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LNER shunting into forward section

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Just wondering if anyone out there knows what LNER did before rule 31 was introduced I think in the 1960s? I saw a discussion on another forum discussing this issue in relation to SR. There discussion indicated it was all new to LNER and SR, (in terms of bell codes at least) which explains why there were no bell codes for it. Maybe they just signaled the train forward and cancelled it? I am probably missing something as my s31 is about parallel lines.





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I belive Shunting in to Forward Section originated on the L&Y and was obviously absorbed into the LMS Block Regs. When I can find them, I have my late father's LNER block books, but where, I don't know. When I was signalman at Beverley Cherry Tree, in 1980 and 1983, trains were Blocked on as normal and cancelled when drawn back. Shortly after I left, Shunt into Forward Section was introduced. This possibly suggests the old LNER principle had lingered on. 

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  • RMweb Gold

It was introduced into the printed Block Regulations applicable to the Eastern Region from 1st October 1960 however the introductory notes for the new book indicate that it had previously been in use on the ER but only covered by individual Signalbox Special Instructions. The Regulation could only be used where authorised - if it wasn't authorised the work around would be to do as Mick has indicated  


It was Regulation 35 in the 1934 LMS Absolute Block Regulations and does not appear in either the GWR or SR 1930s reissue of the Block Regulations.  However the fact that it wasn't included in the Regulations doesn't necessarily mean that the principle wasn't used of course, that would really mean having to delve out individual signalbox Instructions - if they can be found.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I see that in the LNER 1931 Regulations, the activity is referred to:



46. Shunt-ahead signals, where provided, are placed

below the signal controlling the entrance to the section

and when lowered, authorise the latter signal to

be passed at Danger for shunting purposes only, and a

train must not proceed on its journey until the signal controlling

the entrance to the section has been has been lowered


No reference to the bell codes for shunting into forward section though that I can find in the Rules or General appendix.



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I see that in the LNER 1931 Regulations, the activity is referred to:



46. Shunt-ahead signals, where provided, are placed

below the signal controlling the entrance to the section

and when lowered, authorise the latter signal to

be passed at Danger for shunting purposes only, and a

train must not proceed on its journey until the signal controlling

the entrance to the section has been has been lowered


No reference to bell codes though.



You are Ref to Rule 46 of the Rule Book. Bell Signals etc were/are contained in the Block Regulation Book(s).

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Thanks Mark and Mick,


I could have made that clearer :)


Yes bell codes in the Block Regulations, but not it seems until after end LNER though they were presumably in special instructions, Just none in the General Regulation or General appendix that I can find.  Mind you I am definitely no expert.  Just curious about when the bell codes came into use for LNER



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