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cornish trains jez

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Everything posted by cornish trains jez

  1. Hi, Thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions. I'm going to add the stonework to the end supports today and some additional strips of plasticard to the sides on the top adjacent to where the rail runs. I'll also be adding some railings which I'll put together out of 0.2mm wire soldered together (wish me luck! - the swear box will undoubtedly get replenished!) and then installed on the sides and down the middle around the gap. I'm still considering the middle support, as Frutigen says above, I'm also worried it might sag despite there being some 0.5mm square plastic tube within the support to give strength. I'll need to decide before adding water etc as it would make a mess to alter it after that's been added. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  2. It has four tracks running across it. The prototype I was using as ideas is a single track. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  3. This is the bridge I'm loosely basing mine on. Photo taken by and uploaded by jag9889 from Flickr Hope I'm not breaching copyright!!
  4. Hi, Thanks for the feedback. I wasn't sure about the centre support, but like you say, with two or more trains, it will need one. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  5. Evening, Made a start on the bridge across the river today. I have loosely based on one situated just outside Sihlbrugg and spanning the river Sihl. Its of a concrete construction so thought it would suit the location quite nicely. I'm wondering whether I need a middle support but will see in the morning once the glue has dried. So I've used wooden supports to each end made from some off cuts of soft wood and cut and fitted each end. These will be wrapped in some embossed stonework. Then I've used various bits of plasticard and plastic strip and square strip to make the bridge itself. Then a liberal coat of Plasticote suede sprayed on to give a basis for the concrete effect and then I'll paint and weather. Still some more details to add first and then another coat of the Plasticote on the top section. Here are a selection of progress photos... Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  6. Hi Peter, That looks really good and so much in such a small space too. I like the graffitti wall, so typical of Switzerland. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  7. Thanks. I'll need to look into the Faller kit. Sounds like the station building will keep you busy and looking forward to seeing it. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  8. Hi, Coming along nicely. I used the Kibri station on my first Swiss layout and its a great kit. I didn't modify mine so I'll be interested to see how you do yours. The bridge in your two photos above, who makes this or is it scratch built? Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  9. Hi, Many thanks! I'm pleased with the cant and glad it looks good. The TGV also looks quite good sweeping through "on the lean"! I'm hoping to do another update video at the weekend. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  10. Very nice Simon. I like the weathering you apply, always looks spot on. Now how about a nice Intercity Executive liveried version for when you want to wind the clock back..... Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  11. Cheers Mark. I really like scratchbuilding buildings so I'm looking forward to getting stuck in to them. The other structure I would like to include on board two is a footbridge. Again, I'll be using a structure from Pratteln. It will be similar to this one. Hans Wiskerke BLS 465 007 en Re 4/4 189 Pratteln Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  12. Afternoon all, Here is an update as to how the layout looks so far with the card building mentioned above in situ. I've photo shopped it a bit as the garage looks a mess around it! Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  13. Hi everyone, Hope you enjoyed my second video update (posted a few posts above). I made some progress yesterday on some ore card mock up buildings. Realising that I had more space than I anticipated next to the Post container depot, I have decided to add a warehouse, based on the Coop building adjacent to Pratteln station. Here is the card mock up.. ...and here is the prototype building: I still need to mock up the building behind it. I'll try and get a photo later of the building on the layout. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  14. Excellent photo, thank you for posting it. Gives a nice image as to how to install all the overhead wires too. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  15. Morning all, Here is part two of my video updates on the layout progress. I've included lots of trains running too in this episode and hope you all enjoy. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  16. Yes ,the curves really add to the atmosphere and they have a camber on the too so the trains lean into the curves as they pass through. Looks great! The building on the left will be an office block however I'm wondering if I need to sink it into the ground a little as it does obscure the view of the trains coming around the curve, however, on the the flip side, it does look more prototypical as the trains are running more "in the landscape". The left of the photo is the front of the layout but I'll try and vary the view points. The station will be an "off scene" station a bit further back from where I took the photo. I'll post my video shortly. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  17. Evening all, Just a quick update on the layout before I upload my latest video update with plenty of train action throughout the video. Track laying has continued and I’ve made some good progress. Here is an overall view of how the layout now looks with the four main lies now laid on boards one and two and the service road now partially laid with the siding running into post depot. I’ve also made a mock up of the signal box based on that at Pratteln. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  18. Looking great! I like the addition of the freight unloading siding, certainly will allow you to bring some wagons onto the layout for added interest. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  19. Looking great! I like the addition of the freight unloading siding, certainly will allow you to bring some wagons onto the layout for added interest. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  20. Good afternoon, Started my scratch build project pantograph for my Hobbytrain Re 6/6 yesterday. Here are the results so far. I'll post a few more progress photos from start to finish over the coming days. This end will have the pantograph in the lowered position and the other end will have it in a fixed "up" position. I'm using plastic strip, some somerfeld isolaters and modified bits of the original pantograph. I think it looks better and an improved look already. Comments and thoughts welcome. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  21. That's a nice little project going on there. Very neat ballasting too and I've think you've got it spot on! Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  22. Thank you. I’ll be interested, as I’m sure others will, in the problems you have with the Arnold Rbe4/4. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
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