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Hold & Fold - Any alternatives?

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I was looking at getting myself a Hold & Fold to help me construct etched coach and building kits in 4mm. Because the average coach is about 10 inches long, I thought that the 14 inch Hold & Fold would be best. However, I noticed that this would cost ??85 and that some of the smaller "forming parts" that are on the smaller ones were missing from the 14 inch one. I then thought that maybe the 8 inch would suffice as this had more smaller "forming parts" and was cheaper but still ??68. I know that this tool would probably repay itself in usefulness when building etched coaches and buildings and the initial outlay would soon be forgotten, but I still think ??68 and ??85 respectively are still large amounts of money for what are essentially long clamps. I wondered if there were any cheaper alternatives? Even the 2 inch Bug costs ??35.


I had read somewhere (either in the model press or more likely on RMWeb - although a search came up with no results) of an idea for using an "M" shaped metal ruler with holes drilled at either end to clamp it to a work bench to make a simple tool for bending lengths of brass. Although I realise this doesn't give any smaller "forming parts" it would allow lengths of underframe to be bent up in one go rather than having to use smooth pliers, bending a little at a time, which is my current method.


I am aware that Craven Models used to have a contact that was making something similar for almost half the price but there were problems with his colleagues at work that meant he stopped producing them. If there are no alternatives then I shall have to stump up the ??68 and get building some brass kits to make it worthwhile.





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Have you tried eBay? There are some sellers there who sell hold and folds or generic equivilants for a fraction of the cost. I got my 4 inch from a US retailer for only $35. There was a discussion about this on the old forum, but I can't access it at the moment to give you the link

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2 Strips if close grained stripwood from B&Q or the like and a vice!



Better still = two lengths of steel plate/bar (also from B&Q) drill through and bolt together - you have simple bending bars.


I have a hold-n-fold but still use my steel bending bars for most work - just less fuss.

The hold-n-fold is very good for those difficult bends where the plain bars are just too clumsy.

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Guest Max Stafford

This is the the inexpensive folding tool that I use. It's a little short for a 57' coach sideframe, but it does most of my other stuff perfectly.





You'll also find the multi tools useful too.




No connection other than as a satisfied user.



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Take a look at Metalsmith. They have various folding devices. I use their 13" mini folder priced at ??20. (True it's primarily aimed at folding along etched lines and has no attachments. That does not prevent me forming curves by clamping suitable steel rods in the tool.)




PS Why does the pound sign now appear as ??

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Another idea for shorter folds is to use a large brass butt hinge. To prepare it, you hold the hinge closed in a vise, then file the top edge so it is level on both sides.


To use it for bending, place the brass item in between with the fold line lined up to the edge, then press it down on a hard wooden surface and make the bend.


Works like a charm.


PS. I think the pound sign and at least one other digit is now showing as two question marks.

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