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Andy Y

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Andy Y last won the day on January 25 2019

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    : Home of the donkey jacket

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  1. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4470973066358&set=a.3929728175574.151619.1650818907&type=1 shows how low and nasty some people actually are. Just because there are others that behave that way doesn't make it appropriate. I can take a joke as much as anyone, from friends or even at myself but I do draw the line at snide people taking pops.
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    2. tetsudofan


      Pathetic. I'm a member of a German-orientated forum he runs which I look at once every few weeks. Membership now being removed.

    3. nzgresleyfan


      He tried to get me "onside" in an argument he was having by sending me a PM. Now I understand why the conversation ended when I copied my response to Andy...


    4. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      As a couple have asked me what caused this I'll just say that he chose to insult one of longest-standing (and most decent) forum members. A suspension was put in place as I was on holiday at the time and he chose to start various avenues of trouble-making. I thought Facebook haters were usually kids.

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