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Photo editing software


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A few years ago in the on my PC in the USA, a photo editing software was pre installed in the PC and was able to easily do the example in this photo. My query is, does anyone know of a free editing program that will enable me to replicate this kind of editing over here in the UK. (I cannot remember what the program was called or have I found any as yet to replace it). 







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Thanks for all your replies.  Gwiwer,  I am not a mac user.      I am currently using Photoscape and Picasa. Neither will allow mw to cut closely around an image of, for instance, myself to insert into another photo. Yes, you can cut a circle, square, oval etc etc. but not what I'm wanting.


Of course, I may be using the software incorrectly for what I want to do. I have tried to find a way to cut closely around complicated images and so far I've failed.


I will look at rm's photo editor but I think it will be the same as photoscape's.


Regards, Ken


PS Just checked out the rm editor. Amazing, I can lasso part of the photo, so that is looking good. I now have to learn how to move that to another photo and life will be good. I see there is detailed instructions in the help drop down, so I will have a go later on.


Thanks guys, I guess the moral to this, is check out your own doorstep before looking elsewhere :clapping:

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Thanks again for all your replies. lookslike I've cracked it. Just a very quick test with the RM's editor and did this without, of course any alterations and editing. So it's time to experiment.



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Hi guys. Well, I'm pleased with the results so far. I have placed myself in my layout with reasonable results. (I hasten to add before I lost 2 stone in weight) But that's another story.


What I am not finding is an airbrush effect with a way of controling the opacity to add shadows and the like. Any suggestions how I can acheive that please.






Hi guys. Well, I'm pleased with the results so far. I have placed myself in my layout with reasonable results. (I hasten to add before I lost 2 stone in weight) But that's another story.




What I am not finding is an airbrush effect with a way of controling the opacity to add shadows and the like. Any suggestions how I can acheive that please.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Jazz,


best to copy to layers (panel on rhs) then experiment with the 'tools'  Plenty of brushes and I guess you can change size/feathering/pressure. It looks like a version of elements but it is not, it's by pixlr . Plenty of on-line help for elements, but the pixlr help is not too good. However there is 'hover help' and many functions have a mouse right click too. A bit slow for me to play with it - pity I can't download it to pc, 'cos I would give you a step by step how to. Anyway, play with it, you'll find an answer in there.

wrt layers, always copy image to layer, and lock background (icons in rh panel) then you won't mess up the original


fwiw the brush is pretty good, I think it works well enough, just little useful help.


Best wishes,



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