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Manna's Workbench, D2, Sentinel, Q1, N1, D3, a pair of J3's, C2, J6 +others

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G'Day Folks


Apologies to Londontram, for forgetting he asked me a question, The B12 wouldn't be bad, but the old Tri-Ang Princess, is even closer 26mm, only 1 mm out.


Haven't been wasting my time, been fixing up a couple of GN tenders, new wheels, coal etc, but no coal rails yet. I've also been running some trains, many have been packed up so that I can finally get round to plastering the ceiling, now that's going to make a mess, talking of making a mess, I've made the splashers for the B1 (couple of pics below) going to need a bit of filler etc.






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Thank you Terry I'll get a cheap Triang Princess off flea bay theres two or three on there that are only a couple of pounds, thinking about it I might be able to make use of the slide bars and connecting rods too.

Get your needle files cleaned up, they're awfully chunky. Plus IIRC the crankpin holes are huge.

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Get your needle files cleaned up, they're awfully chunky. Plus IIRC the crankpin holes are huge.

Hello Alan, I only need the chassis block really I'll be changing the wheels for 20mm Romfords anyway so use what I can motion wise. The intended loco has outside cylinders but no valve gear so thought off hand that I might have been able to use parts of the motion but we shall see.

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Hi all,

I do not know if this might help. But the early B12's and Halls used the same chassis, They just used different extender bars at the front. Now when the first Black 5's came out they cheated and still used the Hall/B12 chassis. Again with a different front mounting plate and different mounting point at the rear.. The only reason I know this is that I bought an early Black 5 and it still had the drive cog attached to the back wheel. I have subsequently set it up to run with an XO4 motor. It goes like a treat. There is some where on this site there is a post of some one else who has done the same. I am sorry though that I cannot remember who. Anyway my point is that could you not use the black 5 chassis and it's cylinders for this.

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Hi all,

I think I have remembered something about the Black 5 thread. I am sure that the person doing the other Black 5 conversion was a young lady. Pity I cannot remember her name.

So it looks like the early Black 5's ran on either B12/Hall or Modified Scotsman chassis with valve gear from the Britannia. Talk about using up left over backroom stock..... :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

G'Day Folks


Had a week away in the caravan, so no modeling, but it doesn't stop me 'thinking' about how to go about building my loco's, I did a bit of fishing to, always work out a few problems whilst waiting for the fish to bite, only caught one fish, (not paying attention) but it was a 2ft long Carp ! And there is always plenty to do, when we get back, always a list of jobs, we'd parked under some trees, possums play in tree's ?  and they drop things, so the roof of the vans was covered in Possum poo Etc. but that's all cleaned up, so back to the workbench.


The C1 has taken a bit of a back seat for a while, out it came, new splashers were built and the rear carrying axle has been fitted and the outside axle boxes, still a lot to do, but progress is progress.





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G'Day Folks


Time for another small update, this time I've been filling in under the smokebox and alongside the smokebox, amazing how filling in this area makes a difference to a model. a brass dome has been filed to an approximate look of a C1 dome and the chimney has been borrowed from a B12 until I can get something better.





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  • 2 weeks later...

G'day Folks


Time for another update, I've kept going on the Atlantic, almost ready to paint, the handrails went on today, I've just remembered, the cab front windows need filing out, B***** another job.






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G'Day Folks


A couple of days and a couple of coats of paint and she looks like this, still a ways to go and a few touch ups on the green paint, but she at least looks like a C1.













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G'Day Steve


Don't forget I started this, last September, before I went to Queensland, so over a year, I still haven't finished the other C1 Atlantic, I started more than 30 years ago, I'll put up a pic, when I can find it.




PS, the 30 years ago, should read over 40 years ago.

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G'Day Folks


Here's the 'Other C1' it's got a modified B12 chassis and a lengthened B12 body, so the boiler's to small for a start, but it looks like 4419, I might finish it one day.









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G'day Folks


While i'm waiting for the paint to totally dry, before I line the C1, it's back to the B1, no real problems, just the odd bit that won't go into place Etc. but all good now, I've given it a coat of paint, Black & Green, still wet and thin, when it's painted and lined, I'll fit the hand rails, doing it different on this one, as it may well be easier to line without the hassle of the hand rails.


Managed to 'win' a un-powered 'Butler Henderson' on E-Bay yesterday, so now I have a tender for the B1, looking forward to having another 4-6-0 on Edgware, as the GN, didn't have any 4-6-0's, so a bit different.






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