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The station undergoing construction here should look something like this one here...




So here to start is the material to be used - Wills Coarse Stone -and the cardboard plan/support cut out...




The patern after cutting out is reversed and marked out on the BACK of the stone sheeting where as can be seen, enough sheets have been taped together to cover pattern.




So this is the front elevation cut out where the front gable will be seperated from the main and projected beyond the building line: it will also carry a large bay window.




And here it is again in base colour.




So there's a start and more will follow as and when.












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Better get these uploaded before the "Big Surge" some freak wave or something thast threatens to wipe out the East Coast and Immingham in particular !


Well the flood warning has gone off and everybody is standing by with a packed bag and awaiting possible evacuation just as the station build was going like a storm.


Anyway, here's a little more progress which I managed in between nailing the carport roof back on and propping up the fence !!!


Cheers .

Allan, se y'all down at the soup kitchen.


So,first pic and the mortar joints are in and dried - see Colouring Wills Stone thread.




Second pic shows the outer window surrounds cut out and painted where the whole section will be glued in one piece behing the building walls and this, in conjunction with the carboard backing piece, will be indestructable - even with the "Big Surge" almost upon us !




And the Scaleink doors and one window ( more on the way) which though appears rather small when stood alongside the doors it will look more impressive when placed behind its outer window surround.




So we're off for now to see what all this flood warning is all about - and to nail the carport roof back on - again ! so more later.

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What bloody storm !


Well apparantly everybody got it - bar us !


While Iimmingham Dock - half a country mile down the road -  was two feet under water with an armada of floating containers ( and one carport roof ) blocking  the port the kid got stuck into the station and now, as can be seen here, all the major wall coponents are built awaiting Wells Fargo to deliver the windows albeit I already had enough doors.


What's what will be made clear when all the components are boxed up - right now its little more than a glorified jig-saw puzzle !




And a blurred view of how the doors will look.




More later.










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are the doors and windows bespoke for this particular building?


 The doors are modelled/etched by Scalelink on those at Gerrards Cross station ( in both 4mm and 7mm where the 4mm set also includes the windows ) in Buckinghamshire while the windows are standard pattern Georgian.


In fact I've built this station quite a number of times and this is the first time that I've used those doors albeit I used the same windows in every build.




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Hi Allen

This is absolutely fantastic, such superb fine work, it's amazing, well done.


Ok may be a stupid question?

But, how did you/ what did you use to cut the Wills coarse stone?

I've tried before and find it very hard to do.


Looking forward to seeing future updates and the finished station building

Many thanks


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Hi Allen

This is absolutely fantastic, such superb fine work, it's amazing, well done.


Ok may be a stupid question?

But, how did you/ what did you use to cut the Wills coarse stone?

I've tried before and find it very hard to do.


Looking forward to seeing future updates and the finished station building

Many thanks



Well Nelson, the Wills Stone Sheets look tougher to cut than what they actually are for although they're 80though thick it is neverthless a very soft plastic.


Always use a heavy duty blade in a stanley knife and you will cut through in three/four passes. You need to put some wieght behind it but it beats drilling holes all around the aperture, as Wills suggests, then squaring it up with  a file - you'd be there for ever - and nowhere near as accurate !


However, always cut from the back as the coarse stonework on the front will throw the knife off course when pressure is applied.


The other thing when cutting out window/door apertures, is to 'overcut' the cuts by starting beyond the marked line  at the top, then slightly past the marked line at the bottom and this will produce  nice clean corners.


Anyway, try it first - Stanley knife, heavy duty blade, plenty of elbow grease, cut beyond the corners.




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Hi Allan,

How do you add the lintels ?


Hi Stubby.


Cut them out from the back along with everything else, reverse them and glue them back into place but with the smooth side facing out.


I also do this when forming archway springer courses.




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The windows and valancing arrived this morning...




And here are the windows painted (Halfords Sandalwood Beige and as close to GWR Light Stone as makes no difference) glued in behind the main outer window surrounds.




And boxing up in progress.




Cheers Allan.


Under normal circs could have had this finished up to roof level and tiling but I've gotta fix the carport roof - and help the missus rethread and hang the nets - like you do.


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Right. THE curtains.




The missus holding up building ( under protest)




Other shots more or less the same but minus the missus.




Providing the carport roof stays on top of the carport overnight and not having to be collected from Immingham Docks, then more tomorrow.





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This morning the turbo cut in and the canopy got built in a blur of styrene and glue - here is the framework...




And here is the canopy roof glued down and the valance in place.




And this shot, taken outside, shows up the colour of the stonework as it actually looks to the naked eye - more substantial.




Now off to run the moulding around the valance, build the bay window, chimneys then roof.


So loads to do but I doubt that it'll all be done to day.




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Turbo guttering.


One of the questions I used to get asked most at demos was how do I make guttering and fix it so that dosen't fall off !


Well my guttering has to be the most unlikely and useless guttering imaginable - its rounded off at the leading edge for sure but it's just a flat strip of plastic glued down onto the ceiling plate as seen here and not once in 40 odd years of fitting chanelless guttering to hundreds, if not thousands of buildings, has anyone ever picked up on it.


In this game it's all to do with what you can get away with and what you cant ... which probably had most to do why my kit built locos never ran...









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Right. Yesterday was a no go day - there's a belly bug goin' around and it found me and laid me out for 24 hours !




I doubt that you can buy superglue any cheaper anywhere - £2.20 for a 50 gram bottle, and where? Eurocel plastics, look 'em up on the Web.




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This morning I was really smokin' !


The roofs are made and lined out ready for tiling and the chimneys are made and loose fitted for demo purposes - so no pickin' out holes, gaps and chasms !


Anyway, when you get to the roofing stage this is where everything comes to a screraming halt - making and laying the tiles - so be patient guys !






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Right guys, TILING !oh the joy !!


So, first of all you have to make em'






Then lay 'em and this section only took 35 minutes.




And so to colouring and first - load up with pollyfilla...




Then stipple on the Colron light oak wood dye with a stiff brush...




Until it looks like this.




Then seal by dabbing on a waek mix of PVA glue like this...




And this...




And where you are aiming for something like this - and the golden rule ?  Paper strips are no substitute for individual ties !!!




And later when the sealing coat has dried I'll try and put up a couple of shots showing how to highlight the tiles with a dusting of matt/satin black.


Cheers, and thanks for watching - you are watching aren't you ?!!











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You are watching aren't you ?!!


Hi Allen

Yes we are still watching and admiring your work.

It is coming along absolutely fantastic, the detail and colouring is amazing, well done.

Brilliant job with the roof, I would have just added some "wills tiling" :punish: but you've persuaded me to try out your technique some day soon, as the end result is just superb, thanks for sharing with us.



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