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Newport Maesglas - N Gauge Wagon Repair Depot (Formerly Stuarts Lane)


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Thanks Simon, it's just Halfords Applliance white spray paint. I'm not sure I'd recommend it on MDF as it did take a lot of coats to overcome the porous nature of the wood and also to give a smooth finish, however the surface is nice and glossy so it takes the vinyl lettering well. In future I'd be tempted try a wood paint with a glossy finish



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Not really relevant to the thread but a cold, crisp winter shot from 2010 to say Merry Christmas with!

It's 66548 working 4V60 Calvert - Bristol on 7/12/10. I can't believe this was 5 years ago - I can remember the cold and the freezing fog like it was this year.


Thanks for all the comments and likes, hopefully the progress on the layout will continue apace in 2016



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  • 5 months later...

Jumping back in to the layout thread, here's the current state of play. Only a tablet shot, but illustrates the changes so far.


It's got considerably greener! Things are starting to tie together now. I'll do a proper update looking at the additions and developments.

There's a few pieces that are being done off layout and as these come together it should move the layout forward in big chunks.

The layout will be making its debut appearance at the N Gauge Society AGM at Corsham in July...nowt like a deadline!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Scenic work progresses as the debut exhibition gets closer. Firstly here's a coupler of sea foam trees, this is the first time I've experimented with the stuff. I'm really happy with the effect for a first attempt, practice should get better results. The scatter I've used are from Woodland scenics, various greens in the fine grade.


This is a Bachmann tower block, with added palisade and figures. The figures are Chinese 100 for £1.99 off Ebay and the palisade is actually Ratio 4mm GWR spear fencing, sprayed with grey primer. Cheaper, easier to use and harder wearing than etched palisade fence in this scale and looks near enough for me. Definitely a good time saver tip, I forget where I read it.


The idea is the buildings on the backscene are on top of an embankment, hence the bushes under the tower block. The buildings aren't fixed down yet, so I've just placed the building and bushes quickly for effect, but it should illustrate the concept.


Greenery is filling in around the retaining wall too, blending it all together to one coherent scene.


The long grass does look like it needs a shopping trolley and a sofa adding to it!


Final picture shows the bank at the side of the lane leading into the depot and the less wild look of the grass over this side. The colours have all come out a bit samey due to the lighting this time of night, but it has some nice summery greens and subtle variation. It's a constantly evolving scene and definitely something I'm learning as I go. Please excuse the bright green hedge, it will be hidden under more suitable colours and textures, it's merely the spine of the hedge.


I know a lot of people are fans of static grass, but in N for grass that's not overgrown, I do find a good quality scatter gives a more pleasing result. I guess more impressionistic rather than replicating 100% the real effect. Mine is a mixture of Woodland Scenics, Green Scene and Noch.



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Thanks for the comments guys.

So far the only booked outing is the NGS AGM but I haven't pushed it at all. We'll see how things stand once it's finished!

The lower level is indeed just two simple ovals - I may expand it in future but for now the aim is to scenically finish the layout.

The suitably grim tower block colouring is all down to Bachmann, though I have added a few figures. It's not attached yet, so may gain some little details. Maybe a Welsh rugby flag hanging from one window?

To add some depth to the backscene, I've printed some images off to give a collage type effect and introduce layering. The shops are a picture of one of the retail parks in town, but with the brands of the real Maesglas retail park added. Each building is effectively a kit of parts to enable any length and easy rebranding


Now a couple of shots with the resin buildings in place too. Once the lower edges are all hidden with bushes and palisade I think this will all come together well. Bare in mind the layout is viewed at eye level, I've tried to get the perspective ok for that angle. The truck dealership is a spare panel from a Pikestuff kit, with added signage off the computer, again based on real dealerships to get the corporate style correct. It's a particular bugbear of mine when things like this have no similarity to reality. Railway branded road vehicles on layouts seem to have a similar effect. Anyway, I digress. The pictures:



Finally I'm not 100% what's going here, either more low relief industrial buildings or this delightful row of shops. The billboard will get a frame and support, the advert helping date the layout! Again this is based on real photographs and artwork, not a fictional piece and is a scale 20' x 10' 96 sheet advert. The names on some of the businesses are however fictional, but I have tried to base them on real company signage on similar businesses elsewhere. That well known steel stockist Leo Archibald is named after the cats, for example.




Edited by Steadfast
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  • 2 weeks later...

With all this rain we've had the greenery has grown madly! Feels like the light is shining at the end of the tunnel! The 3D prints are Mercedes Sprinter, Ford Focus and Land Rover Discovery from Shapeways. The wagon shop was built years ago and has been waiting for a layout to give it a home. I think it's my first scratch built building.






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Thanks for all the continued likes etc. More of the same to begin with, more greenery and scenic buildings but this time the left hand end of the layout. The imagery of the buildings is from photos of the local industrial estate, whilst the corner of the warehouse is knocked up from plastic sheet and a 3D printed loading dock. I like how the cars through the fence have come out.



Also I've knocked together a billboard, scaled as a 96 sheet 20'x10' one. This is made from plasticard and Evergreen strip. The poster helps date the layout, an idea I've nicked from people modelling the 70's using Star Wars posters on their layout's cinemas for example





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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I've reached the stage where the bulk of the heavy scenic work is done. What remains is largely snagging, fine details and adding those finishing touches. One key are still to do is the gap around the concrete where it meets the ballast. There's also some stock to weather, including the 60s. Any other suggestions to things to look at gratefully accepted!


The layout isn't set up with it's lighting rig, the front is on just to gauge the viewing angles. Please excuse couplers etc, the stock is the first things I could put my hands on but sets the scene nicely. 60007 is a respray, 60011 is Farish out the box. The colour variation is down to the different finishes, side by side I'm impressed how close a match they are.






Any comments or suggestions please fire away! A week today the layout will be making it's debut to the public



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Spent today helping Jo operate Maesglas at the NGS AGM, it was a nice little exhibition and great to see Maesglas in the flesh now it's finished, (although it's never really finished as no doubt little details will keep appearing as time goes on!)


Here's a couple of photographs I took on my phone:






Well done to Jo on completing Maesglas' first outing! After the interest we had today it certainly won't be the last!


All the best,






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First up, thanks to everyone who said hi today at the NGS AGM, it was nice that people have seen the layout online and were keen to comment.


Cav, in the end it was achieved with spot ballasting to fill the gaps, then using washes and paints to blend the shades together to try to reduce the variations. Some judicious use of Woodland Scenics grass scatters and some grass tufts made by the Army Painter helped to hide some bigger blemishes.


Thanks for posting the pictures and for helping today Jack, I was pleasantly surprised with how well today went! You're not wrong, there's a few bits I'd like to get done, the Whatley inspired portacabin and detailing inside the shed for starters. The shot with the 08 really sums up the look I wanted for the layout and looking at that picture I definitely feel it's been a success and the backscene work adds depth to the scene.


I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, Mr Hale... I'm not sure the hammer was big enough though



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It was a pleasure to see a craftsman at work before the show opened - Jo banging in plastic pins which disintegrated as he hit them with the hammer


Pins was it?

Looked like he was panel beating the front of the layout with a 5lb lump hammer.



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How did the photos come out Grahame?




Excellent, thanks.

Here's one, the rest I'll probably publish in the N Gauge Journal. I should have taken more but the time just wizzed by.





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Thanks for the kind words Steve, it's nice to be able to showcase some of the wagon fleet I've built up.

I'll have to set the layout up at home somewhen for a proper photo session, despite having my camera and tripod at the AGM the camera stayed in its bag



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