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MB used to have a retail outlet in Grantham I believe but I've no idea if they're still there. They regularly do toyfairs around the East Midlands - Spalding, Lincs Showground etc - and several exhibitions. A call to them would confirm where you could see them. I've bought items from them in the past although not spares, I've always found them to be helpful and in my limited dealings with them, a reputable trader.

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MB Models have some window space in a cake shop owned by a relative in Welby Street,Grantham.However Bill lives at Whatton some 10 miles along the A52 towards Nottingham and Bingham.He is a very approachable guy and a phone call should sort you out for Lima spares,chances are if he has not got it no one has.No connection other than a customer before I switched to 7mm.Sorry can't find phone number.


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If its Lima spares then I'd seriously just browse ebay for cheap complete loco's. Last time I saw MB at a toy fair he wanted £10 for Lima armatures. You can pick a complete loco up on ebay for not much more. His prices aren't exactly "cheap"

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I am amazed to find out that Bill is that age,I know him well living near to him,but thought he was about 75. He is a good man for his age by any standard.

I too wish him well in his well earned retirement.

Regards, Derek.

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