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RR & Co not connecting to Lenz


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When I try to connect Traincontroller to Lenz I get an error message saying


'Cannot connect to digital system. The operating system reports an error. Digital system: Lenz Digital Plus / LI101F Port:Com3. Error code reported by the operating system:5

Errortext: access denied'


I'm using Traincontroller Silver version. Port Com3 is what the USB is attached to. If I change Lenz to another port the Error code changes to 2.


Can anyone help?





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  • RMweb Gold

Which Lenz device are  you using? The LI101F normally refers to the serial connection which would go via COM1.  There's the LIUSB connector (23150), plus the current LAN/USB device (23151).


And are all the drivers installed?

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Have you checked the comms with Lenz software first, before trying to use Traincontroiller.

You can save a lot of time and aggravation by doing that first.


As RFS suggested I thought that was an old serial device not a USB so would plug into an RS232 port on the PC. Or are you using a Serial to USB convertor?

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If the earlier suggestions re the Lenz don't resolve the problem, it may be worth looking at the Serial Port to USB converter you are probably using: either Prolific or FTDI based ...

There can be problems when one has replaced the other, in the  same USB socket ... equally if different driver versions have been used /needed... and this can be resolved by changing to another socket causing it to load another driver. IN the worst case scenario, it is disable the USB port and then re-enable it with new drivers.


Access Denied??? - this could be the 'port still in use' from an earlier piece of software - a full shut down and restart might resolve this.

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  • RMweb Gold

Another thought - you aren't trying to start Trancontroller while Lenz's own software is running? You can't run both at the same time. 


I also remember there was a problem with the early version of the Lenz CV editor: when you closed the application it left the USB allocated and you had to reboot to clear that. I don't believe this problem occurs with the latest version of the CV editor (1.1.7) which you can download from the Lenz web-site.

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I bought the system about 10 years ago and had no trouble setting up then. The only difference now is that I'm using Windows 8 instead of XP. When I connect the USB interface the computer doesn't see that I've attached 'new hardware' and therefore the CD with the software doesn't load either.


I've sourced the Windows 8 update off the web and the Bahnfan.net LI-USB FTDI Reference Drivers for the interface so all the Lenz icons load. I can run the layout (small piece of track) through the onscreen throttle.


So the only issue seems to be the lack of connectivity between Traincontroller and Lenz.

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  • RMweb Gold

OK - wasn't clear from your first post that the problem has arisen since upgrading form XP to Windows 8.  So a few questions for you -


Is your W8 system 32-bit or 64-bit?

Which Lenz device are you using - LIUSB or LI101F (with serial to USB converter)?

What version is your Lenz system - 3.0, 3.5 or 3.6?

What version of Traincontroller are you using?


As regards running the Lenz software, it's only started on demand so shouldn't start automatically. The version of the CD is way out of date so it's best to only use the version downloaded from the Lenz web-site.

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  • RMweb Premium

OK - wasn't clear from your first post that the problem has arisen since upgrading form XP to Windows 8.  So a few questions for you -


Is your W8 system 32-bit or 64-bit?

Which Lenz device are you using - LIUSB or LI101F (with serial to USB converter)?

What version is your Lenz system - 3.0, 3.5 or 3.6?

What version of Traincontroller are you using?


As regards running the Lenz software, it's only started on demand so shouldn't start automatically. The version of the CD is way out of date so it's best to only use the version downloaded from the Lenz web-site.



It depends if the start automatically option has been ticked. I cant remember if it is by default as I haven't used the Lenz supplied software for around eight years. If you open the server application its on one of the menus and if enabled it will be ticked.





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Yes shame you did not mention it was after upgrade to Win 8/8.1.


Win 8 can be a real pain if the software is not Windows certified. To get my serial to usb convertor working required several settings to be changed plus 3 restarts before I could install the driver. Instructions for this process can be found on the net.

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It shouldn't be problem for a company the size of Lenz to provide signed drivers.


It's a real PITA for smaller manufacturers. We cannot create signed drivers for the SPROG since a "sole trader" has no legal status and cannot obtain the signing certificates.

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  • RMweb Gold

It shouldn't be problem for a company the size of Lenz to provide signed drivers.



Lenz use standard serial-USB converters - FTDI for the LI-USB and 23170 Decoder Programmer, and from Microchip for the current 23151 LAN/USB.  I recently tried a Windows 10 Technical Preview on my RR&Co system and Windows Update installed the drivers for the 23170 and 23151 automatically with no need to use any files from Lenz.

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It doesn't matter what devices they use. As soon as they customize the descriptors to use their own vendor ID (VID) and or Product ID (PID) they need to sign the drivers themselves. This must be doing this if the drivers are available through Windows Update. I may have misread that someone was implying the drivers were not signed.

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It doesn't matter what devices they use. As soon as they customize the descriptors to use their own vendor ID (VID) and or Product ID (PID) they need to sign the drivers themselves. This must be doing this if the drivers are available through Windows Update. I may have misread that someone was implying the drivers were not signed.

That would be me.


Lenz drivers on Win 8.1 -  no problem (at least for the new USB/LAN). 


The issue was  I had to buy an RS232 to USB convertor for something else and it was that which caused the grief, not recognised by Windows. But once I had it installed the software that used the serial port worked with no problems.

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The 'moral' of this tale is to identify clearly which of your USB-Serial devies used/came with 'Prolific' leads, and which with FTDI - in my experience it is best if they are never mixed (on the same port) ... so if you have 2 or more USB sockets, make a note of which you use for which make, and keep it that way.

Then there have also been the 'recent' cases of both Prolific AND FDTI trying to 'wipe out' chipsets they considered to be copies.

Also, FTDI adapters MIGHT be given unique codes by the licencees,so as to uniquely identify the device they are being used with, which might then cause driver problems if the lead is used for other equipment !?

Some yearts ago, I effectively lost control of my ESU Programmer because I also used the LGB and Massoth programmers, one or more of which used the other make of adapter ....and when a 'replacement' adapter is bought from eg Maplin, you may have had to assume is was Prolific, not FTDI, in the past, (revealed AFTER purchase by the supplied drivers) and that they were classiifed by Prolific  as 'genuine'.

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