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Jack's Present Day Workbench - Coaches of Many Colours

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Hi everyone,

I've decided to start a thread to share my modelling...I'm fairly new on here, but have been modelling for about 7 years, and now have a great selection of modern image stock, which at some point will all get some form of detailing. over the past years though, not much has been done as I was inexperienced and I have moved the workbench 3 times before now, but I am now settled and have more knowledge.

So...firstly, the workbench;


This has all the tools I need, although my collection is ever growing. I am also fortunate to have a magnetic board at the back to stick up prototype photos.


A Bachmann DRS 57;



A long term project: a Lima 67;



A West Coast ViTrains 47;



Bachy Freightliner 66;



GBRF Bachmann shed;



Hornby MK3 TGS to be NR yellow 977994 track recording coach;



And finally...Bachmann nuclear flask wagon;



Oh yes...almost forgot... To add to all this, I have a small photo plank, small depot layout/diorama (of which the depot and track and fuelling point and inspection pits are all kit bashed/scratch built), a 6'x4' roundy roundy, and various club projects on the go too :no:


Well...rather alot!! I will describe all and the work done on them in due course... :locomotive:


If you've read all of this you're a star! :sungum:


More to follow,



Edited by Jack374
(Edits for thread title)
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Just had a quick 5 mins before tea (toad in the hole......yum!! :D) not done anything, just a bit of a tidy up and rearrange as the freightliner 66 and the DRS 57 have been moved off as they only need weathering now...making room for another project.........what'll it be? I'll have a think......... :dontknow:





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Evening all,

I've not had much chance to do anything recently, but I have started a mini project...a Bachmann EWS MTA open ballast wagon. I do like these small engineer's wagons, and have a rake of about 7, all weathered, detailed and loaded...apart from this one...



Hopefully it will look like a previous one;



I'm also experimenting with tiny neodinium 1mm x 0.5mm magnets to couple brake pipes, as Jim S.W did;



And yes I know I don't model P4, but they look very realistic and (Seem) simple to make...


Now...I said I'd tell you about the various projects on the go, so here's the first...an EWS cl67 (to become 67017 'Arrow')

This is the decoder socket and home made lighting board;


Fully detailed bufferbeam (and sprung buffers :locomotive: )


scratch built underframe/air tanks;


New Light arrangement;


flat cab front awaiting WIPAC light clusters


...And finally...cab hand rails gouged out ready for wire replacements...



More soon...


Jack :sungum:

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Tonight I started a new project...a VT class 57/3 to become 57309 'Brains'. Firstly, a remumber...Old number;


...And no number...


I'll apply the decals tomorrow as i feel i'd mess it up tonight <YAWN>....

As I couldn't find any VT 57 nameplates, I had a go at making my own from Slater's 2mm tall letters/numbers and thin Plastikard;


They may be a little thick, so please tell me if you feel the same...

And finally I started (well...actually...nearly finished!) making a working Dellner retractable coupling


This will use a 3mm dia. magnet to connect to a pendolino/voyager


A quick project...making FNA 'Nuke' no. 43 into no. 48 by adding the other half of the '3';



Back to the MTA, I've finished the working air pipes, and IMHO I think they look the biz;


Also finished the load





Jack. :senile:


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another quick update. This is a 'Nuke' I did earlier...No. 38 > 33;



This is more progress on the Dellner coupling, re assembled with air resevoir/brake pipes and coloured (Permanent Marker...);



This is the NR coach 977994 chassis with interior lights and laser/camera lights on the rails;



Now.....here is 47787 with modified lighting as I find the original lights stupid,





I've done this with tiny 0603 SMD LED's attached to some modified veroboard


And finally, a scratchbuilt depot made of plastikard with lighting for my next layout;



And guess who won a Hornby super detailed 08 and 3 ballast wagons on Ebay for £45.00..........and then 3 loco bodies including a Hornby super detailed class 60 for £10.00......... :sungum: :senile:  :O :boast:




Jack :D

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Hi everyone,

I've not got much done recently due to there being a few important exams at school this week...but I'm on holiday for a week now! :D ...so expect more modelling for a bit. 

As I said in the last post, I won 2 items on Ebay which arrived (thankfully intact) on Wednesday...

3 loco bodies (a BR Blue 86+a primer class 90+a Hornby 'Super Detailed' class 60). The 86 is a lima/really old Hornby one, the 90 has been primed (do I see a DRS 'Skoda' in the near future???) but the 'Tug' is a really good steal, with all the grilles attached, and he also gave me a bag of detail parts for the 60, some for the 90/86, but many other bits like class 92 collector shoes...all for a 'tenner'! :boast:


The second was a Hornby 'S.D' 08 and 3 EWS coal wagons (Those RailRoad ones marked as YGB 'Seacows'). He advertised the 08 as 'Analogue only', but a nice surprise when I opened it...a DCC chip fitted! :locomotive: .....not bad for £45!


Anyway, I made a start on the wagons, sawing off the overscale couplings and adding brass draw hooks from Brassmasters;


I'm also going to have a crack at building a replacement body out of Plastikard as (for a ballast wagon) the wagons seem a bit tall;post-21664-0-24527500-1392411281_thumb.jpg


Right...the 'Gronk',

This is the cab with one door superglued open...there will be a EWS driver leaning out in his Hi-Vis and cap;


I had an idea to get cab lights without using F1...because I'm not going to attempt to install lights as they're waaayyyy out of my skill zone, I connected an LED/Resistor to the front+rear negative and the positive function common;



Here they are on;


(It does look better in real life)


But guess which fool shorted 2 wires and blew the lighting part of the chip up... :no2: it was easily swapped for a chip out of a steamer though, as the motor part worked fine :secret:





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Thanks Steve, I'm still an ametuer... :yes: :senile:

As promised, today has seen alot of action, including the completion of 08799.


First though, I added ends to the wagon body and sanded smooth ready for the application of bodyside ribs (when I've been to the Model Shop!);



Now, dunno whether I said earlier, but the 08 came with no cabside windows, and I couldn't see the point in buying a laserglaze pack for the sake of just 2 windows, so I made my own using some windows from the bag of goodies I got with the Ebay win...


And duly attached them using Deluxe Glue 'n' Glaze;


(Sorry about the cruel close-ups :no: )

Here's the little EWS driver with Vizy vest and maroon baseball cap;


And that's it in terms of detailing, but whilst painting the buffers black, I (accidentally) had a go at weathering it with a dry brush, my first attempt, and IMHO it's not too bad;


And here it is on the layout with some wagons;




Probably not much will be done tomorrow as we have a walk planned...we'll see... :dontknow:





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Evening all,

Lots done today as I've got loads of time on my hands...


To start, I have weathered 57007 using dry brushing;


(My snack lies in the background... Yum! :nyam:

Then I set about renumbering 57307 - 57309 using Railtec Models DRS number transfers (which are excellent)...


How I do it;


One of them soaking...


And done!


(In real life theyre not this obvious...crude close-up :nono: )


Also finished the turnouts for my depot/diorama in progress (I'll start a layout thread nearer the time...watch my signature!! :mail: )



(And because of this have no solder left... :angry: )


One more thing...I started adding the missing lights to the Bachy '66' (Position lights)...but as I've not finished and will have it done tomorrow...look forward to a step by step guide... :senile:


Thanks, Jack. :sungum:

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Unfortunately not, I removed them with T-Cut in the previous post Post No.6 ( :O ).......It would make life alot easier though, maybe an Idea for businesses to look in to.... :yes:


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Postie just delivered yet another Ebay win...... A Hornby cl60 chassis for spares...



...With bogies (No worms though)...



...And the best bit... a 5-pole motor (I've checked it runs!). These go for about £20 on their own!...



And all this squeezed £10 out of my wallet! :boast:


Look out for a future project with the body I won too...



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Bachmann cl66 conversion

As promised, here is how to add the missing lights to a Bachy 'shed':

First, remove the cabs (Pull upwards), and also the black light inserts, which you can then butcher with a sharp scalpel like this:


Then drill out the printed on light using a 0.9mm bit and slice to make a rectangle.

Next, file/cut (whichever suits) a piece of 1.5mm fibre optic wire to about 0.8mm width and 1cm length like so...(so it fits in hole)


(Sorry about the close up!..)

...And glue in...

..And also paint the inside of the midlle R/H lens black...

Then the hard bit...using a magnifying glass (I don't...I'm too young...), solder an 0603 type SMD LED to the unused pads on the RH side of the light curcuit (Get it the right way round... it tells you on the board, and the - on the LED is the way the arrow points...I would take a pic but its far too small)...lit up:


Then you have to solder a wire from the + pad on the RH side to the other white LED +....(Click to enlarge to understand):


Finally replace the black surround and seal any light bleed with Blu-Tack:


I also increased the ride height by inserting a 1mm washer between bogie tower and chassis and painted the driver:


...and also attached sanding pipes made from grey elastic...


These will be attached to the bogies once they've been weathered.

There you have it then! If I haven't put you off attempting it, feel free to ask questions as my describing skills are shocking... :nono:



- - - - - - - - -


In other news...

I found some plastic rod and angle, so added it to my scratchbuilt engineers wagon body;



...And have painted warning panels on my 67...first white primer (spray can):


Then yellow (Brushed):







EDITED as my picture organising skills are shocking too!

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I had a good day out today (See my other thread), so hardly 'out got done,

But I did manage to file down and refine the wagon body...


...And add 3-link couplings to all of the wagons...


...And paint the replacement wheel with Railmatch 'Frame Dirt'...



Also, I weathered 47787 using dry brushing:


...With exhaust blackening (It really needs a clag generator...future project??? :music:






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  • 3 weeks later...


Not alot has been done recently for various reasons, but today I strted a new project as others have been finished.... a DRS 37/0 (to become 37259):

first I took out the wheels and lined them up ready for painting (Now done with white tyre marks)...


Then when the fuel tank has been removed (For switches), the chassis looks like this,


Next the plasticky ViTrains buffers were cut off and smoothed down...


Then I cut off the ETH cable holes and glued on some end pieces to the bufferbeam...


These are the (frankly stupid) ViTrains lighting arrangements, which vaguely reach some fibre optics on the nose of the body, with extreme light bleed...


These have since been taken out and would have to be replaced anyway because the new noses (PHDesigns) will have WIPAC clusters.


And finally...

I attempted using T-Cut to remove the numbers, but the paintwork was so thin it took it right off!


Full strip and repaint is in order me thinks! ...





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Ouch what did you administer the t-cut with, I always start with a cotton bud....

but then I am a complete chicken....


I did do it with a cotton bud, but after I'd cleaned it the old numbers still showed through so I rubbed it down with very fine wet and dry...

Do Phoenix still trade in the UK does anyone know? Looking at acquiring some superstrip...



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