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Class 07 - surely an RTR arrival soon?

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Hi All,


I cant help but wonder if surely we will see a Class 07 Southampton Docks 0-6-0 diesel shunter announced before much longer.

One of the major RTR manufacturers already has a chassis that with very little modification (as is needed to use it under a resin body (see below) that could be used.


These little locos were very attractive in their non-standard livery of SR Malachite Green with red & white lining and later rail blue on some and were particularly good looking.


With the forthcoming Model Rail commission of the 'USA' tanks that the 07's replaced in the docks surely we shall see an 07 RTR.


As the major RTR manufacturers struggle ever more to find something to model that isn't done elsewhere the omission of the 07 seems very strange.


Below I've attached a couple of pictures of my own 07 build from a Silver fox resin body mounted onto a Bachmann 03 chassis - she is soon to get a new latest type Bachmann chassis from their 03 as this is an even better runner than the previous design.


Incidently - this is the first (and so far only) model that I've hand painted the black/yellow warning stripes on myself - not perfect but I think not to bad - she still awaits weathering.





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I guess the limited area these operated over is a factor, the USA tanks maybe have marginally wider appeal in that sense, but an 07 would be a nice one for a modern day "dock shunter" style generic loco with a base model for the train set market and a more detailed one for the model market.


They could be representative of industrial diesels and have a wide selection of fictitious liveries applied. I'm not sure how many made it to industrial use.

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I do agree; I think they're the most appealing of the small shunters.




I have a couple; this one is a mongrel Silver Fox with Craftsman bonnet and boot now married to a new 03 chassis (as the old split 04 chassis blew decoders for a laugh each time out). I have discussed costs and it would be towards the pricier end (although not as high as a forthcoming shunter) and it is a niche market (which to date has deterred the blue team although it would only need a body tool with different wheels).

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I do agree; I think they're the most appealing of the small shunters.




I have a couple; this one is a mongrel Silver Fox with Craftsman bonnet and boot now married to a new 03 chassis (as the old split 04 chassis blew decoders for a laugh each time out). I have discussed costs and it would be towards the pricier end (although not as high as a forthcoming shunter) and it is a niche market (which to date has deterred the blue team although it would only need a body tool with different wheels).

I thought that was real

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I do agree; I think they're the most appealing of the small shunters.




I have a couple; this one is a mongrel Silver Fox with Craftsman bonnet and boot now married to a new 03 chassis (as the old split 04 chassis blew decoders for a laugh each time out). I have discussed costs and it would be towards the pricier end (although not as high as a forthcoming shunter) and it is a niche market (which to date has deterred the blue team although it would only need a body tool with different wheels).

Hi Andy,

Many thanks indeed for your interest.

If I may I'd like to ask you a question about your model - please believe me not in any way as a criticism (I wouldn't dare seeing as who you are !!)


Your photo seems to suggest that the model is painted in BR Brunswick Green which is interesting as I've often wondered what an 07 would look like so painted - and it dos'nt look that bad at all - I think that the attractive design of the 07 suits pretty well any livery including Rail Blue.

I'm very nervous about saying this to you but I did feel that it might be best to point out for historical accuracy that the 07's were in fact painted at the Southern Region's insistence in Southern Region Stock (Loco-Hauled) Green (British Railways catalogue description) rather than Brunswick Green - this being the colour used on BRSR non multi-unit vehicles. My research into BR liveries (and others) many years ago lead me to understand that the Southern Region got away with this demand as the BTC/BRB relaxed on the matter as the locomotives were for a restricted sphere of operation - in Southampton Docks of course.

My model is painted in the Stock Green.

I'm concerned that as time passes and older men of the era pass away that much information such as liveries (as has happened in the past) will be incorrectly recorded or simply forgotten.

Something very close to this is the muddled opinions voiced as to the colours used on the JA & JB (Class 73 Electro-Diesels), particularly with regard to the first blue JB's. At the risk of opening a can of worms I will state here and now that despite some people insisting otherwise (colour memory defficencies/colour redition in photos and print/differing colour perception between individuals) that NO JB (73/1) was ever painted in 'Electric Blue' as WCML overhead electrics.

If its warranted i'll start a new thread to explain more on this common mistake.

I do hope you wont mind me raising the point about the colour of the 07's but as I say I'm concerned that information such as this can so easily be passed down through the years wrongly so that ultimately historical information gets altered.

I'll await the 'knock on the door' from the enforcers with bated breath !!.


Very Best regards Andy.

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Do "we" know what that one is?



fine pic btw  :)

hi, ive heard that the blue team are going to do an improved 04 with a retooled body and making use of the new design 03chassis with revised wheels - it does seem a logical move to get both these lovely little locos into the range to modern standards.


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Never checked these out in green previously.  Here's one looking lovely:



wow just had a look at the photo and got a lovely surprise that its D2995 the actual loco I modelled. very many thanks for posting the link.


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hi, cant resist commenting on this photo as once again it shows the importance of getting a photo of the actual loco you are modelling.

when delivered to the SR class 07 had the buffer stocks (body) painted in the green of the body on the red bufferbeam, as were the steps below, this was in itself unusual.

this photo clearly shows the buffer stocks on that loco red as the beam itself, my guess would be due to replacement of the buffers following a 'heavy shunt' - a very common occurance in the docks.

interesting variation in such a small class !.


regards and thanks for the link

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Hi Andy,

Many thanks indeed for your interest.

If I may I'd like to ask you a question about your model - please believe me not in any way as a criticism (I wouldn't dare seeing as who you are !!)


Your photo seems to suggest that the model is painted in BR Brunswick Green which is interesting as I've often wondered what an 07 would look like so painted - and it dos'nt look that bad at all - I think that the attractive design of the 07 suits pretty well any livery including Rail Blue.

I'm very nervous about saying this to you but I did feel that it might be best to point out for historical accuracy that the 07's were in fact painted at the Southern Region's insistence in Southern Region Stock (Loco-Hauled) Green (British Railways catalogue description) rather than Brunswick Green - this being the colour used on BRSR non multi-unit vehicles. My research into BR liveries (and others) many years ago lead me to understand that the Southern Region got away with this demand as the BTC/BRB relaxed on the matter as the locomotives were for a restricted sphere of operation - in Southampton Docks of course.

My model is painted in the Stock Green.

I'm concerned that as time passes and older men of the era pass away that much information such as liveries (as has happened in the past) will be incorrectly recorded or simply forgotten.

Something very close to this is the muddled opinions voiced as to the colours used on the JA & JB (Class 73 Electro-Diesels), particularly with regard to the first blue JB's. At the risk of opening a can of worms I will state here and now that despite some people insisting otherwise (colour memory defficencies/colour redition in photos and print/differing colour perception between individuals) that NO JB (73/1) was ever painted in 'Electric Blue' as WCML overhead electrics.

If its warranted i'll start a new thread to explain more on this common mistake.

I do hope you wont mind me raising the point about the colour of the 07's but as I say I'm concerned that information such as this can so easily be passed down through the years wrongly so that ultimately historical information gets altered.

I'll await the 'knock on the door' from the enforcers with bated breath !!.


Very Best regards Andy.


No problem at all on picking up on that. At the time I did that one I started from the premise that they were supposed to be Stock Green (and we know that colour varies by RTR manufacturer) and sprayed accordingly but it looked way too pale compared to colour photos (even beneath the grot) so it actually had a mix of Stock + Brunswick and further weathering.




The loco has had a couple of bad 4' falls as evidenced by the cracked bufferbeam in that shot but it still soldiers on until I can do a better one.

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I have yet to finish my Craftsman kit, started many years ago, although it does actually run. I'll let everyone know when I do finish it, because as sure as eggs, that's when a RTR version will be announced!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Were these engines a variant of a standard Ruston shunter?Regards

Specially designed for dock work at Southampton, introduced June-Nov 1962, which diminished following the completion of the two container handling terminals in the mid 1960s with them being transferred to Eastleigh - D2985 & D2998 in July 1964 and the rest in Feb 1966 according to


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  • RMweb Premium

Hi, towards the end of last year I emailed Silver Fox asking about their 07 kit. They said it was out of stock, but they would let me know when they had some more. True to their word, I recently recieved an email saying they had some available. I sent off my cheque and realised that they were located very close to where my parents lived. More emails and Silver Fox delivered it by hand to my parents house, even refunded the postage included in my cheque. Very impressed by the service.


Picked it up yesterday, have to say the kit is excellent. One piece resin casting with minimal flash. Just 5 minutes cleaning up and its ready to paint (hopefully tomorrow). Also in the the kit are buffer heads, lamps and workers plates - some RTR models have more parts to fit. Also in the box - and unexpected - was glazing, already scored to size and transfers for the wasp stripes, very helpful.


I'll try and post some pics when its built.

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  • 5 months later...

With regards to an RTR version, I notice that DJM Dave mentioned that he was considering an 07 for his range but an RTR manufacturer has apparently beaten him too it.


"I have decided to create a range (almost a stand alone one) of RTR 0-6-0 locomotives (Steam and Diesel), and would have produced a class 07 shunter this year until I found out another company is producing one."


I've had a quick Google but can't find any mention of an 07 being produced as an RTR item, except for something that Andy Y says in his post (#4) "although not as high as a forthcoming shunter", but its not clear if this could be the 07 or not. The plot thickens!



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With regards to an RTR version, I notice that DJM Dave mentioned that he was considering an 07 for his range but an RTR manufacturer has apparently beaten him too it.


"I have decided to create a range (almost a stand alone one) of RTR 0-6-0 locomotives (Steam and Diesel), and would have produced a class 07 shunter this year until I found out another company is producing one."


I've had a quick Google but can't find any mention of an 07 being produced as an RTR item, except for something that Andy Y says in his post (#4) "although not as high as a forthcoming shunter", but its not clear if this could be the 07 or not. The plot thickens!




Nice to see this oldish thread still active.

I cant hep but wonder if the 07 is the soon to be announced new model from Model Rail.

This would make a lot of sense as Model Rail is already well on the way to the release of its USA tank - the forerunner of the 07 in Southampton Docks, so what better than to produce the pair.

I dont know if i'm right but i've a funny feeling about this.

Fingers crossed.


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Nice to see this oldish thread still active.

I cant hep but wonder if the 07 is the soon to be announced new model from Model Rail.

This would make a lot of sense as Model Rail is already well on the way to the release of its USA tank - the forerunner of the 07 in Southampton Docks, so what better than to produce the pair.

I dont know if i'm right but i've a funny feeling about this.

Fingers crossed.



My fingers are firmly crossed!!!



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Nice to see this oldish thread still active.

I cant hep but wonder if the 07 is the soon to be announced new model from Model Rail.

This would make a lot of sense as Model Rail is already well on the way to the release of its USA tank - the forerunner of the 07 in Southampton Docks, so what better than to produce the pair.

I dont know if i'm right but i've a funny feeling about this.

Fingers crossed.



That's already been refuted by a reputable source.

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That's already been refuted by a reputable source.

Hi Andy,

That might be so but over the years the same has happened before only for something to appear after all.

Until the announcement from Model Rail goes public I, like many others, will keep an open mind.


Mind you of course, you are like me I suppose, having built a kit 07 are we really going to be overjoyed at the prospect of being usurped by an RTR model! - but then it keeps happening.


I'm sure you have seen my thread I started in preparation for continuing with my GWR 'Kruger' scratchbuild. Now should I get worried about Hornby announcing an RTR 'Kruger' in the New Year I wonder (as if !!!).


Regards Andy

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