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Everything posted by EddieB

  1. Opening one's lens above f64? - heavens, no!
  2. I'm not sure how exactly the Kodak scanner works, but where I use a similar(?) device, I scan with the emulsion side facing the (in-built) camera and reverse the resultant scan. Somewhere along the line of projectors and enlargers, I've - rightly or wrongly - adhered to the rule that the emulsion side should face the lens/image. (The factory settings probably "correct" an inverted image, to make it appear the same as when the negative is viewed with the naked eye).
  3. A long time since I used mine, but I remember that sometimes the shutter would make an alarming hoarse noise, quite different from the normal "click". As I said, mine never packed up, but my AE1P twice went in for servicing/repair for shutter failure.
  4. Time was when I went out of my way to photograph 66587, these days it's a nice bonus... There are lots of non-standard liveries, particularly among the GB Railfreight fleet. Present status can be found on many sites, here for example: https://www.rail-record.co.uk/class-59-66-livery-list/
  5. Arr yes, the spluttering shutter - but at least mine kept going when the AE1P just packed up.
  6. As Bill Shankly put it: “Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.”
  7. Oh the poor lamb - not like he didn't accept the highly-paid job with his eyes closed.
  8. I don't think that this has been posted before. The whole video (about the procedure to reverse Amtrak passenger trains into the Tampa terminus) is interesting, but I was intrigued by the "Jump Frog" at the switch (about 9 1/2 minutes in) - something I haven't seen before (prototype or model).
  9. Is this the train to Chard? (One-way tickets only).
  10. Therein lies the problem...
  11. Frank Martin... (Flickr image from Kevin Lane). Looking at that advert, I think I bought nearly everything at one time or another - but mostly from Marston & Heard in Leyton (more local to me). Trying to remember what I bought from Frank Martin, I think it may have been the Zenith enlarger and a glazer. (The chrome glazing plate quickly rusted and was replaced with a stainless one - thank heavens for RC papers!)
  12. Here's a section of the original Nohab design for the TGOJ turbine locos. I must confess that it's hard to follow the steam flow, but it appears that steam is drawn into the turbine through piping that runs through the smokebox, then exhausts into the smokebox and out of the chimney, creating a draught.
  13. https://www.ebay.co.uk/p/112171682?iid=304358569051 Ouch! (However, it shows that as long as it stays in reliable working order, a top-end model will hold its value, at the very least).
  14. Not today, thank you.
  15. Second thoughts - do you know anyone who might lend you a dedicated film scanner? (Or buy second-hand and sell on afterwards - many of the best models are discontinued and attract high resale prices). If the negatives are in strips, 1000+ is not really that many, and should take under a week. Some models (Nikon and Braun) can carry out batch scanning of slides (depending on make/model, an accessory may be required).
  16. Yes, I'd want to see some more detailed user reviews before committing. There are a range of similar models on the market starting at around a third of that price - they tend to be easy to use and quick, but with a trade-off for quality. I've had a 10MB version for several years. With multiple negative holders (3), I can scan a 36-exposure film in strips of six in around 10-12 minutes (or about a third of the time my Nikon Coolscan requires). The results are ok for reference (can be tweaked to be acceptable on the web), although not sharp across the whole frame. Little evidence of vignetting. Grain is barely visible and blemishes (scratches) are less prominent - but that's more a function of lower resolution. What I really want is a value-for-money dedicated 120 film scanner.
  17. Trampoline spotted on an embankment near Solihull yesterday - thankfully not on the tracks.
  18. Despite the "code red" weather warning for London and South-east expiring at 3:00pm, I can see that just about all London Overground services are still being held in stations, but some freight services are moving. I was due to make an early start tomorrow, travelling to Birmingham via Chiltern Railways. Questions are whether my routes to Marylebone will be operating and - assuming I get there - will Chiltern be running to time?
  19. Trains currently held in stations, this one waiting for signal to clear?
  20. Are you sure that it's rail mounted? There appear to be two in the background of the 333.3 picture which look to be on road tyres.
  21. The diesel loco is a class 333.3 (333.360.6) - a major rebuild of the original 333.0 series and on broad gauge. The diesel unit appears to be a class 596 "Tamagotchi" (single unit).
  22. I have a similar "souvenir" (but from a scrapped "Warship" loco). They are "official", but for "limited editions" they were produced in quite long runs. The seller is being unrealistic as to the value - which diminishes without the certificate to go with the plaque.
  23. They might, but some of us will never forget...
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