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Helbridge St Bostock


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I'm back after a long hiatus, Caolisport is no more and I'm now back with a new project in O gauge and also outside in a small out building.  I'm right at the very beginning this time with only the base boards done.


This time I really want to do it properly, with modelling to match the operation and everything included such as sound locos, back ground sound, signal box sound and lighting.


Late 1950's, BR(W) terminus in the South West, not very original but I think you do have to go with whatever floats your boat.  It should end up like a strange weird cross breed between Kingsbridge, St Ives and Helston my favourite three.


Hence the name Helbridge.


When I work out how to post pics I will and I'm hoping to get plenty of help and advice too if possible.





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Think I have worked it out now...



First pic the general scenic area roughly 7X7 with a cut out.


Second pic a hole in the wall through to where the fiddle yard will be.


Third the fiddle yard area in other side.


Fourth a piece of sm32 showing the direction the two tracks into the station will take.






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I'm back after a long hiatus, Caolisport is no more and I'm now back with a new project in O gauge and also outside in a small out building.  I'm right at the very beginning this time with only the base boards done.





Cani dislike this. I used to really like following your posts on caolisport and will miss this layout.


Good luck for this project and I will follow this as well.



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Feel free.  I agonised long and hard over what to do with Caolisport.  I'd done the operation to death, it was in reality too big and I'd made some crucial mistakes in the build.  I hadn't planned it properly and so missed out on remote operation.


This will likely be very slow, as I want full lighting, sound locos, sound points, signals and signal box, all fully operational.


The 120mm insulating board base should aid this.


The dice for 'operational issues will be back as will real time only operation.


Stuck at the moment as I want all the track painted before it goes down, anyone else have views on this??

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Post 150 in this thread is my "go to" for track weathering.




I would concur with rcf above - lay the track then paint it, otherwise you'll get shiny bits where the rails have moved in the chairs.

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Have made a start on the track and will paint in situ as advised.


First pic is the reason I'm out in the garden, lighting!!




4578 stands where the loco shed will be.


The track I have got down so far.  4578 stands in the platform road with the crossover and run round loosely in place.



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Have been doing some track weathering inspired by the Shaftesbury O gauge venture thread.


Have used the same method with a lighter brown more typical of a lightly used WR branch.  This will be the general look with places such as shed run round and other individual places getting special extra treatment later.  Where possible I will remove the unsightly connecting plastic below the rail.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hiya Mike,


Just thought I'd track down your "new" thread and say hello again on here too. I'm looking forward to seeing your new venture develop. Shame about Caolisport, but I can understand your reasons.


Great to see you again the other day. Will be in touch shortly.


Cheers for now,

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Sorry about the name change, but Helbridge didn't include my other fav WR names so added St Ives, Bodmin and Tavistock to the name.


Anyway whilst waiting on power to test my wiring and points have done a bit of modelling, just couldn't wait any longer.


Have done the pit for outside the loco shed, with associated pile of ash (real), some ballasting and also attempted scratch building the corrugated iron carriage shed, loosely based on Kingsbridge but smaller.  Getting the correct curve on the wills plastic sheet is very tricky.  The 4mm stuff I have found is the perfect scale having been up to the local farm to measure up.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Work continues on the carriage shed, almost there.  5518 still dressed as 4578 is now back DCC sound fitted, with a full DCC Prairie sound file including all of the signature GW sounds and a fully controlled ejector for fine shunting, very happy with that.  Added a few minor weathering details to the basic Tower base.  Seen in evening light outside the carriage shed.



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