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Inspector Gadget is no more....


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I see that Inspector Gadget has succumbed to official pressure, stopped posting and deleted all previous posts.

A sad day that such censorship (however it is wrapped up) is hounding such things out - purely because the things being said are unpalatable to the official view... Even though they may be the views of the many of the police on the ground, and add an otherwise unseen perspective to the rest of us.




And yet we also have a very few extremely misguided officers suing crime victims?


One way or another, it doesn't help inspire confidence.


(bring back Dixon of Dock Green)

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  • RMweb Premium

That is a shame hiding the truth from the people you are failing to protect instead of tasking politicians with doing better. Is it me, shouldn't a greater population need more police to keep the weak safe and the wicked in line?  Is the american way of making your city bankrupt and crime rife the way forward for Britain?

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Crime is not rife in New York, neither is it broke - one of the safer big cities in the USA. Actually they are now suggesting that the NY Subway is far safer than the London Underground - particularly true with regard to random violence which has almost disappeared here.


Best, Pete.

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This is actually a great shame.  Since Black Rat mentioned Inspector Gadget on here, I became a regular reader.


I guess it had to come sooner or later - more and more Police Bloggers seem to be succumbing to official pressure.


The fact of the matter is, the thin blue line seems to be getting thinner and I am not sure I want to think about the consequences of that.

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I have absolutely no connection to The Police (musical or otherwise). Were Inspector Gadget to come to me, I would happily post for him! As a civilian, I would not be under the draconian control of police bureaucracy and would be at liberty to express any view I wanted in that respect, unless of course we really do live in a state that is as described by Herr Goebbels in a previous post.


Career coppers at Sargeant and below should be allowed to speak out within reason. Blanket bans and threats just destroy public confidence in our so-called rule of law.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm afraid (attempted) censorship exists at all levels in all walks so it's really no surprise that something important such as a police "exposed" blog would be closed down -  of course closing the blog down won't solve the issues he raised.


I've been an avid follower of Gadget for a good while now, his writings were down to earth and - to the best of my knowledge - hit the nail on the head, he paid due respect to "Office Down" when it occurred and ridiculed those who are ruining our once great force.

I suspect it was closed down because of the truths rather than any untruths. We need more police like him, "get out and get the job done" types not desk jockeys who watch Ruralshire from their comfortable new offices, probably getting subsidised travel to do so whilst the "can do"  have their numbers, pay and conditions cut.


It was a sad day when I went to his blog a few weeks back and discovered the "the owner has deleted this blog" message and I hope he finds a way to get the information out and into the public domain for it keeps those higher up on their toes if the ones below are champing at the bit and makes us, the public, aware of the truth behind the bull

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It's a shame that in this age of competition and 'privitisation', some of the proper ones with principles couldn't set themselves up as the 'Real MET' (or where-ever) and get the contract to do it without the policical rubbish, 'targets' and whatever else, and just get on with it...... But no, i forget - profit has to come first... dream on......

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I have always considered Gadget's expressed views to be a mouthpiece of the Police Federation (Union) and not really a genuine expression of the average policeman/policewoman. As I consider the Police Federation to be political (and leftward leaning) like every union, I question its integrity. Perhaps finally found out. You cannot carry on indefinitely slagging your employer for the changes in employer's policy without meeting with some resistance and comeuppance.


That said, I am against any form of censorship and would have welcomed a more honest and unbiased blog.


I guess this is one that will not be archived in the British Museum's National Archive of every UK website project.

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  • RMweb Premium

I have always considered Gadget's expressed views to be a mouthpiece of the Police Federation (Union)


 Strange , I'm sure I saw occasions when he thought the Federation was not supporting the ' feet on the floor ' and said so .

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I have always considered Gadget's expressed views to be a mouthpiece of the Police Federation (Union) and not really a genuine expression of the average policeman/policewoman. As I consider the Police Federation to be political (and leftward leaning) like every union, I question its integrity. Perhaps finally found out. You cannot carry on indefinitely slagging your employer for the changes in employer's policy without meeting with some resistance and comeuppance.


That said, I am against any form of censorship and would have welcomed a more honest and unbiased blog.


I guess this is one that will not be archived in the British Museum's National Archive of every UK website project.

 It's a valid point of view, all the same.

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  • RMweb Premium

Two things Kenton: one it did not read as supportive of the federation it was at times very hostile maybe because he perceived  it to be posturing at the members expense?

two we 'us' the people employ the police and they should uphold the law enacted in the name of the people not be spending their time manouvering for promotion or a better car.

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  • RMweb Gold

it did not read as supportive of the federation it was at times very hostile maybe because he perceived  it to be posturing at the members expense?


Very much the case, he was no lover of either the feds or the officialdom surround "the job"

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