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cornish trains jez

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Everything posted by cornish trains jez

  1. Thank you. I only really bought Rbe4/4 as I wanted the driving trailer car in the set and they aren’t available separately. It’s a nice train though and I’ll certainly be picking some additional coaches once Piko release them. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  2. Hi, Very nice project. Looking forward to seeing this one progress. By the way, your ballasting effort is really good. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  3. Evening, Hope everyone is well. Had a mini running session with my two sons this evening before they went to bed and I snapped a couple of shots while enjoying the trains running by. First up, my 6 year olds favourite train, the TGV Lyria. I had this SNCF FRET BB437000 running earlier today on the car carriers but had it parked up on the 4th running line, yet to be wired up. Has anyone else had any issues with the motor on this one? It seems a bit gutless. I'm wondering if it needs a little more running in without a load. My all time favourite Swiss loco/EMU is Katos brilliant RABDe Eurocity "Grey Mouse". Have enjoyed running this one since I have got the layout up and running. Tonights line up at a very busy Erstfeld Depot! As you can see i the photos, I've pretty much laid all four running lines on boards 1 and 2 now. Just the service road to add now. Waiting for a single slip to turn up. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  4. Thanks Graham. Its an exciting project and I'm hoping to get some good progress in over the coming days. Will update again mid to late this week. If you like continental stuff, then N is the way forward for some scale length trains. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  5. Hi Peter, Many thanks for your comments. I'll take a look at the Noch range and see what they have available. It may be that I can kit bash something together which will suit the location quite nicely. Thanks for looking in. I'll update again mid to late this week. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  6. Morning all, Yesterday I spent the morning making a video update (thought I'd give it a go!) on the layout and the majority of the evening editing it!! Well, anyway, here is the video, hope you enjoy! Best regards, Jeremy
  7. Evening all, As mentioned, attached is the track plan for the new version of Konigsbrucke. I have taken elements from other stations and infrastructure that I rather liked to make up the buildings for the layout. The post depot will be based on that at Thun station. The signal box will be closed and based on that at Pratteln. The depot will be Erstfeld with the carriage / EMU washer from Spiez Depot. Although I think this has now gone as the depot is being completely rebuilt. The industrial buildings for the centre of the layout I have yet to plan and this will depend on how much space I have left. I may extend the depot sidings into this area but haven't decided yet. I'll try and get some decent pictures tomorrow of progress and upload the videos that I have taken. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  8. Good evening all, As mentioned above, I thought I would post an update as I have decided to make some quite major changes to the layout. This all came about after I decided to use some of the lockdown period to clear and tidy the garage ( a bit of an overdue job) , so I could make a space for the layout. After doing so, I realised I actually had a massive space for a much larger layout and thus Konigsbrucke Mk2 was born! The original idea was to build something small that I could work on at weekends when I was home from work with the family but this lockdown period has allowed me to really make some headway with the layout. So the new layout will be 5 meters long by 85 cm wide, allowing me a four track mainline with a service road to access a postal depot, based on that at Thun station, and a large depot based on Erstfeld with some additional extras. The idea will be that there will be a very large town station "off scene". There will be a river to one end allowing me to model a bridge (never built one before!). The fiddle yard will be 12 roads wide and able to accommodate between 24 and 36 trains depending on size of the trains. The area will still be the same being a more Industrial Switzerland based around Pratteln. Due to the amount of track to lay and the problems with continental stock running smoothly along hand built easitrac, I have decided to use Peco code 55 track for ease and to save me faffing around milling down wheelsets. Luckily I only did two wheelsets! I'll upload a trackplan over the next few days. Here are a few photos of progress...I already have trains running on one loop, although I have run out of timber to build all three baseboards, so a temporary return curve has been laid on board two to allow trains to run. Overall view of board one... I have added a camber to the sweeping curves.... A nice line up on my unfinished model of Erstfeld depot. The depot will be located on board three eventually.... I have also taken some video footage which I will upload over the next couple of days. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  9. Hi, Thanks for posting this. I watched this some time ago, it’s a cracking video isn’t it! This person uploads cab rides quite regularly and I’ve subscribed to their channel (amongst one or two others!). Thanks for looking into my thread. I’ll be posting an update later with some quite major changes..... Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  10. Afternoon all, Just thought I'd add one from my collection to the mix. 50014 Warspite glides into Par station westbound sometime during the 1980's. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  11. Good evening, Very nice layout and echoing the thoughts of others, you capture the atmosphere of Swiss railways and those sweeping curves at the back of the layout really look good. Keep the updates coming. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  12. Great work Simon. Reckon you should do the French SNCF version next! Best regards and stay safe. Jeremy
  13. Hi, Been enjoying the updates. Having a bit more time on hand than usual I've been going back through some old books that I have and discovered a couple of photos of Camden shed area in the below book. You've probably already got it and seen them but thought I'd mention it just in case. Keep the updates coming through! Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  14. Hi Simon, That 90 is coming along nicely. What diameter drill bit do you use to drill out the holes for the handrails? Just coming back to your question re: Euston, it will return sometime in the future but not for a year or two. Best regards and stay safe. Jeremy
  15. Nice vids there Simon. Layout and stock are looking stunning matey. keep up the good work! Stay safe. Best regards, Jeremy
  16. Good evening, I hope everyone is keeping well and safe during these unsettling times. Today I decided to get the layout out and start on some wiring. The first section to be dealt with will be the inside mainline which has the turnouts. I want to make sure this part works to a decent standard before I carry on laying the rest of the track work into the sidings. As the layout will be DCC operated, I have started soldering the dropper wires in situ through some pre drilled holes in the baseboard, which will eventually run to some bus wires underneath the board. i have noticed that some of the older rolling stocks wheel flanges seem to run along the sleepers somewhat so with a bit of advice from a friend, I’m filing down the flanges so they run smoothly along the track. It’s mainly the Minitrix and Roco stock that seem to be the issue. Kato/Hobbytrain items seem to run fine. The way I’m dining this down is by inserting the wheel set into the end of a drill and then using a needle file to take as much off as possible as it spins round. If anyone knows of suitable replacement wheel sets then please let me know. Here’s a couple shots of my Minitrix Swiss Express set with the latest, and nicely detailed, Hobbytrain Re4/4. Take care and keep safe. Best regards, Jeremy
  17. Hi Simon, I really like the faded and weathered paintwork on your shunter. Excellent work! Best regards, Jeremy
  18. Morning! Not sure if I've posted this one before but thought I'd add it. 90040 at Carlisle very early 90's, still looking relatively new. Best regards, Jeremy
  19. Good evening, This one finishes the sequence from above showing 37203 detached from the rake of wagons and heading for the run round. Best regards, Jeremy
  20. Hi, Here is another photo from the same day. A West bound HST, 253010, has just pulled in and you can see that the loco has detached from its rake of wagons. As you say, probably a run round to then propel into St Blazey. Best regards, Jeremy
  21. Good afternoon, Following on from the last photo, 37203 emerges from underneath the bridge with a rake of mineral wagons on 1st May 1981. Best regards, Jeremy
  22. I'd like to add some buffer beam detailing to one end, remove the coupling and fill the void on the front skirt and spray in to match. Also there is a little grab rail to be added to the front nose and I'd also like to remove the current pantographs and try and do something with those too. They look a little bulky so I'm thinking of having a go at scratchbuilding some using some of the parts from the originals. Not something I'll do immediately but maybe in a few months time. I'll document it all on this thread of course. Best regards, Jeremy
  23. Good morning all! As promised, here are a few progress shots from the weekend. First up, I managed to complete the second turnout (3 left to do!). It seemed easier than the first one and after testing with a TGV coach, it seems to run through smoothly through. I'm also going to try some over stock and check all is 100% well. The next job will be to wire up the two mainlines and make sure the locos pass through with no hiccups and if need be, I'll have to adjust the check rails. One mistake I made with Euston was that I built the entire layout and then started wiring and testing, only to find that some of the turnouts needed adjustment to function adequately. I'm going to go for tortoise turnout motors this time around. Wiring is by far my weakness and they seem relatively easy to install and wire up. I'm currently deciding whether to go for DCC or a more traditional system to operate them. As there are only 5 turnouts, I don't need to have anything too complicated to operate. On to some photos. Here's the turnout, it looks a bit neater than the first one! (Looking at the photo again, I'll need to straighten the tie bar!). I've also starting laying the track which runs adjacent to the station platform and building. Here's my green Re 6/6 posed on the turnout. I'm going to have a go at adding some detail to this loco in the future. That's all for now. Best regards, Jeremy
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