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motion sets for A4 locos Who makes them.

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Hi I really hope no one minds me asking for advice I am finding it hard to source the information I need. 

I am a life long model maker of plastic kits but I really want to get into loco building and modding rtr stock.


My first project is to take a Hornby A4 Mallard and improve its appearance to make it look like it does today or as it was in the 80s how I remember it looking regal gorgeous and shiney.


For this I am going to replace the wheels with ultrascale wheels to give the correct thick shiney tyres and paint the wheels a rich deep india red. 

and touch up the handrails silver add a speed plaque nameplate and other adornments and gloss her up so she is ridiculously shiney.


The only trouble I am having is which ultra scale gear to replace the Hornby one or maybe i can reuse the Hornby gear that meshes with the worm.


Next problem is the motion I need replacement motion that fits the Hornby model but also ultrascale wheels that is silver coloured I do not want blackend.


Or if i can fit Hornby motion and remove the blackening. can blackening be removed.


Any help greatly appreciated guys. I have not had chance to post much here since joining a couple of years ago so treat me as a newbie and total idiot as the jargon in the kit world like throw and bushing are new to me. Cheers Rob

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Thanks I will do that. Are there any other manufactures.


I have looked at the A4 the brass masters kit here http://www.brassmasters.co.uk/hornby_lner_a4_4-6-2_easichas.htm


but it does not give details of the wheels and motion. So at least I know its possible.


But I want to stay 00 gauge

Click here for Ultrascale complete wheelset pack - the only things that might make you think twice about Ultrascale wheels are:


- the price

- the delivery time (currently standing at 6 months)

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Thanks for that. Thats what I am after yes thats a long wait time indeed but they look worth it. The price is high. Are there any alternatives that look like them. 

I really want to make sure the loco has prototypical thick steel looking tyres. big bright and shiney. I do not want thin tyres or blackend sets.

I would like to model the centre indented axles too if possible. 


It suprises me that so many rtr models have great detail and then they just slap on some wheels that look a little like the real thing. Particularly steam locos its the wheels that draw your eye the most I find. 


Cheers Rob

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Thanks for that. Thats what I am after yes thats a long wait time indeed but they look worth it. The price is high. Are there any alternatives that look like them. 

I really want to make sure the loco has prototypical thick steel looking tyres. big bright and shiney. I do not want thin tyres or blackend sets.

I would like to model the centre indented axles too if possible....

Other than building the Martin Finney A4 kit (which would be a waste in anything other than P4), this is the only other one which ticks all your boxes

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Good morning all

I use the Comet valve gear kits as I find them easy to assemble and look good. I do use 14BA bolts in a couple of places in a dummy run as I did end up once with two LHS valve gears for a V2.

The valve gears can be bought seperately on the Comet website, and can be converted for other locos by careful fabrication of additional rods/levers and plenty of patience.

Earlswood nob

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Thanks for all this advise I am hearing some things mentioned I have never even heard of I wish there was a model magazine dedicated to kit building locos and modding RTR stock. I am very happy to see all the wonderfull RTR stuff but I am a modeller and like to actually make models or tinker with them.


I am told model making of locos is tailing off with older generations in some model shops. but I am 29 and been wanting to get into it even since a child but have always found it to be like a secret society and your looking for the front door to start.


Are there any such puplications or clubs/societies  I could join. I am keen to learn.


Cheers Rob

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Or the EM gauge society. EM Gauge Society Website

A friendly bunch of people and at their Expo's they have all sorts of demonstration stands where you can go and seek advice.

They also have an extensive stores for sales of bits and pieces.

The EM gauge society caters for both EM and P4, where the Scalefour Society only caters for P4.

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Thanks I am actually thinking of making a small em or p4 layout or 18.whatever it is. I need to inform myself of the differences betwean them all. I am having a major rethink of what i want to do with model railways. I have been shifting some stuff in my collection and thinking of going into a new way of doing things. 


I really want to make myself aware of all the manufactures of wheels fitting etc. I was hoping to see good photos of the wheels you get but most offer nothing more than a list and it stops me purchasing as the artist in me wants to see the wheels im getting so i can imagine what they might look like on my chosen subject. 


I dont want to end up with wheels that I take a look at and then sigh.


I think I would like to order some wheels for just an a4 tender to mod first just to wet my appetite as i have a spare Hornby a4 tender knocking around.


Can anyone advise me of some cheeper but good looking nickle wheels to fit a super detail new version Hornby a4 tender. you guys are very helpful cheers Rob

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I was hoping to see good photos of the wheels you get but most offer nothing more than a list and it stops me purchasing as the artist in me wants to see the wheels im getting so i can imagine what they might look like on my chosen subject.


http://www.finescale.org.uk/image/data/images/6' 2- - oc LNER.jpg


Edit 1: Sorry, the rmweb url input parser is being its usual rubbish self, so here's a hotlink instead:


Edit 2: Sorry, the rmweb url input parser is so bad it's now giving a message: "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community.", which is even more rubbish, since the jpg works fine in preview mode.


Edit 3: try this one instead (although it's for a 6'2" wheel). I think a full description of the Exactoscale driving wheel system was given in a recent Snooze:



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Both the EM and Scalefour Society have lots of area groups. They are very friendly and encouraging. For the Scalefour Soc, have a word (send a PM) with "Decapod" on RMWeb, who coordinates the area groups. No doubt an EM gauge Soc member can let you know about their groups.


Oh, and read everything by Iain Rice - lots of advice about building locos, rolling stock, track etc. and some brilliant layout design books.


Good Luck



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