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LNWR Society Modelling competition - framework and dates

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The closing date for the competition is approaching. To give the maximum time for modelling, the competition will close at midnight on Sunday 6 January 2019. Please will all who have entered the competition ensure that by that time they have a single entry on this section of the RMWeb which contains the photographs that they wish to have considered as their 'competition entry'. Although the judges are likely to look through all the parts of this forum, the job of choosing the winners will be simplified if you provide the web equivalent of the 'model in the showcase' as seen at exhibitions.


To date there are:

1. people who have opened an entry on this forum and have registered with the LNWR Society. Thank you, your entry has been logged and you will be entered in the draw for   a  Gerald Broom print,

2. people who have opened an entry on this forum but have not registered. Unless you register, you are missing the chance to win the print,

3. people who have opened an entry on this forum, but have not yet shown a model. You have just over a week!

4. people who have registered but have not opened an entry to show their models or contacted me to arrange for them to be displayed.


The registration email address is 



Stephen Kingett has entered the competition with this 3.5" gauge locomotive with joy valve gear and superheater. She is modelled in original 1907 livery with a Whale tender. Stephen has built her over the last eight years.


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If nothing else, this competition has really opened up my eyes into the LNWR and its fascinating history of loco types - an area that previously I knew very little of, but am perhaps a little more informed now.  Some superb modelling has been seen and to scratch build locos and signal boxes in the various gauges is just awe-inspiring.  Well done to all, regardless of who wins :)  


I wouldn't know where to start with something like the 3.5" gauge locomotive, but what a beauty!



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If nothing else, this competition has really opened up my eyes into the LNWR and its fascinating history of loco types - an area that previously I knew very little of, but am perhaps a little more informed now.  Some superb modelling has been seen and to scratch build locos and signal boxes in the various gauges is just awe-inspiring.  Well done to all, regardless of who wins :)


I wouldn't know where to start with something like the 3.5" gauge locomotive, but what a beauty!





Take a look at the LNWR Society web site to find out more!


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I have completed my entry which can be found here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/136667-lnwr-observation-car-project-4mm/
My LNWR Observation Car, modelled on the preserved carriage on the Bluebell Railway.
With thanks to the LNWR society, and the Bluebell Railway for helping with drawings and research.


I sold off my scratch built model some years ago to start a new build. The idea was to 3D print the carriage.
Over time thanks to those above I had modelled the carriage in a 3D modelling program. The body split in to 3 section due to size, would slot together. Printed in Shapeways Ultra fine detail? Now called something else. Small details
such as roof vents and seats would also be printed in a similar material.
The chassis will be printed in one piece with details to add, plus bogies from 247 developments. The chassis would be printed in SLS Nylon (White strong and flexible) dyed black.

The prints arrived, and were cleaned and checked to make sure they came out correctly.
Work could then begin, on detailing, and filling and flatting back of the body and adding of steps and chassis detail.39830967985_83464726b1_c.jpg

Priming of the body then started while I awaited delivery of paints from Phoenix and transfers which are produced by HMRS.39747989730_8cac034b93_c.jpg


Paints arrived, and I went to work painting the main areas then the white areas after. I decided to use a bow pen on this carriage for the first time which was interesting and scary but seemed to go ok...
still no expert but all part of learning and giving it a go!

 After waiting for HMRS to deliver sadly the transfers remained out of stock, thanks to a friendly RMweb member for coming forward and allowing me to borrow some from his sheets to finish the outside so it would await
varnish to be applied. The interior also was finished and painted awaiting for those seats...



The seats were a pain, all 30 odd hand painted, and individually fitted... very time consuming, might have to change the design on those.... taking close to 3 hours to fit them. However after fitting..
I thought the finished article look reasonably good...



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A day late ...sorry!


The build thread is here :-



This is a large 1:12 scale (actually 1:11.3 for 5" gauge) Signal Cabin...



...and is intended to be an actual working Signal Box to "drive" my layout.

To do this will take electronics. Sorry for those of a nervous disposition - please skip the next three pics!



..all my own design - and it works!!!



And yes, all this does need to be found a home in the Locking room and main Cabin!



For the Levers and Frame, I learnt 2D CAD draughting(!) and drew up the parts to be Laser cut.



I've learnt the names of (some of) things!




This all took too much time (along with work and family!)


Even the Signal Cabin's foundations are to be modelled with this build. As can be seen with this mock up.



I like mock ups!



A view of the Frame from within the Locking Room



Another view of the Frame but of the back of the Frame. This is where the wire and chains would drop down to the mechanisms mounted on the Lead Off Timbers which transfer the mechanical movement of the Lever out to the P-Way outside.



It's big! 800mm along the front.



A view into the box from the top of the steps.



A front view into the Locking room.



I have to say that this has progressed (as far as it has) only because I could research info from books but also with the drawings held by the LNWR Society's records. ..which reminds me - I must pay the £7 I owe them!   8¬ {   




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Here is another entry received over the weekend, but only being posted now. This is a 7mm scale model of a 'Special Tank' as it would have been in the 1890s. The entry is submitted by Julian Trott (who says he lurks occasionally on RMWeb) and it was built by his late father Steve Ross, from an Eric Underhill kit. Later these were sold by ABS under the 'Zero Zephyrs' label and now seem to be unobtainable.


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from an Eric Underhill kit. Later these were sold by ABS under the 'Zero Zephyrs' label and now seem to be unobtainable.



Fortuitously there is one currently available for sale on ebay.




I won't be bidding myself as I am lucky enough to have one in the kit pile.

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