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Bachmann Highley Booking Hall.......Width?


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Hattons dimensions for the Bachmann Highley booking Hall gives length, width and height. I was wondering if the total width included the canopy? If anyone has one of these models, can they please tell me the width of the building not including canopy.


Thanks in advance.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hattons dimensions for the Bachmann Highley booking Hall gives length, width and height. I was wondering if the total width included the canopy? If anyone has one of these models, can they please tell me the width of the building not including canopy.


Thanks in advance.

Use the 'live chat' function on the Hattons website and they'll measure it whilst you wait.

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Use the 'live chat' function on the Hattons website and they'll measure it whilst you wait.

Thanks for the head up on this. I conversed with Stephanie and she got one down to measure while i waited. It is 6.5cm width over the outer end wall. Hattons give overall measurements which include canopy on their website. Time to get some measuring of my own done now at Delph Station, as I think I could use one of these RTP buildings now.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hattons gets stick on here sometimes but their website is first class and services like this, on a Sunday too, set them apart from the competition. Glad to help and there's a use for rtp building's for even the best modellers.

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