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    Offshore, beyond the LNWR Lions.
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    LNWR. Pullmans 7mm P4

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  1. It’s difficult to tell at a distance but is the axle actually bent, in which case it would jam in the drilled hole. More likely it’s gone into the wheel at an angle, the suggested fix may work and is worth trying. If the hole in the wheel is badly damaged then it’s either a case of looking for a replacement or doing some fancy work involving machine tools.
  2. Did you know Micheal Miles has died? No Bong Now that really is an ancient joke. Anyone under 80 may need to do some Googling.
  3. I cannot think of any circumstances in which 3v would be felt in the fingers, could it have been a sharp strand of wire stabbing the finger?
  4. I always thought it was 95 lb a yard.
  5. Heart of Glass - Blondie
  6. I really like the way there is so much going on beyond the railway fence. Many layouts are just railway and not much else but this packs plenty of interest into a small space.
  7. Whatever you build the chances are you will learn a lot in a short time and soon decide that your layout is all wrong and you need to start again, so don’t invest too much time and money in your first attempt. Set track helps as it’s easy to reconfigure and can be used in non scenic areas later. As regards an era many modellers tend to try and recreate the railways of their youth, or you may drawn to a particular period in history. Whatever you do remember to have fun, you don’t need to follow what others do if it doesn’t suit you.
  8. You’ve met my mother in law then ?
  9. Yes, a few years ago I was briefly involved with the house clearance of a distant relative and she had one of those flying Scotsman clocks, the one where bits revolve etc. Sadly these things are marketed to the vulnerable who want to be collectors of fine objects but don’t really know how to go about it.
  10. I must say I am appalled by the incidents which have been recounted above, I would never dream of touching a layout, just like you shouldn’t touch a museum exhibit or anything in a National Trust property unless invited to do so. I can only think this is an education issue, respect for other people’s property starts at primary school and should be taught in the home.
  11. On the plus side it’s not available on the high street, every cloud etc.
  12. But it’s train track innit? Wot trains and goods carriages run on.
  13. The way the check rails are held is definitely not British, perhaps someone will recognise this fitting.
  14. The Sodium ion battery offers a number of advantages in terms of use of materials and safety but from what I can find out it has a lower energy density than Lithium ion so I don’t understand why the Independent article thinks it’s an end to range anxiety. Possibly it will develop but I don’t think it is suddenly the miracle battery. In such a competitive field I suspect many firms will claim breakthroughs but history shows that these things take time. Then of course if a MWh battery were to be made it still needs charging up, quite some time on any charger currently available, but it would be more flexible about when it needed topping up.
  15. I’ve just been reading about a method in an old MRJ (170). Small gauge wire bent at a right angle, mix canopy glue with French chalk, dip the wire in the mix and put a tiny dab on the model. Obviously needs some practice but worth trying.
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