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Prototype Replica Model Railway Products Class 14


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I have been looking for a second 7 mm loco on Ebay and looking for one with finescale wheels to use with my Ixion Hudswell Clarke loco. Ideally was looking for another 0-6-0 loco ready built but items that have come up on Ebay either coarse scale wheels. did not like or just for me over priced.


I have just come across Prototype Replica Model Railway Products and not knowing them was wondering about their locos. The 02 looks quite sweet and I have a soft spot for the class 14. I understand that they main parts come pre-curved, I am quite handy with the soldering iron, though not built too many etched kits. Other problem is that I am a bit short for time.


Please can anyone enlighten me about these kits, are they time consuming to build? or difficult


What extra parts do I need for either the 02 or 14. I know they need wheels, presumably Slaters? what about motor and gears.


Thanks in advance

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi John


I found this the other day, i think it is the PRMRP Class 14 -




Kind Regards



It is, & still unfinished... :(


You need wheels/gears/motor as per most kits, plus wheel & connecting rod bearings. The parts come flat - not pre-curved. I don't consider it to be that good a kit, certainly not a 'beginner' kit.

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Not really. Getting the chassis built properly is the main hurdle. I eventually paid someone experienced to do a better one for me. After all, it doesn't matter how good a loco looks - if it runs like a bag of spanners it's not fit for purpose.

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