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Somewhere in the Forest of Dean

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To clairfy these three - Left, DFR Driver and Flour Mill Foreman Geoff, Middle, DFR staff member and eccentric South African Brian (not the Flour Mill owner, god help us if he was!), Station manager for Lydney Town and Junction Station, Right, DFR Staff member Andrew, Guard, Ticker Inspector, etc. :)

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Thanks to Dan Winter for clarifying the identities above.

As the summer/autumn part of 2016 draws to a close a reminder of the stunning guest locos appearing this year - all photos at Parkend. How ever will DFR follow that?






Mind you, as apparently demonstrated below, give resident star 5541 her head and she can get her tail out!! :mosking:

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If all 7 above are considered Dan then your 1st Choice is both logical and loyal. But to choose a favourite from only the guests is what I had in mind. Had the Hymek materialised I might have been swayed that way even though it's a diesel - but it didn't. Working the other way around I would probably be tempted to jettison 5521 and MET1 first from the list - see how hard this is. Of those left the Class 26 is better than I thought it would be, the Beattie Well Tank was seductive, the Greyhound was awesome, and Iris just unarguably cute. Possibly a toss up between Iris and the Greyhound if my arm was twisted.

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Captain Kernow


A gentleman of discerning taste and cultured opinions....spot on there Cap'n.


Is it any coincidence that amongst the nicknames of Dad's mates at Neasden were: Blossom, Hazel, Persil, some others which are no longer repeatable in the manner that some of the humour in 'It Aint Half Hot Mum' would be regarded as questionable in certain quarters and.......


The Captain !! - a relative from 'the smoke' Captain ?


Long live the LT liveried pannier.


Best regards


Matt Wood.

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Its obvious that repainted GW locos in any colour other than green is either loathed or loved.  I don't loathe any engine but I do like my GW locos in green.  BR black is bad enough but when painted in a foreign livery (although it may apply to the Pannier) or worse still when a 45xx with no precedent is so treated, then acrimony does spring to mind!  But they're someone's toys who paid for them and their upkeep so is entitled to do what he likes with them and for better or worse, I'm glad they're still around.


They can always be painted back!  :paint:



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  • RMweb Gold

I'm sorry about that, Brian!


However, I do like a red engine, and I do like GWR engines.


The solution is obvious!


However, my favourite livery for them is usually BR black, although I do like BR (WR) lined green too, it's certainly the best livery that 6412 has ever carried.

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Not counting a few Mince Pie Specials the end of DFR's season is rapidly approaching so I went down to Parkend to take a look at the new level crossing gates on Friday last week. It was a Thomas Day so Norchard was a no go area for old men. I was really surprised to see 5541 in party mood already at Parkend (my memory tells me it's usually the DMU) and the last few touches (except the targets) being added to the gates. Aron Stenning tipped me off that at about 12.15 the gates would be opened for the first time to let 5541 through to run round enough to fill up with water so I waited. Sure enough that all happened but I hadn't spotted the Class 14 on the back of the train and was surprised when 5541 returned to the front of the train and was towed out backwards with the train and coaches.


Here it is in photos.




















An finally being towed backwards whilst looking surprised - see exhaust going the "wrong" way.




I shall go back Wednesday for some final Autumn colour shots.

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As threatened earlier here are a few photos taken at Lydney Junction and Norchard of the last conventional day's steam running this year - Wed 2nd Nov 2016. Santa has the show at Christmas time. There were two separate school trips on "my" train - shattering piercing row - two days after half term!! Whatever happened to double maths, PT in the frost, and detentions?
















Not sure what happens over the next few weeks - the cafe is a good place to escape from the missus. I it open? Any idea Dan?

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  • RMweb Gold

As threatened earlier here are a few photos taken at Lydney Junction and Norchard of the last conventional day's steam running this year - Wed 2nd Nov 2016. Santa has the show at Christmas time. There were two separate school trips on "my" train - shattering piercing row - two days after half term!! Whatever happened to double maths, PT in the frost, and detentions?
















Not sure what happens over the next few weeks - the cafe is a good place to escape from the missus. I it open? Any idea Dan?


A great picture, will let Andrew know there's one of hime dancing on the engine!


The cafe is open every day at the moment, I was in there yesterday to do some work as it is a good place to get away and get something done! Free WiFi too! Also, there is a chance of work trains too at this time of year, a different photography challenge!

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2017 and it's Dean Forest Railway's first serious steam outing this year over this coming weekend 11th and 12th February. The weather forecast is for it to be a maximum of 3 degrees C all weekend, but with no rain forecast on Saturday I plan to get to Parkend with the camera before the first train arrives at 10.59 am. Will post a few - in view of the temperature there should be lots of steam. :yes:

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Its ages since I posted anything. DFR are in the quiet period punctuated by only the various children's events but there have been a few photos. In the meantime I have been posting on the Official DFR Society website.





Don't know how I missed this before, but have to say, it's very nice to see a photo of Whitecroft from a different angle to the 'norm' - i.e. from the other side of the line by the level crossing!!

The engine is neatly framed between Station building and the sign. Nice photo!

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Saturday 11th Feb was DFR's first real steam day this year. Here are a few photos of what was a cold and dark day with snow flurries - but good fun too. First three are Parkend - note the short train enabled two photos to be taken that would normally be obscured by carriages. The 4th is Norchard - which I find a difficult place to take interesting photos. Last two are at Whitecroft - note the extra ballast wagon renovated over winter.













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