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North Eastern Railway LoS Indicator

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The 'signal' shown at http://tinyurl.com/nhkq5cb has been identified elsewhere as probably a NER LoS indicator. Careful study of the picture will show the apparent faded white 'X' on its face. Sadly the provenance of the item is unknown.


Can anyone comment further please as to its likely age, period of use and possible manufacturer? Would the post be original, or simply something convenient to which it has been attached for display purposes?

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Well, to my mind it certainly looks like the NER style of LoS illustrated at 5.2 in http://www.railsigns.co.uk/sect5page1/sect5page1.html .


I've not come across the use of a specific fogging indicator anywhere other than the usual practice of designating an existing specific object - not to say of course that such things did not exist. 

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In all my years of studying NERly signalling I personaly have never heard of that railway using LoS, but that of course dosen't mean they didn't have any. I shall put the question to several "Learned Friends". The lamp is almost certaily McKenzie & Holland, who in later years were the NE Rly's signal contractor.

 Typicly, I can't put my hand to a photo of a NERly "Fogging Object", which as stated, it may well be. Mick.

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Here is a link to the page on the signal box.org site relating to the NER. Scroll down a bit and there is a photo of the Fog indicator at Barton Hill. The item in the original post would appear to be one of these.

The Barton Hill example is still in situ, I believe.

Your reply confirms what one of my "Learned Friends" says. Thanks, Mick.

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