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  1. The Corris Railway is also worth visiting, a friendly line that is fairly short, so not expensive and kids shouldn’t get bored.
  2. Bala Lake Railway, very close. The Llanberis Lake Railway might be suitable because it is adjacent to the National Slate Museum which is very interesting and, I think, free. If you ask you can get off at the end of the line (arrange this at the start of the ride), climb over a stile and walk round the rest of the lake - thats what we did.
  3. I wonder how many 00 scale people on our layouts will be seeking compensation because no trains were able to run?
  4. Glad to see an exhibition quite close to where I live, unfortunatly I’m rostered to work that day, otherwise I could have been persuaded to bring one or two of my micro layouts.
  5. I would be happy with reliveried Mk3s, although I could repaint them myself. But first I would need both power cars.
  6. My e-bike has a Bosch motor in the centre round the pedals. The problems getting the back wheel off are removing the chain case, disconnecting the brakes, then almost impossible while on the road - there are torque sensors which have to be removed before you can get the rear wheel out. These have to be removed and fitted in certain ways which I struggled to understand even at home watching how to do it on Youtube. If you can get the tyre off the rim, find the puncture and put a patch over it, you can probably fix it on the road. The puncture had a unexpected ending. I pushed the bike heading towards a bus stop, hoping to get it home on the bus (as I work for the bus company I expected the driver would let me and bike on). However, as I reached the road one of our coaches appeared driven by the boss. He pulled up, I put the bike in the underfloor lockers. He was driving a new schoolbus route, so I was able to learn the new route.
  7. My wife and I both have Gazelle e-bikes (made in the Netherlands) bought from Cycle Heaven in York. They let us try them out before buying. We had a lot of problems with our first e-bikes (new technology at the time) but both Gazelle and Cycle Heaven sorted everything out very satisfactorily. The current bikes have been reliable and are excellent to ride. I’ve done 2,500 miles on mine with only one problem - a rear wheel puncture. Getting the rear wheel off to replace the inner tube was so difficult I had to take it back to their workshop. It’s worth asking retailers about this because as well as the chain, there are sensors and cables which may need detatching. The bikes are currently advertised at `£2,300 each, which we think is reasonable for bikes which are made to be used every day and in most weathers. One lady I know bought a e-bike about the same time and in 5 years has done 22,000km on it! The Gazelle bikes have a choice of battery, giving a choice of range. We bought the ones with the biggest battery, partially because batteries do lose charge as they get older. I often cycle along the seafront and the wind can be so strong that I have to use full boost power plus me pedalling in just 2nd gear, that does eat up battery power quickly, but coming back the wind blows me home. The bikes are insured, including third party liability, the policy does require the use of a high quality (expensive) lock even when in the garage at home. The insurance has ‘breakdown cover’, but all it is is arrange a taxi for you and your bike yourself and we’ll pay for it.
  8. I like the plan, especially the carriage siding between the platforms which makes it look more spacious with a very useful siding that adds in some extra shunting. I would have a control panel im the space in front of the headshunt, unless you had a model of something like the Guiness brewery with a narrow gauge railway.
  9. Bad at Northern too. Instead of a roughly hourly service, Morecambe has had just three trains all day.
  10. I might have some track laid by then for it to run on.
  11. If you e-ticket comes as an email, it’s very easy to delete the email (and ticket) by mistake. Indeed my phone can be set to delete email automatically.
  12. Suggest you try Tamyia acrylics, they are good.
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