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3D Printed 'OO' Modern Image Lineside Details

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Hello Ladies and Gentleman,


Quite a few updates, sadly no new models, but still a little exciting!


First of all you might have seen that Captain Kernow has announced the members day line up in Taunton in April, I'm pleased to say that I'm going to be there with a pretty much full complement of 'OO' Gauge models, barring one or two, you'll be able to see them not only on a small display stand, but also on the Scenic Board of my layout Newgate Lane and on one of the SWAG Modules.


I will also have some professional Buisness Cards and Brochures printed for people to take away.


The second update is not all that exciting, most of you have probably read about Bachmann's 2015 product programme, you might of noticed that as part of their scenecraft range, they will introduce two products that are already offered in my SJPModels Range, the DOO Monitors and Passenger Information Displays. I have had a look at the artist impressions of these products, and my thoughts are follows, the DOO Monitors are of the double type seen on my Southern Region stations and are of the old type, so they complement my single stack screens, although the inclusion of the CCTV cameras has put on hold my plans for a seperate pack,


The Passenger Display Screen is a single display, while my products feature a number of each type of several types of displays seen at stations, which to me seems to make more financial sense when purchasing, although I will admit that the Bachmann models may well be finer.


I would like to get peoples opinion on this, should I continue selling these two products after Bachmann release theirs, I'll say now I'm not bothered by finance or anything, I'm more bothered by ensuring people get what they want.



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I've been playing the past couple of nights with Sketch up to see how complex a shape I could get it to produce, and with my Signalling know how, I decided on replicating one of the Unipart Dorman ILS Modular Signals:




This is the Netfabb screenshot of it, I'm going to print a few of these for my own purposes, firstly to go on my Taunton Module, while also to show off the complexity that 3D Printing and indeed Sketch up can go to!


I don't believe there is a market for these (well not for model railways as a hobby), firstly, these signals are very new, so if you happen to be modelling the remodelling of Reading Station, then, you won't have much of use of these, secondly, they are non working, four mill versions would be simply be too difficult to get working, but I believe a 7mm version of it might work, so these 'OO' ones would be for scenic purposes only, i.e. for someone modelling a new resignalling


Anyway, I think they look quite neat!



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They might make a good wagon load ?



They're not generally carried on wagons anymore I'm afraid Stu, they are so lightweight, it's easier to bring them in a van or even carry them to site, although they could make an interest addition to a Network Rail Compound / Store.



Edited by St. Simon
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  • 2 weeks later...



I had a delivery from Shapeways Last week with a couple of new Items and a 'top' up of some previous items.


The only ones I managed to install have been the engineering possession lights onto my Taunton Module:




Hopefully you can see them in the centre of the photo.


The best thing about modelling these is that you don't need to worry about getting the square or upright, in real life they are mostly just 'plonked' by the side and powered up, although I managed to get my ones standing pretty much upright, which isn't prototypical, oh well, I'll never be able to get it right!  :scratchhead:


Remember that if you are coming to Taunton, you'll be able to view our products on not only the Module, but also Newgate Lane and a display stand.





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I put some 3mm LEDs in Bachmann dummy HO/OO signals a few years ago and they looked quite presentable, so these signals would probably look quite good with LEDs in them. I used the Bachman signals at the exits from a lower level staging yard on a friend's US style layout, where it wasn't worth making proper signals (as used elsewhere) but functioning signals were needed.


The only downside was the plastic Bachmann signals had no provision for hiding the wiring, so I just used very fine flexible "decoder" wire in black and the wires weren't obvious in the gloom under the main layout. Maybe the 3D printed signals could have a groove on the back to contain the wires? I imagine it would be hard to make them hollow with a scale size post. It might also be possible to paint conductive tracks using silver paint to form the "wiring".


Are the real signals 2-aspect or do the lamps display multiple colours similar to "searchlight" signals (or modern day LED equivalent)? Digressing slightly (but I am interested in signalling too), if the latter, I found that 3-wire common cathode LEDs produce a more convincing yellow aspect then 3-wire common anode or 2-wire bipolar LEDs.




I've been playing the past couple of nights with Sketch up to see how complex a shape I could get it to produce, and with my Signalling know how, I decided on replicating one of the Unipart Dorman ILS Modular Signals:


attachicon.gifILS Signal.jpg


This is the Netfabb screenshot of it, I'm going to print a few of these for my own purposes, firstly to go on my Taunton Module, while also to show off the complexity that 3D Printing and indeed Sketch up can go to!


I don't believe there is a market for these (well not for model railways as a hobby), firstly, these signals are very new, so if you happen to be modelling the remodelling of Reading Station, then, you won't have much of use of these, secondly, they are non working, four mill versions would be simply be too difficult to get working, but I believe a 7mm version of it might work, so these 'OO' ones would be for scenic purposes only, i.e. for someone modelling a new resignalling


Anyway, I think they look quite neat!



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  • 3 weeks later...

I put some 3mm LEDs in Bachmann dummy HO/OO signals a few years ago and they looked quite presentable, so these signals would probably look quite good with LEDs in them. I used the Bachman signals at the exits from a lower level staging yard on a friend's US style layout, where it wasn't worth making proper signals (as used elsewhere) but functioning signals were needed.


The only downside was the plastic Bachmann signals had no provision for hiding the wiring, so I just used very fine flexible "decoder" wire in black and the wires weren't obvious in the gloom under the main layout. Maybe the 3D printed signals could have a groove on the back to contain the wires? I imagine it would be hard to make them hollow with a scale size post. It might also be possible to paint conductive tracks using silver paint to form the "wiring".


Are the real signals 2-aspect or do the lamps display multiple colours similar to "searchlight" signals (or modern day LED equivalent)? Digressing slightly (but I am interested in signalling too), if the latter, I found that 3-wire common cathode LEDs produce a more convincing yellow aspect then 3-wire common anode or 2-wire bipolar LEDs.





I've been asked this by someone else in my office and the answer really is that there is no problem accommodating wires inside the post, the post of big enough to contain some thin cooper wire and the minimum wall thickness. The problem in illuminating it is the curved back of the signal I think is enough to prevent spacing being made to acomodate a socket in with I could 'plug' the LED into. I could use a smaller LED but then I'm getting into the limits of my ability with a soldering Iron, plus if you go too small, then the light emitted doesn't fill the aperture, which looks odd.


All of the above at the moment is pretty much academic as when I tried to load the file to print, it refused to accept it, so at the moment, it's on the back burner until I can summon the courage to redrawn it all.


The one in the picture shows one of the 4 aspect heads, these are modern equivalents of search lights signals, the LED's can shown the all the aspects using just the two apertures (although the top one purely shows the second yellow)


In others news, I've just been adding the finishing touches to the Module and Newgate Lane for the Taunton Members Day, All I've got to do now is build a couple of plinths for models to be showcased on. but that'll have to wait until Tuesday when I can get to Hobbycraft to get some more Foamboard.



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  • 2 weeks later...



I've finally found time to update the thread with the events at the Taunton Members Day.


Here we are all set up Sunday Morning:




Had a great time talking to people about my 3D Printed Items and included some suggestions for Products:


  • Cosmetic Modern Flashing Tail Lamps
  • Impedance Bonds for modelers of electrified areas
  • Western Region Location Cabinets, suitable for 1960's onwards
  • Point Scotch & Clip Lineside Boxes

So far two of them are well advanced, in fact, the tail lamps are so advanced that they are for sale:




They are based on ones manufactured by Unipart Dorman, although they can be used for any flashing tail lamps. They are non working and printed in FUD (although they have not been test printed yet). I've also provided a slight indent to help paint the lens and reflective part.


The Impedeance Bonds are currently being put through CAD after member Phil-b259 provided some very useful photos and dimensions for me, so hopefully within the week, I should have those ready.


The Western Region Location Cabinets are being researched for my by The Stationmaster, as he requested them and had access to some dimensions, these will be my first non modern image product, having been around since the 1960's, although they are suitable for modern image Western Region Layouts.


Finally the Point Scotch & Clip Boxes are those Yellow Boxes with a St. Andrews Cross on them that are located near junctions and house sets of clips and scotchs in case of point failure. I've been meaning to model these for a long time, but haven't got access to suitable dimensions to start modelling them.


Anyway, if you have any further suggestions for models, please say and I'll look into it.



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Impedance bonds will be very welcome and will attract something out of my wallet. I have found it very hard to make the cables emanating from them fine enough, but tough enough, to withstand normal operating use. Incidentally.they were commonly known as Spiders to us on the ground.

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This is the progress with the Impedance Bond:




Its now around 90% done, I've only got the feet detail to do. I'm planning on selling them in packs of two in FUD or FXD, but there will be some stuff to do to them before they are ready to plonk:


  • The struts from the body to the feet will have to be added with Plasticard, as the 0.3 mm minimum wall think will make them too thick if printed.
  • The sticky out bits (technical term  :mail: ) at the rear can have holes drilled into them as per the prototype, as again the minimum 0.3 mm thickness means that the holes cannot be printed.

I'm debating adding the lifting eyes, although they won't have holes in them, so may not look that good. So, could I have peoples opinion on that?


It may seem that I'm leaving you with a product that's only 90% complete when you buy it, but there are technical limitations to the design and I want people to use 3D Printing as an aid to modelling, not a replacement.



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Simon, you mentioned previously either o this thread or somewhere else something about help points? what is the status regarding these?

If you're talking about the station help points then they're already available on his Shapeways shop to buy now.

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If you're talking about the station help points then they're already available on his Shapeways shop to buy now.


Simon, you mentioned previously either o this thread or somewhere else something about help points? what is the status regarding these?




Yes, as Tase said, they are available to purchase through my store. Here's a picture of what they will look like:




The version seen here is actually a special version I did for my layout, however, they use the body of the helps points in the pack in the link, it's just added onto a post. The ones for sale are more common as they tend to be mounted onto a wall of a building.



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Simon, after browsing through your products i cam up with a possible suggestion for your next product: Street Railings. These seem impossible to me to find but you see them almost everywhere in built up town streets and through numerous era's - would possibly seem logical to do? I Know I would buy a lot of them!


Here is a link to an image of what exactly I mean:




Each railing in real life is separate so wouldn't be to hard to replicate and produce them in say packs of 10's? Would love if you could produce some as I haven't seen anything else like it on the market (not any UK version at least) Anyways correct me if there is any obvious reason why these aren't a good idea!





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Here is a link to an image of what exactly I mean:




You're spot-on. They are absolutely everywhere. I was looking for something similar a while back and nothing I could find even came close. I tried making some with microstrip but gave up as "too fiddly" and "there must be more to life than this". Admittedly not knowing much about the possibilities or limitations of 3D printing, I'm wondering if an etch might be more suitable for these. Either way, they'd sell for sure.

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Simon, after browsing through your products i cam up with a possible suggestion for your next product: Street Railings. These seem impossible to me to find but you see them almost everywhere in built up town streets and through numerous era's - would possibly seem logical to do? I Know I would buy a lot of them!


Here is a link to an image of what exactly I mean:




Each railing in real life is separate so wouldn't be to hard to replicate and produce them in say packs of 10's? Would love if you could produce some as I haven't seen anything else like it on the market (not any UK version at least) Anyways correct me if there is any obvious reason why these aren't a good idea!






Hi Peter,


Its a great suggestions and yes they are needed, however, I feel that as Pete75C says, an etched product or even Laser Cut would be more suitable for these, as the mimimum wall thickness on Shapeways would mean that the fine vertical uprights would be way over scale.


Post a suggestion in someones Laser Cutting Thread and they might be able to help you.


In Other news, I've finished the Impedance Bonds:




If someone wants them urgently and doesn't mind being the guinea pig, then I'll set them for sale (the cost for a pair is around £10 euros) otherwise, you'll have to wait until I have had them test printed.



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Hi Mike,


They are 3 mm from Top of the lifting eyes to the underside of the feet, although this can be reduced by removing either or both of these as I guess that the lifting eyes would be removed after installation and the feet could be lost when ballasted.



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Hi Mike,


They are 3 mm from Top of the lifting eyes to the underside of the feet, although this can be reduced by removing either or both of these as I guess that the lifting eyes would be removed after installation and the feet could be lost when ballasted.




Perfect, many thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium


Finally the Point Scotch & Clip Boxes are those Yellow Boxes with a St. Andrews Cross on them that are located near junctions and house sets of clips and scotchs in case of point failure. I've been meaning to model these for a long time, but haven't got access to suitable dimensions to start modelling them.



Just for info - on Sussex these are simply painted battleship grey - and while they originally had a small label saying "point handle" on them, over the years this has had a tendency to drop off. I have never seen a St Andrews cross on any of them - which is not surprising as the St Andrews cross sticker actually indicates the presence of a non SPT, direct dial telephone (In the days before mobiles you got lots of these phones provided at junctions so staff could communicate with the signalman when working on the points). Hence when trying to find clips etc, its normally the case of looking for a grey box of certain dimensions somewhere in the vicinity of the points.

Edited by phil-b259
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