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A New Start


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Yes, I went to that from the link at Post 98. I thought it worth mentioning, as my first thoughts were similar to those in the link or maybe track.


At the same time, I also had a derailing issue - with the front bogie on H Potter Castle Loco, which rather confused the HST issue too. The Castle turned out to be Muggle Fingers on my part - the Bogie joining Bar at the Loco end, has a hole which has to sit around a small rim, when it is screwed to the Chassis. It is easy to sit the hole, in the bar, onto the rim, as opposed to round it. This simply restricts the swing to one side - so derails the bogie  ....   


I hope you solve your problems and that it isn't the track. Are those troublesome lengths laid on Gaugemaster, Ballasted Foam?




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  • 2 weeks later...

I am resolved only to post complete build threads as a general rule.  However as my current project isn't going to get to sit on my railway for a while that meant I wouldn't have anything to show for weeks.


Therefore here's a quick teaser of what I am up to:




I'm really enjoying this kit!

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Kind of you to say, Jaz, but as you know I tend to jump from project to project as the mood, funds, and materials allow!  As this is a pretty vanilla Scalescenes build (less the lighting) I want to keep it as one post as there is little head scratching or adaptation.  WIP is available elsewhere...

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I hope you solve your problems and that it isn't the track. Are those troublesome lengths laid on Gaugemaster, Ballasted Foam?


Sorry, Julian, missed this question.  The key place it derails is a track joint under the front door of the first coach in the rake hauled by the King Class below:




I regret to say that I think there has been a little bit of slippage in the track from lifting the thing up onto the wall, and combined with a slight undulation in the baseboard this is enough to cause the issue mentioned in the solution I linked to.  This ties up with the length of the train issue - there were no problems with five carriages but seven just kept coming off!


Unfortunately with so much else going on I've barely seen Wallington-Super-Mare since August.  The time I did have was spent cursing at the derailments and then just running some trains to cheer me up!

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Good morning,


The Shed is coming along very well, When the Beams are in, are you going to extend some lighting along them?

I'm looking forward to seeing what happens when that Garden Shed of yours gets in place.  ....     :yes:



Interesting what Jaz says. Your earlier lighting posts, using copper tape and the view of the inner loading platform in this one - when combined have just given me ideas for solving 2 problems for the future.

The copper tape can make connection and conductors for the lights and the [removable] shed can drop down over contacts on a fixed inner platform, which will, in turn, also make a sound locating block for locating the shed. The fixed platform will also provide a hiding place for the wires to come up from under the base.




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I was writing my previous post while you posted the track problem.


Irritating joint problem but, I guess, slightly less difficult to solve that some of the other possible scenarios.

All you need now is - time   ...    :dancer:




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Thanks, Julian.  The only thing I'd suggest about the tape contact is that you will need to ensure there is sufficient pressure between the copper and the power supply.  Card buildings would not be heavy enough (in my experience) to rely on gravity.


 If, however, you meant the tape going down the inside of the shed walls and the contacts on the outside of the loading platform that should work very well indeed.  You would need to make sure it was a fairly close fit, though!

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Thanks for the reassurance ....


The Shed is a Hornby one on the Sandwich, so hopefully it should be strong enough.

I will have too look and see if I can get some form of springing behind the contacts attached to the Platform sides. I have a couple of redundant Track Contact strips which might do the job, with a bit of sponge behind them.


The platform piece that comes with the Shed is a standard Hornby brick one  ........    which, of course, doesn't fit  ...   :no:

It looks as though the edges might get a few workbenches and cupboards  .....   :scratchhead:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally managed to get hold of Windows Moviemaker which turned out to be a free download.  Bit of a relief, that, as The Long Haired Controller's PC was being a bit shaky & I was singularly underwhelmed with the video editing software that came with my Canon EOS, although that might be a case of RTFM!


Here is the footage of the Hachette Jobs at Wallington-Super-Mare:



Despite the frustrations of keeping the things on the rails and then the camera battery dying so i couldn't get any footage through the station I rather like this!


Edit to add:


I am delighted to say that any issues I have had with the ancient Lima Prairie seem to have gone.  The pony truck which had taken to leaping about like a lamb in spring stayed resolutely on the track, and the King Class ran beautifully pulling CK, RC, BT, POS* & Siphon G.  There are still track undulations, but these seem to be manageable.


What is jolly annoying is that my lovely collection of brewery vans is a pig to couple up.  I keep these very carefully in their boxes when not in use, but the Dapol couplings just don't seem to sit at the correct heights.  I've had similar problems with my spine wagons too.


*Assuming these codes are correct for GWR era!

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  • 2 weeks later...

As the Art Deco station has been in instalments I thought i would throw up the latest bits.  As I might have mentioned the Head of Design at School is a frustrated railway modeller & has been very helpful with previous bits of my projects, notably lighting, but he had muttered something about vac-forming transparencies.  I caught him this afternoon in a nearly-end-of-term demob-happy move & we set to work:




At the front left you can see a roughed out block of wood which we used to set the various saws & sanders to make the moulds.  The moulds themselves are made out of dense polystyrene, the blue stuff in the middle with the first attempt at the glazing formed round them.




Sadly The Long Haired Controller says we need a new kitchen before I'm allowed to get this kind of device for myself.  Thank goodness for having a well fitted workshop near my office!


The Head of Design is a bit of a perfectionist.  After quite a few attempts we had something that I said I could use easily with a bit of fettling.  It wasn't good enough for him though.  I needed to get back to a report and said I'd need to leave him to it if he didn't mind.  An hour or so later I was presented with these (first attempts at the back):




He'd only gone and made wooden moulds as the polystyrene wasn't giving good enough edges!  Here they are in place in the canopy:




And here I've started getting the glazing bars on:





Someone is very definitely on my Christmas card list!  I've also ripped off the glazing bars on the second end  module. Having just two lateral ones was spoiling the look for me, although I'll be cursing cutting out all the individual vertical bars again.


Progress on the goods shed is also going well with the office and stairs in place.  I'm just stymied for now as inspired by acg_mr & freebs I want to finish off the interior before I can get the roof on the office & I need to make a wee chair for in front of the desk.

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We used to use vac formers when I was at Art college 30 years ago, lovely things, and a nice project you have there. You can use them to make excellent shop front designs, which you can then use over and over again. Adjusting for different shop fronts. Wish there was one nearby I would pay to use. I did several shop front designs for my portfolio. Including a jewellers shop with playing cards for display cases - diamonds of course. 1:20. Just low reliefs of course.

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Right, here we go, furniture for the goods shed office.  Had 30 minutes or so free while The Long Haired Controller got ready for a night out with the girlie chums so built the basic bases & tops.  After dropping her off and getting back to everything set glued tops to bottoms:




Because I had imagined every knife cut during the day these were quick as you like to make.  Choosing the lampshade took longest, then the idea of cutting a piece off one of the cotton buds I had been using to remove Glue 'N' Glaze smears from the art deco skylights sprung to mind...

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  • RMweb Gold

Right, here we go, furniture for the goods shed office.  Had 30 minutes or so free while The Long Haired Controller got ready for a night out with the girlie chums so built the basic bases & tops.  After dropping her off and getting back to everything set glued tops to bottoms:




Because I had imagined every knife cut during the day these were quick as you like to make.  Choosing the lampshade took longest, then the idea of cutting a piece off one of the cotton buds I had been using to remove Glue 'N' Glaze smears from the art deco skylights sprung to mind...


Oh well done mate, absolutely awesome.


That knocks aspidistras into a cocked hat!





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Oh well done mate, absolutely awesome.


That knocks aspidistras into a cocked hat!






Ah, but you can offer someone a wet/brew/goffer.  NATO?


BTW it was your ideas that were the seed I germinated to make the chair.  I was just a bit worried the legs would be a bit thick with the rod I had, hence the swivel chair.  Castors are little bits of rod & the seat is good thick evergreen strip filed down - I learnt that from your station sofa!

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Well I came to take the p out of someone seeing as i am getting hammered at home, but I have to say well done that man.


Speaking figuratively, Jaz, and not of your figure lest Batman gets medieval on me ;)


I was trying to find a cartoon (in the style of Donald McGill, you know a formidable woman and a henpecked little man who looked like her lunch) of a pub called "The George and Dragon" where a drayman is sayign to the landlord, "hullo George, is the Dragon in?"  There was also the lovely bit in Fawlty Towers where Basil says, "ever seen my wife making toast, Major?" before miming Sybil breathing on a bread-laden fork.


As you will know, dragons come in many hues.  In my Dungeons & Dragons days I was very proud of my golden one, a Citadel Miniature that was so special it had to be a Christmas present...

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Absolutely awesome stuff sir. incredible modelling! That's what I love about this place - a bit o friendly banter between a few like-minded modellers and we've got aspidistrae, teacups and angle poise lamps!


Also, I love your canopy.


The middle school my daughter is set to go to next year has a vacuum former, and a laser cutter!.. Now, if I can just get friendly with the art and craft teacher... :)

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vacuum former...laser cutter.......!!!!! I hope it had no serious influence over the school you chose!!!!!!! ......as for get friendly with the art and craft teacher.......best warn the wife what your really after :angel:  :jester: ............or else it might be :triniti:

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There was also the lovely bit in Fawlty Towers where Basil says, "ever seen my wife making toast, Major?

 I love Basil's response to being told that If Sybil ever found out he had been [gambling??], she would have his nadds off.  -  "She would have to sew then back on first!"



That furniture is very good too GWR   ....   




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Here we are, for Jaz.  Talk of dragons reminded me I'd found this little lot in a box which came out of storage.  Role Playing Games were one of the reasons my railway habit waned:




I must try and find the rest of the Citadel golden dragon (hatching eggs and head at the front) to put on show.  The Small Controller has also expressed an interest in Warhammer, so as he needs to improve his fine motor skills this could be something else he & I do while we wait for a railway in the new house - The Long Haired Controller has said she wants a new kitchen more!

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  • RMweb Gold

Well that chair and lamp look absolutely wonderful. I generally say "sorry for the horrible close up" on my stuff, but no need here, they look perfect!

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