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Vegetation Alert! - Kudzu may take over!


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Kudzu can, I think, grow 6 feet a day - each tendril. North Carolina in particular is badly affected. There’s a giant carrot type root near the center of each infestation - which are usually centered on railroads and/or highways.


I’m sure Craig Z has more up to date photos than mine.....he can also confirm that the northernmost limit for Kudzu is Virginia


Best, Pete.

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Awesome. :)


Looking at those Noch leaf flake flock packs as a future purchase for sure!


As for the Spanish Moss, it's on my to-do list, but I'm trying to work out how to represent it in N scale. :(


As Shortliner suggested, that WS poly fibre might work as is for Spanish Moss.

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A patch has apparently been found in southern Ontario, but I'd agree that the northern limit of major growth is probably Virginia.



I spotted some near Cape May, NJ but it was very weak feeble stuff...


Best, Pete.

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Ok we are finished with the Kudzu jokes - any more and I’ll delete all the jokes.



If you are modeling the “South” it is important to consider adding Kudzu to the layout - it is that invasive.

Knowing how to model it is crucial.




Carry on.


Best, Pete.

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Yes, kudzu. Here's some snap-shots I took decades ago of the Boylan Tower in Raleigh NC. Tower built by old Norfolk Southern. Once tower demolished, the kudzu takes over.


post-14852-0-48279200-1413779097.jpg  1983 11


post-14852-0-34078400-1413779100.jpg  1986 07


post-14852-0-60699400-1413779102.jpg  1989 06


post-14852-0-56299500-1413779104.jpg   1989 06 


post-14852-0-68279300-1413779107.jpg  1991 09 


Phil Clark, Catarman, Philippines. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't worry chaps, I'll be making more.


These were my test pieces, knocked up in about 15 minutes. They were made by spraying woodland scenics poly fiber (nice suggestion gents!) with spray adhesive from the £1 shop, then sprinkling Noch leaf flakes over it.


Next time I'm going to mix up a batch of PVA/White glue and water and dip the poly fiber into that and then into another tray of the leaf flakes to see how it comes out, as that spray adhesive is awful stuff - definitely not suitable for this task.


Quick question - would it be safe to assume that the Kudzu would be capable of climbing at least part way up the chimney on the derelict boiler house in my photo above?

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