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Factories up date.


This is loosely how things will be set up - WHEN I get the cardboard that I ordered three weeks ago !


Basically, it will be more or less wall-to-wall dereliction with a third factory complex spanning the tracks at one end which I plan to build in aged brick.


So, loads to do yet and updates on progress will follow as and when.







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Thought it might be interesting to hold a min- competition to see who can model this most realistically where you could count me out as I wouldn't have a clue but, and having seen Peter Kern's brickwork, I would hold him as favourite to win !









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This is  my take on heavily corroded and rusty pipes. A bit overdone possibly but I've seen worse in our loft ! 


With anything like this, it's a case of what works in the real World doesn't always work in a pretend one. Anyway, here's how it was done.


The styrene pipes are cut to odd lengths, placed on top of each other in a  random pile on a base piece of thin black plastic  then 'froze' into position by dribbling super thin super glue over the top which will find its own way down and amongst the pipes.


This is then instantly set with a good squirt of super glue accelerator and the lot then sprayed with several really heavy coats of any dark paint - I just used  a dark brown from Halfords - then immediately heap on plenty of talcum powder, give it a few moments to soak into the paint, carefully lift the work up by the base and gently shake and tap off the surplus. 


Follow all that by very gently  dabbing Colron Victorian Pine wood dye over the talc allowing it to soak well in then leave for about an hour where the talc will turn into a convincing rust texture and, once satisfied with the results, seal the texture in with several very heavy coats of spray mat varnish.







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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Allan,


Fresh from a few days by the sea, the pipes are very reminiscent of seaweed encrusted 'outflow' pipes... if you play a recording of seagull calls and see movement ... be worried ... modelling can be taken too far! 

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  • RMweb Gold

Ahhh, the master of dereliction, rot, degradation and decay has struck again - well done Allan!!! If only my modeling could reach half way to your levels of authenticity!!! I am sure even in the 1930's which I am modeling there must have been a lot of depravation and neglect about - just need to find good pictures for reference material!!!

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A little placement play to see what looks best where before everything is glued down permanently..


In the real World scrap is just piled on top of scrap and nobody cares what it looks like as there are no prizes for 'best kept scrap yard' 


But in our little World that don't work where everything has to be individually placed for the right effect - including factory scrap which has to be dumped in an organised heap !


So, here's a trial run.







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Just thought I'd mention it. How do you bend 10mm plastic tube 90 degrees ?


With 10mmp  copper elbows of course ! Pick 'em up cheap on Ebay under pipe fittings - other fittings and other sizes available too.





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Just thought I'd mention it. How do you bend 10mm plastic tube 90 degrees ?


With 10mmp  copper elbows of course ! Pick 'em up cheap on Ebay under pipe fittings - other fittings and other sizes available too.







You can get 8mm copper fittings too, at your friendly local plumbers merchant. (not so friendly merchants are also available)



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Boarded up warehouse.


This is the last derelict building on the micro-layout with just one building to go (already started ) which will be in considerably better nick !


It will stand on a wide road over bridge ( mandate bus included, natch ) and, for a change from flaking render, built in aged brickwork and Scalelink windows, all 30 of 'em !







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Bailey Street bridge.


This is where the factory will go when it's finished ( Scaleink's run out of windows for the first time  in decades!  Computer foul up, or so Bob, Scalelink boss, told me this morning )







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Bailey Street Bridge factory gets it's roof.


Still waiting for windows and will probably - no,  will definitely - be building a clock tower for it as soon as I've stopped typing this !


If you want cheap styrene section then try EMA Plastics on Ebay will be supplying the dome for the clock tower roof but  don't know about it yet !


Good company are EMA. London based and very fast delivery. And, real cheap Plasticweld solvent glue too.











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The clock tower.


Two hours in the hospital this morning for an eye check. Got home with eyes full of drops. Built the clock tower anyway which might be a bit iffy due to blurred vision or, who knows, on the other hand a vast improvement !


Just waiting for a dome that's on order from EMA Plastics to complete and, for those wondering where the clock faces came from, they're Scalelink brass etched.









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A little placement play to see what looks best where before everything is glued down permanently..


In the real World scrap is just piled on top of scrap and nobody cares what it looks like as there are no prizes for 'best kept scrap yard' 


But in our little World that don't work where everything has to be individually placed for the right effect - including factory scrap which has to be dumped in an organised heap !


So, here's a trial run.







I spy with my little eye..........Lego, useful stuff innit?

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Re the use of Leggo bits for modelling I have a vast collection of very interesting shapes and fittings rescued from the grandkids toy cupboard as they suddenly found out one day that girls are far more interesting than they ever thought was humanly possible and beat the Hell out of building intergalactic space ships out of plastic blocks !


Also, and quite surprisingly considering the kind of plastic usually employed in the manufacture of kids toys,, solvent glue will glue Leggo pieces together as efficiently as it does ordinary styrene.





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  • RMweb Premium

I do like the style of that factory building Allan. Something a bit different for sure.


Old father time must be catching up with me. I really rather fancy digging out my lego and building an intergalactic space ship or two..... 

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Not posted for a while as I have been busy tidying up, finishing all those odds and ends jobs that you say "I'll finish that later" but never do and getting the layout ready for a visit from Andy Y to do a photoshoot of the layout for the magazine.


So here is my latest factory building that sits behind the station building prior to moving from the workbench to the layout.






Walls made of greyboard with Model Railway Scenery Victorian red brick paper, roof tile some card and Wills slate sheet. Windows mainly LCut and Brassmaster.

Not based on any particular design just my imagination using shapes to give an interesting and uneven skyline. 


Sitting on the layout giving some idea of the skyline and random nature of the buildings I was after.....





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First stage groundwork.


Right. Massive alterations - as par for the course !


The bridge has gone, and the factory scrapped. Both were too overwhelming for a micro layout and kind of took over the scheme of things so, what will happen now instead will be a wall and buffer stops. End of !







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