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7mm Western Windows...PH Designs.


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Anyone replaced the windows in the HJ Western with the etched ones from PH Designs?


I'm looking at buying a set and would like to see how it's done?


Also, anyone used same for the JLTRT loco?


Thanks, Jeff P

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What about the JLTRT one?


I saw some once that Dan Randall had had etched, over on Western Thunder, although I think the thread was on the earlier version of this site, they included the small handle for the driver to slide the window open.

It can be clearly seen in this pic:  http://www.tyseleylocoworks.co.uk/tlw/images2/d1015_brw_v.jpg, allowing the window to be modelled open.

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Nice one thanks mate. Those side frame etches look particularly good...  ;)


Don't know if you're about next week but we've got a new 6M28 / 6V27 Hinksey - Bescot - Hinksey job which I'll be on a couple of nights. I was getting perilously close to putting a refresher in for the line south of Leamington!


Edit : the rear wall looks a bit plain compared to the real thing - I wonder if it's possible to replicate the perferated soundproofing somehow....

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