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Nile's Mostly Freelance Bodging Bench - Pre-Grouping Locos

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  • RMweb Premium

You may be able to spot a theme here. Having replaced the whistles and shield with better parts I wasn't happy with the safety valve cover, the top was looking a bit featureless. Rather than replace the whole thing, which could get a bit messy, I tried to improve it and make it look a bit more like it's supposed to. I drilled holes in the top and inserted 0.5mm brass rods into them, then cut and filed them down.



I've glued some lead sheet into the bunker to improve the balance of the loco. On top of this I've glued some lumps of real coal.



The loco now has an identity, I've fitted Modelmaster number plates.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Work continues on this, when I get time between other projects.

For a crew I used some of the old Airfix figures.



There is a small ledge at the back of the cab onto which they were glued.



This leaves them standing clear of the Bachmann chassis.


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  • RMweb Premium

Before I re-unite the body with the chassis I'll give some details of what I've done to the chassis.

I wanted to try and fit a DCC sound chip into this model, one that was originally intended for a 57xx. This chip was onspecial offer, probably because being a 21 pin type it won't normally fit. My solution was to hard wire it, soldering some spare wires to the chip.



After testing this temporary wiring was tidied up. The chip is now fixed to the motor with a sticky pad.



With the body in place The chip fits inside the side tank.




edit:it's a bit messy, but the only way I can get the second photo to appear is if I put it in twice!

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  • RMweb Premium

One last thing to do to the chassis was paint the backhead and glue it in place with some canopy glue.



With the body in place it is just about visible.



And finally some photos of the complete loco.




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  • RMweb Premium

Back to some freelance bodging. Way back on page 2 I modified a Bachmann LYR 2-4-2T for the use of the LMWR, the changes being mostly cosmetic. I also revealed I had a second 2-4-2T awaiting more drastic surgery. Its time has now come.

The starting point.



I'd wondered if this could be converted into a 4-4-2T. A comparison with an ex-LTSR tank shows that the main parts line up well.


The front of the running plate needs to be extended by 10mm to allow room for a bogie. The body can stay the same.


Out with the hack saw to make some cuts.



Well that's done it, I'm committed now!


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  • RMweb Premium

For the new front bogie I'm using a leftover from my Midland 2P conversion, from Comet models.



With some 12mm Romford wheels, this is where it will be in relation to the chassis.



With the running plate in place.



To bridge the gap at the front to the buffer beam I'm using a piece of 20thou brass. First step is to glue it to the buffer beam with some epoxy.


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  • RMweb Premium

To fill the gap in the running plate I've laminated some pieces of plastic card together and glued them to the brass strip.



This assembly was glued to the main running plate with more epoxy. A screw into the smokebox held it in place while the glue set.



The view from above.


The filler piece will be cut back to the correct width later when the glue has set.


Proof that it is now long enough to accommodate the new bogie.



While I was at it I did this sort of before and after comparison. Looking good so far I think.


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Very nice! I've always had an affection for the 4-4-2T thinking that they look a lot better than the 2-4-2T and now you have just proved it! Really good.



It is much nicer isnt it, the leading bogie gets rid of the leaning forward aspect of the 242t. Excellent work.


444t next? Extended out the back as well as the front.

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm glad people are liking the conversion. I've always liked 4-4-2 tanks, that could be because I live next to the LTSR.

Putting the bits together identified a problem with the bogie, a lack of clearance between the chassis and the rear wheel. To fix this I removed a bit more of the chassis.



There is now nothing to interfere with the movement of the bogie.



This is how it looks with the body in place. The daylight above the bogie will eventually be blocked by plastic frame bits.



To attach the bogie to the chassis I'm using the included Comet parts.



The screw at what is now the front of the chassis is a convenient attachment point.



And there it is, with a screw and some washers.


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  • RMweb Premium

I've done some work to the front end of the loco, tidying up the insert and trying to blend it into the model.


It looks a bit odd with no details on it, that will be fixed with some decal rivets. That broken lamp iron will also need replacing.


Underneath I've added some frames from bits of plastic card glued in place.



The bogie has been painted black. I'm not planning to fit pick-ups to it any time soon.



This is how it looks assembled.


Next I'll be doing some mods to the body, similar to what I did to the 2-4-2T before.

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I'm surprised how much larger the model looks, just for being lengthed a few mm and having an extra axle added.  It just looks so 'right' as well, the proportions look great and it's a truly believable work of art.  Can't wait to see it finished. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Excellent modelling yet again. Though you have got me thinking. I have a spare Bachmann 2-4-2t and a scratch built LT&SR class 72 I may have to get the two out and see if a second 72 is possible following your method. Keep up the great work look forward to another sublime model by yourself being finished

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  • RMweb Premium

Some progress with the bodywork. As before I've added strips of plastic to the ends of the tanks, and altered the cab openings.



Rather than cut down the dome I've replaced it with a smaller one from the bits box. I've no idea of its origins.



The front extension, now with added rivets.


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Have you thought about lengthening the smoke box and fitting a sniffer valve to represent fitting of superheaters, which would also account for the lengthening of the front end and the additional axle (just like robbinson did on the GCR). You could also say the cylinders are larger to account for the bogie front end, which with the super heater would make a lot more powerful loco.

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  • RMweb Premium

That's an interesting idea, and one I might go for if I was modelling a later period. I'm going to leave this one in its saturated form as it suits its pre-grouping look better. But I am tempted to try this on another conversion, maybe later.

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