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Lidl display cabinets now on sale

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I searched the Newbury store and they were all sold out. I then visited one of the Swindon stores and they only had one of the smaller ones left. I phoned my parents in Birmingham and they managed to get me the big one.


It should be appearing in Swindon this weekend :)

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 Not the Wokingham store - I might be seen there and folk could get the wrong impression, but the occasional look in at the Crowthorne store just reminds me how the other half live ;)


Oh and just because I think the appearance is nasty and cheap looking (confirmed by the price - and because I can afford better looking and quality units does not make that opinion any less valid. It is down to each consumer at the end of the day and what suits their pocket and wall space. My tastes in furniture are evidently different.

Ah! There's nothing to beat a dose of good old fashioned festive humbug & superiority!

I am referring to Kenton ( small, rather uninteresting suburb of North West London) and his viewpoint of the Lidl display cabinets.

I am certain that many members of this board concur with Kenton's viewpoint. I along with numerous others however see things slightly differently.

Along with many people, I am quite happy to have two of the smaller display cabinets for my storing my stock, readers should note that I do not possess a shaven head, tattoos, trainers to be worn with suit trousers, a wife with a king size & massive hooped earrings, children named Wayne, Dwayne, Tyler, Bronson or Britney. I also don't use swear words as punctuation.

I do not own a dangerous dog, drive a Subaru / Accord / Cosworth etc, wear gold soverigns or have a working knowledge benifits, I simply need somewhere to store some of my stock

I would be the first to admit that the cabinets do not share the same design & build quality of Sheraton or Chippendale, but they serve a purpose.

In common with Kenton & his ilk, I am quite sure that they would spurn Lidl / Aldi/ Netto etc own brand products for something with a much larger price tag, thus obviously making it a superior product.

I am quite surprised that he deigns to grace the Lidl car park with his patently superior being, let alone to actually enter the store. They do have floor mats at the point of exit!

Heaven forbid that his magnificence ever be seen wandering the detrius in the wastelands of Lidl, carefully avoiding the shell suited dregs of humanity, rabidly foraging for tattered leftovers.

Whereas many of us would happily accept money saving offers, Kenton obviously gets his butler to order his pet unicorn food from Fortnum & Masons, whilst placing  a one off order with a bespoke carpenter, to construct a display cabinet of unparalleled beauty, hand carved from wood salvaged from the original Cross!

Each to his own. May I pass on festive felicitations to Lord & Lady Kenton, Tabitha, Tarquin & not forgetting Ulysses the Unicorn

Happy Christmas everyone, however empty your wallet may be.


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I am referring to Kenton ( small, rather uninteresting suburb of North West London)

Well that just goes to show a certain level of ignorance ... actually somewhat miles from a pleasant little village.


But hey, in the same spirit and overwhelmed by its consumption, seasons greetings and hope you manage to divest those chips in the New Year.

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Like Aldi, these 'special buys' generally stay in individual stores until their allocation is sold out. That could be a single morning to several days, even a few weeks, depending on local popularity.


They re-run them every so often.

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I didn't look closely - but I believe there were a pair of the small ones in Alness this morning

Thanks for the advice, but I think Alness is some 315 miles from West Cumbria - if I found the correct Alness near the Cromarty Firth!

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Not the Wokingham store - I might be seen there and folk could get the wrong impression, but the occasional look in at the Crowthorne store just reminds me how the other half live ;)

But where else does one buy his Lebekuchen around here?! I had a successful haul in the Crowthorne store on Sunday after a tip off from a friend.





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Apologies for the image quality - poor lighting and a phone-grab. I'm quite pleased although I uprated the hinges to something a bit more sturdy - B&Q £2 jobbies did the trick. After all that work, this is all the stock I have to show. About time I pulled my finger out and got on with some of the other locos still sat in their boxes!

A few of the trek models have been acquired too... just need NCC1864 now and I'll be happy.



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Because the lighting in my bedroom is cr@p, I decided to add some RGB LED strips. These can be hooked to a remote control to create different colours / effects. I've done the steam cabinet, as that was the worst. I'll do the diesel one later. A few over exposed light drenched piccies showing what the big display cabinet can hold:









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Because the lighting in my bedroom is cr@p, I decided to add some RGB LED strips. These can be hooked to a remote control to create different colours / effects. I've done the steam cabinet, as that was the worst. I'll do the diesel one later. A few over exposed light drenched piccies showing what the big display cabinet can hold:









Nice choice in locos there, especially towards the top!



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