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Station interior Detailing Kits


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  • RMweb Premium


does anyone any make any interior detailings kits in 4mm for 1930's ish stations.

I suppose I am looking for table, chairs, desk etc ?


Surely someone must make some whitemetal castings etc.


Thanks in advance





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Hi Owen

If you are going to add interior ,your have to add lighting as well or you will not see any of it.

I know when i did Torrington station and did not do any lights, Doh!, also you have to have a way to get into the building,if a light fails.

Also do not use grain wheat bulbs,as they get very hot!, know that one to well, when i melted the chimney of the signal box,Doh!.


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  • RMweb Premium

Cheers Darren,

Its things I'd thought about. I just feel it needs an interior as its going to be right at the front of the layout. I will definatley bear in mind what you said about the grain of wheat bulbs.

Is there anything you'd recomend ?





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Warm white LEDs are quite an economical way to light buildings. Each will need a one kilohm* 1/4 watt resistor in series, if fed from 12 volts DC. The device is polarised and only works one way round - simply reverse the connections. Both are available on eBay.


Bulbs run hot and are prone to failure.


Try two or more in series if too bright or a lower supply voltage.

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Having been working on building models of waiting rooms I have not got any interior detail as it does not show, although I do paint the inside walls a stone or cream colour and the floor a dark grey as white plastic or card does have a habit of showing through the windows, also use inside walls to block strange views through the windows too.



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