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US electric layouts - What's out there?


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I'm not that up on what layouts are out there so I thought I would ask here.

What US layouts featuring electric trains have been built, and written about? (an preferably have some sort of web presence, even if just someone else's photos)


All I'm aware of are Peter North's Virginian layout and 298's various traction efforts, plus Green_Elite_Cab's stuff over on the Big Blue forum (where I see that Dave Long who post here is enquiring about Chicago area electrification!)

There also was a layout fairly recently that IIRC was NE Corridor, built by a group in mainland Europe?


Has anyone seen any US layouts featuring 3rd rail electification?

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There are a couple of US Interurban modellers in the East Midlands area, one models the PE and other roads in HO, the other models the Illinois Terminal in O. I've not heard much from either recently and doubt they have a web presence, but a trip to a Tram show might be in order.


There is also a Freemo modular member who models the Illinois Terminal, and this North Shore blog:



Bevis King has exhibited "Othmar Yard", a modern NEC traction depot.


I'm building the Hershey Interurban next, from pre-revolution Cuba. Previous Traction layouts were in CM, March 2006 & March 2012 (latterly with part 2 of Peter North's Virginian layout, which I believe now resides in Sunderland with Jon Grant).

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I've realised that this thread is a bit of a case of ask first, Google later, so apologies. Some good suggestions, I wonder if NA electric is proportionally more popular in the UK than the U.S?

The current trade support is comparable for heavyweight electrics and slightly favours US tram models over UK ones, but if you go back several decades there were adverts for brass trolley models in the mainstream magazines every month and regular layout features, in addition to specialist magazines. Where did it all go wrong.....?!

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The current trade support is comparable for heavyweight electrics and slightly favours US tram models over UK ones, but if you go back several decades there were adverts for brass trolley models in the mainstream magazines every month and regular layout features, in addition to specialist magazines. Where did it all go wrong.....?!


I speak to a few involved with US traction stuff in the States, and their generally held view is an ageing demographic with the younger end more interested in opening boxes. I suppose you could make that argument the world over about numerous modelling tranches.  

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With the influx of modern European style trolleys/LRV's I think the upswing will happen in the not too distant future*: RTR US outline European trams ;) The only problem I foresee is the heavily protectionist "Buy America" ethos the yanks still have. Halling (AT) has considerable experience in the tramway world and a decent reputation. But I doubt there'll be a wealthy US patron commissioning them the kick-start modern US trolley model it takes for the market to start rolling (s'cuse the pun :P ) The current scene is Bachmann with either a PCC in made-up liveries or a 4-wheeled Birney equally so :rolleyes:


*say 3-5 years. -ish :sarcastichand:


Not really, there's The Bachmann Peter Witt, Concor PCC, Bowser PCC, Bowser New Orleans Street Car amongst others that are all pretty reasonable/good models of recent introduction.


Hardly been a big upswing in modern LRV modelling in the UK even with the Halling M5000 and Flexity 2.

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Bowser make US PCC  trolleys ..Sydam brass is obtainable and a  Bowser Pacific Electric VO-1000 with trolley poles.Pacific electric also has steam locos  so marked .back to brass imports and dozens of Milwaukee and GN electric locos  were made as  are Pennsy GGI's and MP54's .Atlas are making AM7 electrics and I expect the new Euro US electric  will be made .I am going back to brass anyway though SP /WP round that area .I havnt googly led so forgive any minor errors .Its called memory and mine is analog .

PS .Forgot the Butte Anaconda and pacific RR electrics from... Sydam .I once painted 6 for a guy .Sydam Oregon Electrics ,Sacramento Northern ,Illinois Terminal ,South shore ..........?Soho brass pE and South Shore .

it goes on and on  .MTS electrics .American Model builders Canonball Car shops make a plastic steeple cab and some brass kits .

weird thing is I have painted most of this stuff for customers way back when .Its all flooding back .Must be the paint fumes . :smoke:

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The US situation I think has more to do with the lack of "buy and run" overhead and street track.


With the new generation of US modellers being conditioned to only model what comes RTR and painted to exactly their desired road names, the concept of designing, measuring, cutting and soldering up Overhead Wiring or laying street track other than by inserts in RTR and flex track, calls upon skills and patience that they have not needed to learn or appreciate.


Most of the RTR or old brass that is snapped up on EBay ends up running on regular track with pantos or poles running in air, and the latter often in random colours and mixes.



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Found another good stating point myself, while googleing Peter North




I was going to post that blog too but you beat me to it. Steve is building the Sharyo low level electrics that I'm about to order and he's doing a good job of them. If you notice one of his posts in July was a about MR writing about 2 layouts on electic modelling to quote him "Considering that the magazine has been known to go years with nary a trolley or interurban article, let alone a mainline heavy electric, this is remarkable."

In that MR is Peter Norths layout but another Pennsy layout by Brent Monahan.


The Model kits I'll be using come from Island Model Works  http://islandmodelworks.com/


For Catenary (not just for South Shore) there is Model Memories online but they have a client gallery which can be seen here http://www.modelmemories.com/heavyelect.htm

Some fine models in there. Model Memories do Catenary and 3rd rail items as well as things like Telltales and signal gantries and plenty more http://www.modelmemories.com/prodmenu.htm


For me I'm looking at modelling the Chicago South Shore & South Bend railroad and NICTD who run the electric communter service with arguabley the ugliest train going ( http://www.nipponsharyousa.com/products/images/znictd.jpg) CSS went out of business in the 80s and NICTD took over the pax services but South Shore took over the frieght service and is a thiving class III railroad. Thats whta has made me decide on modelling it and its practically a shortline with commuter trains.

I do get to model this monster though !!! https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3532/3949136399_c89694edbb_b.jpg


I'm sure that Electric modelling in the Us will take off maybe not in the next few years but perhaps the next 5 to 10 as more and more overhead goes up and more and more locos and trains appear. Unlike the UK where we have just gone all dull EMU with no new lines being created (although more are on the way).


Regards to all


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For the most part I think it has to do with the fact that most mainline electrifications were abandoned in favor of diesels, and most interurbans and streetcars disappeared before WW2. So, there aren't many people who saw the prototypes form themselves.  


For my part, I am modeling the Winchester SLT of the Chicago L in something akin to a boxfile, even although it was abnoned about 45 years before my birth. I'm using Kato unitrack, but I haven't quite figured out how to put on a third rail. Oh well I guess I am just too busy "opening boxes....."

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Of some interest perhaps? An 0 gauge New York Elevated and Streetcar layout. Not seen it anywhere other than on Flickr. 


I'd love to know if anyone has done a Milwaukee Road electric layout. Some fabulous scenery locos and infrastructure - especially eastbound out of Avery Idaho.



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That's what I like about CSS 803 she still gets a run out on the south shore line now and then. Shame the HO models are expensive.


Love the fact that they called little Joe Stalins as they were built for Russia but never made it due to the post war tensions.

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There are still quite a lot of bridges in situ on the mountain sections! :O


You only need a bike for the Avery section: http://www.ridethehiawatha.com/


Rode this last summer - incredible experience: like you say all the bridges still intact and lots to rummage around in. The 2 mile long tunnel at the summit has a border sign in the middle between Montana and Idaho. When driving up the valley on the west side from Avery the dirt road now takes the route of the railway from Avery for about 10 miles so you can recreate being a Little Joe. The curved single line tunnels take a bit of nerve - you never know there might be a box cab coming the cover way...


I was really impressed by the information on the railway along the route with lots of great images and drawings - nothing dumbed down at all. Avery has a restored car from the Hiawatha, some and an impressive museum of bits and bobs in the station building - not bad for what is now a one horse town...




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Hardly been a big upswing in modern LRV modelling in the UK even with the Halling M5000 and Flexity 2.

Which is a shame. I've got two of their Flexitys in the Adelaide livery. They're lovely models that look good and run well.





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I'm aware of a triangular NEC layout, with overhead, build by a US chap of African decent. Both are rare in the modelling world, the combination is probably unique :O :D Dunno if it's the one already mentioned though.

I'm assuming that this is David Harrison's layout from around 15 years ago? His site seems to have died but I've found some videos on Youtube

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In N-scale there is a bit of stock available* for the NEC. Bachmann did the Acela Express, HHP-8, E60CP, and Metroliner, and Kato (and Arnold-Rapido) has done the GG-1. Amfleet (Bachman**, Kato) and Veiwliner (Kato) coaches are available, as well as older smoothside and Budd coaches. They aren't all the best, but it gives a starting point.


*available = made RTR, not all are easy to find

**Bachmann had two tries at Amfleet cars. Avoid the earier ones. If you can get Kato ones, avoid the later ones too.



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I'm assuming that this is David Harrison's layout from around 15 years ago? His site seems to have died but I've found some videos on Youtube


Yes it is an interesting layout, I saw it at the NMRA Milwaukee Convention in 2010, spent some time watching and chatting with the operator, a really nice chatty guy.



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