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Posts posted by Ashcombe

  1. As I'm getting older filling and emptying the washing machine is becoming more difficult. I intend to move it and when doing so raise it a couple of feet off of the floor. I cant raise it where it stands now as its under a window.

    Like many French washing machines, Ian’s is a top loader which I find much easier to use than my front loader back in Torquay. Of course there’s no worktop above it which would be likely to be the case in most UK kitchens.

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  2. .......... 


    ...............Yes, toilet-less trains used to be the norm, but the design of non-corridor coaches was such that, in extremis it was possible to take a leak out of the window..........



    Being on my second marriage, I have sufficient awareness of the physiological differences between the sexes to know that the option you suggest is not available to at least 50% of the world's population.

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  3. Carry an empty plastic milk carton with you in your duty rucksack.


    Once used, it will also double as a hand warmer for a reasonable amount of time!


    Also useful to have one in the car if you get stuck in a jam, especially in bad weather.

    During my enforced confinement in my car for more than six hours on the A31 through Thursday night into Friday morning, I was greatly relieved (pardon the pun) to have with me a purpose built receptacle of which to make use. One should indeed beware of yellow snow....!


    Edit: My husband (Olddudders) found it amusing to remark that I am now on the continent.......sigh!!

    • Like 5
  4. Just hope when she finally  gets there, the ferry hasn't been cancelled (with memories of a trip of mine last October, just as a gale struck the Channel).


    BBC News just reporting that the stuck traffic on the A31 is now a ‘critical incident’ and that the military are being called in. Hopefully safety and warmth will be on the way soon.


    Updates on the A31 situation on https://twitter.com/search?q=hampshire+police&ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^search


    Hope Sherry is alright.

    Thank you to all of you for your concern and support when I was part of the A31 problem on Thursday night /Friday morning. Initially, I was very stressed but then became resigned to the possibility that I’d be there all night and made myself cosy enough to doze a little. It was nothing short of miracle when a snow plough somehow squeezed in alongside two lanes of vehicles to clear a track, down which we were able to crawl about an hour later.


    After a couple of hours at Travelodge, I boarded the morning ferry where my cabin had never been more welcome, despite the choppy sea at first. Arriving at Ouistreham in sunshine felt like being on a different planet! Now I’m safely at Ian's, being thoroughly spoilt and happy to relax after my traumatic experience. I’m grateful that I was luckier than the poor souls on the A303.


    Hope you’re all safe and warm.

    • Like 4
  5. Oi you lot! Sherry and I haven't shared a steamed-up car in quite a few years, since we became legit in 2014. And with her new hip (its first birthday was a fortnight ago) I'm not sure the Karma Sutra stuff cars require is currently within our compass. However, comma, she will be here at the end of next week and we will discuss such matters and NOT let you know.


    After all, we is a respekabul welded couple now ...... !

    • Like 6
  6. It's a riddle - you are supposed to supply your guess as to what might be so aweful you might be upset. Here goes:



    The Complete History of Hip-Hop CD Box set! 






    (This could rival the song title game, maybe move it to Wheeltappers?)



    My family actually bought this for me as a Christmas present in 2016 when I was a month away from having my hip replaced. They thought it was funny.

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