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Slater's 7mm insulated hornblocks. If you use them, please read.

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Please could I draw the attention of anyone who currently uses, has used, or is likely to use, the Slaters insulated hornblocks, those with the black nylon hornblocks and brass bearings, to this thread over on another website?





The discussion over there has been pretty good, can we try and keep it the same, please? this is not a witch hunt, it's aimed at seeing what modellers think, and maybe what they want.




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Are they really THAT different = old vs new design (have not seen new design to compare) the photos put up on that site were so minuscule, I couldn't see them.


I'd agree with emailing Slaters as you proposed, but only if I thought that it mattered practically to me. It is no use complaining about something you don't know about and possibly really don't care about ... just like complaining for the sake of it.


Perhaps only a very small minority (of a small minority) are really affected by the change. We don't all have the throughput of 7mm loco kits to perhaps notice.

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Sorry about the photos on there, Kenton, I'd forgotten that unless you are a member you can only see the thumbnails.


The main grouse seems to be that the new ones have no leveling screw, just a plastic spigot moulded onto the hornblock, so they have to be fixed to the frames perfectly lined up for the loco ride level. And we all know how difficult that is.


New users also complain of a far more sloppy fit between bearing and hornblock, allowing side to side movement and a rocking movement too, where the slot in the bearing is now far larger than the matching protrusion in the hornblocks.

They are also much harder to find space to drill if you are belts and braces for fixing to the frames.


In their favour, they look much nicer, almost as good as the best cast ones, and the keeper plates are supposed to be easier to use.


All in all, they would  good addition to the range, but NOT at the expense of the old design.

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