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I've started the last couple of points for the feed to the Goods Shed and the Y for the end of the Goods Loop and Goods Shed release Point / Cattle Dock.








Just ordered a Chinese Take Away so a bit more later tonight.

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  • RMweb Gold

Talking of chopsticks, when I used to visit China on frequent visits for my previous job and were taken to a resturant, there would always be chopsticks on the table. Most times we would be asked if we wanted forks? Never used forks, managed quite well with the chopsticks and became quite proficient! However, the tables were turned when we took a couple of Chinese guys to a western resturant in Shangai, the table was laid with knives and forks - the Chinese guys really struggled to use these!!!!




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Talking of chopsticks, when I used to visit China on frequent visits for my previous job and were taken to a resturant, there would always be chopsticks on the table. Most times we would be asked if we wanted forks? Never used forks, managed quite well with the chopsticks and became quite proficient! However, the tables were turned when we took a couple of Chinese guys to a western resturant in Shangai, the table was laid with knives and forks - the Chinese guys really struggled to use these!!!!


I'm uncoof, has to be a spoon for me chinese-food.gif

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Anyway, like Ferrari in F1 I have some more Blood letting to do, so I will shortly be posting two more Locos in the Classifieds, so here's a Prequel to what's going on offer. 


A Heljan Blue Class 27 with SWD Sound, weathered.

attachicon.gif27's For Sale 001.JPG


And a Green Heljan 27 with the awesome Legomanbiffo Sound and Bass enhanced Speaker under the chassis.

attachicon.gif27's For Sale 009.JPG


attachicon.gif27's For Sale 014.JPG


attachicon.gif27's For Sale 013.JPG



Hi Andy,


Cracking loco's mate, sorry no use to me as they are DCC but they did remind me of my earliest days at St.Rollox were they still turned out some green ones from an Intermediate then I fought the powers to be to continue working on the 12 Push-Pull 27' conversions for the Glasgow-Edinburgh upgrade done there. I think I could still take one apart and rebuild it again as I could an 08'

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:nono: :nono:  

Talking of chopsticks, when I used to visit China on frequent visits for my previous job and were taken to a resturant, there would always be chopsticks on the table. Most times we would be asked if we wanted forks? Never used forks, managed quite well with the chopsticks and became quite proficient! However, the tables were turned when we took a couple of Chinese guys to a western resturant in Shangai, the table was laid with knives and forks - the Chinese guys really struggled to use these!!!!


I'm uncoof, has to be a spoon for me chinese-food.gif

Naaaaaa FINGERS, messy but fun and no washing up :nono:  :nono: :nono:  





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Thanks Gordon, I've just had a read of your post in the Link, I must say that the double sided tape that George T gave me when he visited is a proper swine to get off, and even with White Spirit and a scraper, I am struggling to remove it.


Next time I am going to selotape the plan to my board and then try Prit Stick to hold the sleepers in place,


Thanks again for your link and interest.


P.S. I hope the fingers better by now, mind you I think that was 2012 wasn't it? hahhaaa


Hi Andy.

Been away for a few days so playing catch-up, you've been a busy boy.


I had the same problem with my double sided tape when i was using copper clad but found paraffin bought it off a treat.



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Evening Gang, well a nice Chinese and the Meal wasn't bad either, ahhahha


I've been back out and done a bit more to the Double Point, which I should finish off tomorrow, and I've been putting up some Loco Shelves and Painting them White, I will post some pic's of them tomorrow as well.


So here's the state of play so far with the point, I have changed the Radius of the right hand Leg of the Y to line up better with the Down Trailing Point. All will become clear once I show it on the board tomorrow.


I have also tried Prit Stick for holding the Sleepers in place as I was struggling to get the double sided tape off the back of the sleepers, (thanks George, its good stuff, but IMHO to good for this job). With the Prit Stick you can move them about if required.







Edited by Andrew P
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Hi Andy.

Been away for a few days so playing catch-up, you've been a busy boy.


I had the same problem with my double sided tape when i was using copper clad but found paraffin bought it off a treat.



Evening Ray, I hope you and Polly are well. good to hear from you again, yes the tape George gave me would stick a Jumbo Jet to the Tarmac under full power, I got most of it off with White Spirit.


The Prit Stick, although not perfect at least it holds things enough to work O.K.

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wrt double sided tape - when I built my 7mm points, I used normal 2 inch wide transparent parcel tape, folded length wise, sticky side out. I ran down two strips at edge of sleepers on the drawing. After roughly positioning a few sleepers, the fold behaved itself.  It could be cut along the fold by sliding along an extended blade from a cheap snap off bladed knife.  Like other tapes, ds has various types of adhesive. There's a bit more room to manoeuvre in 7mm.

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wrt double sided tape - when I built my 7mm points, I used normal 2 inch wide transparent parcel tape, folded length wise, sticky side out. I ran down two strips at edge of sleepers on the drawing. After roughly positioning a few sleepers, the fold behaved itself.  It could be cut along the fold by sliding along an extended blade from a cheap snap off bladed knife.  Like other tapes, ds has various types of adhesive. There's a bit more room to manoeuvre in 7mm.

Thanks Ray, yet another tip and idea, as you say 7mm is a bit easier as the rails are a bit more meaty.

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Hi Andy,


Great work on the double point, it looks superb..

You really get a sense of achievement with a large piece of trackwork like that, especially when it's all painted and tested and it all works, 1st time!!!!!!


Jinty ;-)


Morning Bodge.


Cracking job on the points mate, amazing what has grown from the little seed l gave a few weeks ago, you can now teach me a thing or two, hahaha, really nice job mate, well done....



Morning George and Jintyman, practice makes perfect, I've still a lit to learn but its been a job I've really enjoyed, and now just want to build MORE. Guess I'm going to have to add more points to the yard at Bitton, just like I used to do in the old days and cover the board in track and no room for scenic's, hhahaha

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Morning George and Jintyman, practice makes perfect, I've still a lit to learn but its been a job I've really enjoyed, and now just want to build MORE. Guess I'm going to have to add more points to the yard at Bitton, just like I used to do in the old days and cover the board in track and no room for scenic's, hhahaha


Please don't!


Nice work Andy.

Edited by Killybegs
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Morning all, (just) been out in the Old Potting Shed and yesterday I put up some shelves that George T made about 100 years ago, I had them in the old Garage before we moved and this is how they looked back then.




Well I decided that they needed a coat of paint to blend them into the new surroundings so last night I gave them a coat of white, and then another this morning and once dry they will look quite nice with some stock on them.








The shelf above will now just be for memorabilia, Trophy's from my Motor Cycling Days, (not many) and then it will be Aircraft and possibly some FAST CARS, like Ferrari, Lamborghinis and the like.


More work on the Double Point this afternoon.

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So at last? the double point is finished and looking good, probably the best one I've made so far, so I offered it up to the boards to see how its all looking and I must say, I cant wait to get it all laid.





I changed the angle of the right hand side of the Y for better alignment with the Down Trailing Point and its fitted in well.








Next job the Dowels for the base board alignment.


Then Electically isolate and test each point


Then fit the track, and Motors, (leaving the pin long for now)


Then the underlay,


Then the track can go down.


Not long now Guys, I'm getting excited.



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I must at this stage say a BIG SPECIAL thanks to 3 people, and in NO PARTICULAR ORDER for fear of offending.


Cav, Thanks for doing the original Template from Templot, although I couldn't fit it all in, I have 90% of it so Cheers Mate.


Jason, Thanks for doing the Slip and Up trailing Curved Point, looking at it now, I could have done that Point but at the time I thought; NO WAY, it just shows what a little practice can do. But as for the Slip, I still wouldn't attempt it, well not just yet anyway, so Cheers Jason, all your efforts with that are again appreciated.


And George, he came down and within and Hour had me confident enough to continue, it took 3 Hours for us to build the two points in tandem with him instructing me and guiding me every step of the way, but I got there in the end so again Cheers George, really good job.


Lastly a big thanks to all the good people who have been patient enough to follow Bitton, ALL YOUR INPUT has spurred me on, when under normal circumstances I would have abandoned Ship and built another Shunting Plank with Peco Track. 


I have had so much support via PM's and messages on here that I cant thank you all enough, or personally, but I hope I can reward you faith and persistence by finishing Bitton to a fairly high standard.


Thanks one and all.


And a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Edited by Andrew P
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Brilliant work Andy,

You need a new nick-name as "Bodgit" is no longer appropriate!

How about "Point-it" or "Track-it", ha, ha!!!

Thanks for the ride so far, looking forward to the rest of the journey.



I agree wholeheartedly with John, "BODGIT" should be cast away with the rubbish next time the bin is emptied. Come-on Andy give us another 'handle' mate. I would think of one for you but the moderator may reject it. :jester:  :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

As it is Christmas time perhaps we should re-name Andy after one of the seven dwarfs . . . . .







'cos that's how he's feeling after building all those points.

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Brilliant work Andy,

You need a new nick-name as "Bodgit" is no longer appropriate!

How about "Point-it" or "Track-it", ha, ha!!!

Thanks for the ride so far, looking forward to the rest of the journey.




I agree wholeheartedly with John, "BODGIT" should be cast away with the rubbish next time the bin is emptied. Come-on Andy give us another 'handle' mate. I would think of one for you but the moderator may reject it. :jester:  :jester:


As it is Christmas time perhaps we should re-name Andy after one of the seven dwarfs . . . . .







'cos that's how he's feeling after building all those points.

Come on Guys, at least be a bit original :O hahhahaha


No No No,    





I'll stick to Andy now thanks as Bitton wont be Bodged.

Edited by Andrew P
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As it is Christmas time perhaps we should re-name Andy after one of the seven dwarfs . . . . .







'cos that's how he's feeling after building all those points.

Hi Ray,


The idea of one of the seven dwarfs was thwarted at the outset, have you met Andy? He's about 6ft 6in! I would be more suitable for that 'handle' at 5'5" but it would have to be 'Grumpy' for me especially at this time of year. Hohoho

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