great pics......

Funny how it does look like the lady is being lifted up by that chap doesn't it!!!!!


Your DMU certainly looked the part but as I said could probably do with extra pickups......

I didn't ask but how much has it been run in ?....That might also improve the running......


I'm sure I'll see you at Hayle at the end of May when my son shows Penmouth


Cheers Bill

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Hi Reece


Thanks for posting those great pics......

Funny how it does look like the lady is being lifted up by that chap doesn't it!!!!!


Your DMU certainly looked the part but as I said could probably do with extra pickups......

I didn't ask but how much has it been run in ?....That might also improve the running......


I'm sure I'll see you at Hayle at the end of May when my son shows Penmouth


Cheers Bill

Hello Bill,


Probably about 500 laps around West Fraddon and about 50 laps around Old Elms Road plus what ever on the numerous other layouts it's visited. This would explain the dirt on the wheels. Runs fine with no problems else where and performs flawlessly.


But on the modification notes it is possible to replace the front bogie with a newer Hornby version which has pick ups on both sides - additionally on this note the entire chassis unit can be swapped with a newer Hornby version. Replace the Pizza Cutter wheels, turn down the wheels in a lathe, fit newer motor bogie blah blah do this, do that blah blah the possibilities are endless (maybe one of the appeals of the available DMUs)


Cheers, Reece

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All


Not had much time to do a lot due to other commitments and a slight loss of Mojo.....


Anyway.....Had a running session today with some of the errant stock......

Having adjusted the Kadee heights all ran well with no random uncoupling!!!!!!


Still an occasional problem with the Van B's rear bogie so that will be worked on further.....


Fitted the switch so the sound effects for the level crossing can be switched off if required.....


Last week I scratch built from brass a set of Avery coal scales & gave them a coat of paint this evening....








They'll need finishing off but basically they are done....As an indication they are approx 8mm long x 10mm high !!!


Then today I built a coal bagging hopper......

Again only partially painted but you get the idea I hope....






Placed the hopper in various positions in the coal yard but not quite sure where it's final position will be yet......

As I'm assuming rail deliveries have finished I've been looking out for a suitable lorry to deliver the coal to the yard......

Seen a couple so may bid on them!!!!

Next main job will be to make the coal 'bins'.....I've assumed these would have been built out of concrete block rather than the traditional sleepers....

Also need a coal delivery lorry & lots of coal sacks.....


Well that's all for now


Cheers Bill

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Hello Bill,

I like the coal hopper looks awesome, I'd ask how did you make it? :sungum:

Small suggestion for coal sacks, I got these a while ago but I think they're Modelscene items but they look alright filled with B&WR's coal and painted.
Of course I already had these spare so they're now on Old Elms Road in the Coal Yard I built along with a Coal Lorry (but I think I written about that elsewhere).564520_493687130680161_197416138_n.jpg


Be interesting to see more on your Coal Yard Bill :)

Cheers, Reece

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Hi All


Not had much time to do a lot due to other commitments and a slight loss of Mojo.....


Anyway.....Had a running session today with some of the errant stock......

Having adjusted the Kadee heights all ran well with no random uncoupling!!!!!!


Still an occasional problem with the Van B's rear bogie so that will be worked on further.....


Fitted the switch so the sound effects for the level crossing can be switched off if required.....


Last week I scratch built from brass a set of Avery coal scales & gave them a coat of paint this evening....








They'll need finishing off but basically they are done....As an indication they are approx 8mm long x 10mm high !!!


Then today I built a coal bagging hopper......

Again only partially painted but you get the idea I hope....






Placed the hopper in various positions in the coal yard but not quite sure where it's final position will be yet......

As I'm assuming rail deliveries have finished I've been looking out for a suitable lorry to deliver the coal to the yard......

Seen a couple so may bid on them!!!!

Next main job will be to make the coal 'bins'.....I've assumed these would have been built out of concrete block rather than the traditional sleepers....

Also need a coal delivery lorry & lots of coal sacks.....


Well that's all for now


Cheers Bill

Hi Bill

The scales and the hopper are fantastic and they will look the part on Creedyford

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Hello Bill,


I like the coal hopper looks awesome, I'd ask how did you make it? :sungum:


Small suggestion for coal sacks, I got these a while ago but I think they're Modelscene items but they look alright filled with B&WR's coal and painted.

Of course I already had these spare so they're now on Old Elms Road in the Coal Yard I built along with a Coal Lorry (but I think I written about that elsewhere).564520_493687130680161_197416138_n.jpg




Be interesting to see more on your Coal Yard Bill :)


Cheers, Reece

Hi Reece

Those coal sacks are looking great.

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Hi Reece


Thanks for the above comment....Most appreciated.......


As regards the coal hopper I didn't take step by step pics this time but I will post how I made it in a day or two when time allows......


As Ray says those sacks look great......Is that a murder victim from your trip on the B & W murder mystery trip I spy in the unpainted sacks?

My only thought is that the sealed sacks are fine but the open ones look a tad too tall......

Rather like the Two Hundredweight size that was around a lot earlier......

However they could be adapted I'm sure & they do look the Bees Knees.....


As regards the coal yard I'm going to try to make the bits I need before putting them in various positions to see where I'm happy with them....

I will post pics as I go along.....


Cheers Bill

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Hi Ray


Thanks for the above post......Really appreciated......


I agree about Reece's sacks......Will have to try & source some!!!!


Looking forward to bringing Creedyford to Barnstaple at the end of July & seeing you again there.....


Cheers Bill

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Hello Bill,

Indeed your probably right about the sacks, quite taller heavier weight. I think the smaller ones are again Modelscene but I think they're only available in the pack with sacks and barrels.
You can get other ones from Ratio kits which are also good and smaller than the Modelscene ones, I found these are better for stacking on top one another :)

Maybe for your era you might want the much later plastic sacks we see more now... remember the coal man coming to drop them off in his lorry when I was younger.

Cheers, Reece

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,


Just came back from "Creedyford" and thought you might like to add some authentic greenery to reflect the current season !




I'm sure "weed" love to see it ?


Ok.....I'll just go and get my coat !



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Hi there,


Just came back from "Creedyford" and thought you might like to add some authentic greenery to reflect the current season !




I'm sure "weed" love to see it ?


Ok.....I'll just go and get my coat !



Hi Grahame


Thanks for the picture......Perhaps it's just me but the angle almost makes it look like a model!!!!


I'm sure when I was there last summer at about this time it wasn't so weedy.....& I think they were still building,or at least still working on those houses behind.....


If memory serves me right the coal yard ( that delightfully coloured green building on Creedyford )would have been just to the right of the last house....Progress!!!!!


Well I've been procrastinating enough.....I must get on with the coal yard...


Thanks again.....


Cheers Bill

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Hi Grahame


Thanks for the picture......Perhaps it's just me but the angle almost makes it look like a model!!!!


I'm sure when I was there last summer at about this time it wasn't so weedy.....& I think they were still building,or at least still working on those houses behind.....


If memory serves me right the coal yard ( that delightfully coloured green building on Creedyford )would have been just to the right of the last house....Progress!!!!!


Well I've been procrastinating enough.....I must get on with the coal yard...


Thanks again.....


Cheers Bill

Hi Bill,


I'm a frequent traveller through Crediton, using the train several times a week from just up the line.


If you require any photographs to help I'm happy to supply them for you.


The photo was taken on my mobile phone so the quality isn't to great I'm afraid ( perhaps that's why it looks like a model !?!).


The new houses were one of my last projects as a LA Building Inspector before I retired last October and sadly a rather good brick built goods shed was knocked down to accomodate the new development, not to my personal liking !!


Don't know if you've seen these on the site but I made a model of the station many years ago with a view to possibly incorporating it on a layout ......




Maybe one day it will appear on a Broad Gauge layout ......... maybe?




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Hi All


Not done much lately due to helping my son with Penmouth on its debut over the bank holiday & visiting  the Exeter show last weekend....


However, last Sunday I set Creedyford up & rearranged the room a bit so I could get at the front more easily.....

I  won a 6 wheel tipper from Ebay with a view to using it as a lorry to deliver coal to the yard.....I had bought an 8 wheeler but it was of the wrong era so may be recabbed or used elsewhere....We'll see...


As you can see it's AEC Ergomatic tipper in Hoveringham livery.....A very nice model......






I had started to take it apart when I took the above pics....I finished the job....  




The reason was twofold.....Firstly I had planned to repaint it & second when it arrived the butt didn't seem big enough.....

Aggregates are more dense than coal so a smaller butt is in order but to carry the larger volume of coal/coke a larger butt is required....


Plasticard sheet/strip/tube craft knife & hey presto......






Closely followed by some primer....






Unfortunately I ran out of primer before I could do the rest of the bodywork but hopefully I can get some more tomorrow....


I've also made a start on the coal staithes......but at the moment these are just strips of card stuck together ,so more of these anon....


Well hopefully I can get the primer tomorrow then spray it it's final colour over the next day or two


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Did  bit more to the coal staithes.....Possibly bunkers would be a better description.....


They are based on some pics I found on the internet when I put coal yard in as a search......

Basically 6 inch concrete blocks laid flat for strength.....


I couldn't find a plasticard sheet of this description but 'o' gauge plain brickwork measures out to be almost spot on....

A trip to my local model railway emporium sourced this......

The top & verticals on the ends are from .015 x 0125 evergreen strip  with grooves cut in with a fine hack saw blade to represent the courses....

These are laminated to a double thickness of card from a box of Tesco large bite biscuit bone selection dog treats.....

This is a corrugated card but quite fine & reasonably thin....


Anyway a few pics of progress so far....









Hopefully tomorrow a coat of primer then topcoat & fit in position......


That's all for now


Cheers Bill

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Just playing "catch up" on this project - The coal bins/bunkers look particularly good (as do all the other coal related things in recent posts)

Hi Mickey


Thanks for the above comment......


It's part of the scene that has been a bit of a mental block so I'm pleased to be making progress......

I'm hoping it's positive progress!!!!


Cheers Bill

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