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DCC Concepts Cobalt Alpha

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For what it's worth, I tried plugging an Alpha Central via the official adaptor cable, into my Prodigy Advance 2.  The buttons light up and you can program the box to match your accessory (points, signals etc) numbers.  BUT, while the Prodigy happily operates said points etc, the Central box doesn't, i.e. Alpha Central reads Prodigy but not vice versa, or at least won't pass on the signal to the point motors. So I'll need a Cobalt Box and a transformer to separate points et al from track power.  


Pending the availability of the Cobalt Alpha Power module, it would be useful to know the size of plug needed from an alternative power supply unit into a Cobalt Alpha Box.  But no further expense until I know the cost and availability dates of the Ally Pally announcements.


On the subject of cost, I reckon a DCC system costing the same as 2 or 3 locos, is probably worth it, as is the option of NOT doing lots of soldering if you're as cack-handed as I am.


And separating track power from accessory power is very much a Good Thing, even if it means you stay with analogue post control.




P.S.  It would also be interesting to know whether an NCE handset, plugged directly into a Cobalt Box, could be used without the rest of the NCE gubbins as a DCC system in its own right.

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For what it's worth, I tried plugging an Alpha Central via the official adaptor cable, into my Prodigy Advance 2.  The buttons light up and you can program the box to match your accessory (points, signals etc) numbers.  BUT, while the Prodigy happily operates said points etc, the Central box doesn't, i.e. Alpha Central reads Prodigy but not vice versa, or at least won't pass on the signal to the point motors. So I'll need a Cobalt Box and a transformer to separate points et al from track power.  


Pending the availability of the Cobalt Alpha Power module, it would be useful to know the size of plug needed from an alternative power supply unit into a Cobalt Alpha Box.  But no further expense until I know the cost and availability dates of the Ally Pally announcements.


On the subject of cost, I reckon a DCC system costing the same as 2 or 3 locos, is probably worth it, as is the option of NOT doing lots of soldering if you're as cack-handed as I am.


And separating track power from accessory power is very much a Good Thing, even if it means you stay with analogue post control.




P.S.  It would also be interesting to know whether an NCE handset, plugged directly into a Cobalt Box, could be used without the rest of the NCE gubbins as a DCC system in its own right.

i had a powercab handset plugged into the cobalt box on its own it works fine also the auto switch for the programme track works but i guess if you plugged a nce procab throttle in it won't work as a complete system as there would be no system box plugged in as there is with the power cab handset so for a cheep 5 amp nce system it it works well but theres not alot of differance when you compare costs for both ways 


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So what has been announced this weekend at the show

Well, I guess it could be the fact that from May DCC Concepts will be based in the UK, as Rand let slip in his last e-mail......?



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So what has been announced this weekend at the show


If you didn't get a chance to get to the show there were about 10 new announcements which will be coming out in the Magazines and I am sure will be posted about on one forum or another.



Rand Cooley


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Hi John,

I personally won't be for this show but from May on-wards I will be in the UK in our new Head office.




Hi Rand

ok pity but then i did talk to Richard and the other guy i forget his name

He told me about some new bits but its not for me to say about them yet. i also discussed your uk office.

and a few issues about the items hope fully he has not forgotten by the time hes home 



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For what it's worth, I tried plugging an Alpha Central via the official adaptor cable, into my Prodigy Advance 2.  The buttons light up and you can program the box to match your accessory (points, signals etc) numbers.  BUT, while the Prodigy happily operates said points etc, the Central box doesn't, i.e. Alpha Central reads Prodigy but not vice versa, or at least won't pass on the signal to the point motors. So I'll need a Cobalt Box and a transformer to separate points et al from track power.  


Pending the availability of the Cobalt Alpha Power module, it would be useful to know the size of plug needed from an alternative power supply unit into a Cobalt Alpha Box.  But no further expense until I know the cost and availability dates of the Ally Pally announcements.


On the subject of cost, I reckon a DCC system costing the same as 2 or 3 locos, is probably worth it, as is the option of NOT doing lots of soldering if you're as cack-handed as I am.


And separating track power from accessory power is very much a Good Thing, even if it means you stay with analogue post control.




P.S.  It would also be interesting to know whether an NCE handset, plugged directly into a Cobalt Box, could be used without the rest of the NCE gubbins as a DCC system in its own right.

I take it your alpha central is plugged in to your prodigy system via the Alpha box and then the adaptor cable not just the cable 


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Hi Rand

ok pity but then i did talk to Richard and the other guy i forget his name

He told me about some new bits but its not for me to say about them yet. i also discussed your uk office.

and a few issues about the items hope fully he has not forgotten by the time hes home 



Hi John,

I am glad you got to meet with him. The other guy would have been Peter. He is our Liaison with China.


Yes we here were under the impression there would be announcements made at the show but it would seem the plan has changed and there is still an embargo on them until further notice. I hope you were excited some what as we are.

From what I hear the show was quite dead which was a shame but this should mean he will remember the conversations he had at the show. You can always send a reminder email to him at advice@dccconcepts.com to jog his memory. He will be home tomorrow. 



Rand Cooley


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I take it your alpha central is plugged in to your prodigy system via the Alpha box and then the adaptor cable not just the cable 



Negative.  Box and PSU on order.  I was unsure exactly which bit did what so bought the minimum I thought I could get away with.  Lesson learned!



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Nice one Richard

Should be ok when you get it, i've been demoing it at shows for a few weeks now and your not the first one, a lot of people think the same as you did until i point out you need the other bits unless you use a NCE system.



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Nice one Richard

Should be ok when you get it, i've been demoing it at shows for a few weeks now and your not the first one, a lot of people think the same as you did until i point out you need the other bits unless you use a NCE system.




After a hiccup (plugged the Alpha Central into the wrong side of the Alpha Box) and an email cry for help to DCC Concepts, Rand Cooley explained all - I got his email this morning (Easter Sunday).  I've learned that you have to study the diagrams in the "Book of Words" thoroughly


The fact that Rand replied to a klutzy customer in the middle of a public holiday says a lot about DCC Concepts as a company, and deserves public thanks.  I await the appearance of more Cobalt Alpha products with keen interest!


Another plaudit: I ordered my Alpha Box and a Gaugemaster/MRC PSU from Gaugemaster, and both appeared with commendable speed, with an adapter co-axial plug to link them, which was needed but unrequested my me.  Thanks Guys.


The Alpha Box seems to make the point motors work better, and the Box's short circuit system is preferable to the silent "SVDA" message that comes up on my Prodigy2 handset when there's a short.  Also, having a separate panel to control points is vastly preferable to pressing lots of buttons on the Prodigy handset.  I dare say that one could create a cheaper system using analogue switches etc, but having lived with DCC over the last 2 or 3 years, I wouldn't go back.



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p71 of the latest Model Rail (No.221) which arrived in my letterbox this morning - an advert for DCC Concepts "A-Mimic". Never-before mentioned I think. Apparently it works with all DCC system brands. But what does it do, and is it complementary to or does it replace all or some of the rest of Alpha range?


I am left completely bemused by it, and have deduced that it may provide the basis for creating a mimic diagram illuminated by LEDs.  And such a panel is going to be as easy to assemble as Lego, we are told.   All for £49.95!   Come on -  I really doubt that. It's so badly presented!   


Or am I just being stupid? I would be interested to know what others make of it. 



Chris Gardner



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.....an advert for DCC Concepts "A-Mimic". Never-before mentioned I think. Apparently it works with all DCC system brands. But what does it do, and is it complementary to or does it replace all or some of the rest of Alpha range?.....

From Model Rail Forum, posted on 13th February....


Another Alpha product is due soon... It will be called Alpha Mimic, and I can add more when I release it. This one will also make creation of the panel itself easier with a totally new LED concept + some useful computer tools to help you draw panels as free add-ons.

I'm guessing this will be about creating the actual mimic panel itself and may include LEDs.

I assume you will still need to purchase the Alpha Main Unit and connect all your switches and LEDs to it.


The "Lego" analogy is also used in the advertisement for the Alpha Switch-D.


They are still showing the "Alpha Commander Automated Sequence Controller" on the website, as a "coming soon" item.

Listed at Aus $280 (approx. £150 ), but no mention of what it does.



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i guess I probably come over as knocking DCC Concepts, but I have a fair quantity of their products on my layout and have had a very good experience with it. Their marketing however needs a complete overhaul because it Is baffling and does the products themselves few favours.

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i guess I probably come over as knocking DCC Concepts, but I have a fair quantity of their products on my layout and have had a very good experience with it. Their marketing however needs a complete overhaul because it Is baffling and does the products themselves few favours.


I agree with you Chris.  I suspect it's because DCC Concepts are overloaded (press button and hold for 3 seconds to reset :) ), what with simultaneously developing and releasing Alpha products, and moving DCC Concepts' head office to the UK (see announcement on Gaugemaster web site). 


The video is basically the same as what's in the Cobalt Alpha user manual.  I've decided that confusion will reign until the autumn when all will suddenly become clearer!  



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