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Everything posted by 45156

  1. Afternoon All Sorry for absence, but mojo for computer/RMWeb/anything else is on the wane. So I've not had a great deal of inclination to visit of late - but hopefully, it may return sometime. Now then, I don't like Amazon, but we do business with them like we do with the law of gravity - and I have actually had a few experiences where I have chosen free delivery on an item sold by them directly, where the estimated delivery date is bettered, as once it leaves their warehouse, and into the hands of their own delivery service, they just deliver as soon as it's at the local depot. I have a problem with the car, as I thought that the washer reservoir had frozen, as has happened a few times when I didn't use a strong enough solution, but when everything thawed out, still zilch on the washer front, so it's a visit to the garage tomorrow - and I expect that it will be a new motor, as I can't envisage anything else which might be causing this to not work. Appointment is for 10 45 tomorrow, and I was lucky to get that - garage is a few miles away, so I just hope I don't get stopped by the police for un-necessary travel, and I would be on a hiding to nothing, as it's an essential item on a car these days, but I need to get to the garage to get it diagnosed and sorted, Regards to All Stewart
  2. Afternoon All Just a quick visit, and again a lot of skipping has happened. I am currently having a bit of a query about a historic tax assessment from 2016, and think I might need some of the paperwork. I am still not all that able to bend down, and the paperwork in question was in a large box at the back of the eaves, so had to seek the assistance of 30747 to get it all rooted out. It was not where we thought, and a thought from me that we had left one box of paperwork in the top landing cupboard - and so it transpired, but that left a load of boxes to replace, much to 30747's disgust that I hadn't remembered this sooner. Then 30747 had the inspired idea of not putting the car boot boxes back, and instead going through them and as we have no plans to do any more car boots, to put the stuff in the garage with a view to donating it all to Wolfwood, a local animal charity. So that's how we've spent the morning of our 42nd wedding anniversary. Generic greetings are as ever freely offered. Regards to All Stewart
  3. Afternoon All Sunday greetings, and again a lot of skipping has had to happen, as there seems to be a lot of other stuff to be done on the laptop - so as usual all I can offer is generic greetings - and they are as ever offered most sincerely (shades of Hughie Green there???). Just to try to cheer us up a bit, try this which popped into my inbox, as I subscribe to their YouTube channel - this one just made me smile - then the musician in me kicked in, and the sheer complexity of the harmonies came to the fore. Back tomorrow hopefully ps Rick - with your knowledge of all matters London Bus, I wonder if you (or indeed any other London Bus enthusiast on here) could help us to date a jigsaw puzle which we just completed of Regent Street at Christmas, and the main subject is two RMs one on Route 9 - the other the route number is not shown, and the odd thing is that the RM facing the artist is depicted with a Christmas wreath on the radiator grille. I lived in London from 1972 to 1995, and don't remember this, and 30747 lived there all her life, albeit not in Central London, and doesn't remember it either. Can anybody shed any light on this one? Regards to All Stewart
  4. Afternoon All Happy Birthday Mike - you share it with our nephew, though you have a few more circuits of the sun under your belt than he does. Again, mucho skipping as I just can't seem to find the time to keep up, so all I can offer is generic greetings to all ERs. Strange day here today - we were planning to get the next fodder run on Monday, or possibly Tuesday, then it came back to "probably" Sunday. We have about a centimetre of snow here, if that. Yesterday, 30747 decided that "we need milk" and disappeared to the local shop, which never closes, and it was .....closed. So without telling me, she walked to the Co-op about half a mile distant and got some there. It did worry me slightly, as I wasn't aware, and I was concerned that she might have slipped and fallen, Luckily not, she was just waking cautiously. Anyway, back to today, I was passing by the dining room door, when 30747 called out "did you hear that?" - silly question as I was in the hall, and she was listening to LBC on the radio - and she heard that there was a yellow snow warning, which she didn't hear where it was for. So out with the laptop, and onto the met office website where the forecast for the next three days was no snow, and a very gradual increase in temperature. But no, LBC must be right, and the met office wrong, so the car was scraped and warned up, and a noon trip to Lidl ensued. Still, it means that tomorrow we don't need to go. However, we are running out of space to store things - the fridge and freezer are full, though at present, just outside the back door would be equally chilly as the fridge, So possibly back tomorrow Regards to All Stewart
  5. Nice to hear from you Mick
  6. Happy New Year to All Chrisf sorry to hear about your aunt - my very best cyber wishes are sent to her via your good offices. I have not managed to keep up with the many pages, and I just hope that we all manage to stay fit and well until our turn for vaccination comes around. Well that's it for now. Regards to All Stewart
  7. Afternoon All Again, due to volume of content here, and also the "need" to use the laptop for other more "legitimate" purposes, much skipping has again ensued. So it is just the usual generic greetings, and a very quick look in. On the good news front, it appears that it is now cold enough for the 13 tog goose down duvet to be brought from its resting place, and deployed on the bed in place of the 9 tog one which is normally regarded as sufficient - I wonder for how long?? As there is a prosepct of a few inches of snow causing paralysis of the road system, 30747 decreed that a supplementary fodder run would happen this morning - and indeed it did and we now seem to have fodder coming out of our ear 'oles. Still, it's better in our cupboards and freezer than in the shop. Just seen out of the corner of my eye 30747 disappearing downstairs with some wrapping paper of the C"r"s"m"s variety, and it sounds as though she's going through the present box - that means that she is starting to wrap the presents for 2021, and when we go the the sales tomorrow, she'll probably start to buy the presents for 2022. I must now go and start the preparation of today's dinner, whatever that may be. Regards to All Stewart
  8. Afternoon All Been busy today, as 30747 has discovered a few places where the paint that we applied was not to her satisfaction, so that has been my priority, However, we also had a problem with a flickering bathroom light, which died in the middle of the night. It was, of course, a faulty bulb, but it would not unscrew, as the glass had separated from the base, and broke. So it was off with the power, and a quite difficult removal with pliers, all made more difficult as I am still badly bruised from the fall last week, and the bathroom ceiling is fairly high, so I was perched on a stepladder. Still it's done, and I think I may get an LED one, as it may just last a bit longer. ERs whom I have met - only Stationmaster, Coombe Barton, Geoff and Jamie, but quite a few other RMWebbers at the Stafford open day Skipepsi who still drops by occasionally. Andy, Jennifer Emily, Redgate Models, and many others when we had a great gathering way back then Generic greetings Regards to All Stewart
  9. Don't forget Geoff (ohmisterporter formerly of this parish) and me from Green Ayre RIses
  10. HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ALL ERs Morning All Been awake since about six this morning, as we were so cream crackered last night that we went to bed very early, but also as 30747 wanted me to go online at midnight as there were a couple of things that she wanted in an online sale which starts at midnight - one was not added to the sale, and two were sold out already, so we finally got back to sleep with the central heating runnng as it's very cold out. Yesterday, we got our new dishwasher and washing machine, but the installer didn't cover himself with glory, and moaned from start to finish about things - the old dishwasher got stuck on the flooring, and he seemed to just use brute force to get it out - then he plugged in the new washer, and had difficulty with plugging in the dishwasher, and moaned vehemently about that, then moaned because the water outlet for one of the machines was poorly located, 30747 wanted to give them both a chocolate orange each to eat in the van, but I "forgot" to offer them. I will leave it at that, though, as he generally did a good job, and both machines are in and working, We decided to cheer ourselves up, and opened all our presents early. Not a great deal of train shaped boxes (well none) featured. Today it will be the usual paced dinner - my smoked salmon and prawn starter, chicken crown with winter fruit stuffing and bacon from Lidl, then a Jane Asher pud. No alcohol can be consumed this year, as I'm still on pain killers, Get well soon RIck, a shame that the best medicine for a dicky tum is no longer available - to wit Kaolin and Morphine, Congrats also to Mrs Rick on the PhD. Regards to All Stewart
  11. Morning All Just a quick visit, as Currys are due to deliver the new washing machine and dishwasher today. They did something which had the potential to cause a problem, as with the dishwasher I ordered a longer hose (3.5m) so that it would fit where the old one did. They didn't have one in the warehouse where the machines are coming from, so sent it from a different warehouse by DPD!!! AT CHRISTMAS??????? Got an email saying DPD would deliver between 10.12 and 11.12. Then got a phone call about 10.15 to say that the machines were on the way - luckily, the hose arrived at 10.25 - talk about leaving it close!!?? Regards to All Stewart
  12. Afternoon All Well we're still in Tier 3 here, even though our R number is below 1, and our cases per 100000 is 174 at the moment, so still no pubs. Generic greetings and apologies for absence over the last few days - and I hope that none of of my fellow RMWebbers are suffering too much. I was trying to get logged on to RMWeb yesterday, while 30747 was heading to town after work, and got as far as getting the site open, when the phone rang and it was herself saying that she had heard that the food shops were very busy, and "requested" that I get the shopping bags, and present myself post haste at our usual meeting place with the "shopping list" (or bit of paper with some suggestions on items). So off I goes - pick up 30747 - round to Lidl, and just strolled round - and all items for the festive season have been obtained - there were a few gaps on the shelf, but apparently this was due to Lancaster's order in part winding up in Bolton. Also, managed to get contact with the doll's house maker's daughter, and she is happy to have a dialogue with us. Regards to All Stewart
  13. Well I'm back having just had the best electrician that I've ever had - he was fantastic, professional, and he kept me informed of his movements, and his ETA - which he actually beat by an hour - he wasn't all that expensive either, he charged £130 and he took a bit over an hour - we are now working on a temporary fix, and the boiler is working - shower now beckons, then a roasty toasty bedroom - bliss. I offered him a nice Chardonnay, but he declined, and said he'd prefer a good Google review and by God he got it.
  14. Back again for another moan, as we have now discovered that the washing machine and/or dishwasher have been leaking for god knows how long, and the floor is absolutely sodden - also having spoken to an electrician locally, it appears that the probable cause of the problem with the electrics is damp or moisture in one or more sockets - and I have put him on standby for later today in case Homeserve let us down again. We were waiting for the present washer to be mended, but it is awaiting a part from who knows where and with a delivery date of who knows when so we have now decided to ditch the machine, and get a new one - it isn't irrepairable, so we can't get one on the policy - I've cancelled that repair now.
  15. Morning All Sorry that I've been absent, but I'm feeling very low indeed, and it's not getting any better. Friday, I went out to try to summon the dog from her hidey hole, and slipped on the very wet and muddy grass, then went down onto the concrete path, blacked my eye, my specs went flying, and I landed on my hip, bruising all my hip and thigh, and it rendered me almsot unable to walk - this with 30747 at work, so I had to go get her. Symapthy was in shourt supply. A very bad night then ensued. Pink tablets still abound - six a day recommended by the quack. Then yesterday, 30747 called out to me that the mains electric had gone down - but where I was, the lights were still on - so it was a MCB fault - the main RCD tripped as soon as the downstairs sockets were reset, and yes, that's the circuit feeding the boiler. A call to Homeserve ensued, and they promised a four hour callback with an appointment - did not happen, and numerous calls and escalations were made, and it was only at 7.30 last night that they actually arranged an electrician for today - ETA "between 8 and 6". 30747 going frantic due to no heating or hot water, and still furious at all and sundry but mainly at me. I just hope that the electrician calls anytiime soon. Anyway, generic greetings to you all as we begin another lockdown. Regards to All Stewart
  16. Well with apologies for the quality as the flash decided not to work - new camera should arrive in Argos tomorrow.
  17. Afternoon All Sorry . again mucho skipping due to having to use the PC for "proper" purposes. Was actually going to post some images of the doll's house at last, but couldn't get them to download to this laptop - a new camera is now in order and on order - I will try to download them to the old laptop, then post them from there - wish me luck. Other than that not a lot happening - will take Lily out for a walk while the old latop fires up - takes about 15 minutes now, and may revisit later. Regards to All Stewart
  18. Afternoon All Apologies for absence are proffered from this quarter due to - broadband problems, laptop problems with a sticking windows update which would not go away, and which I think was allied to the broadband problem, as the windows update would not properly download - and my broadband has been so intermittent that it is likely that these issues have been related in some way. Also, a bit of lack of mojo. Visited Sister Drac on Tuesday, after a lot of chivvying of my GP, as I have not had a diabetic check for over 12 months now, as these were not happening due to the usual excuse. Got the outcome today by phone, and was delighted to learn that my HBa1c has actually dropped to 7.7 from 8.6 and my cholesterol has also dropped to 4.9 with LDL of 2.1 - and given that I am not sticking to my diet properly, and am not exercising enough, that is quite amazing. I wonder whether the lab got my results mixed up with those of another diabetic patient??? Fodder run achieved, but I forgot a few items - drat!!! Bank also visited, and a statement was actually forthcoming - but my winter fuel allowance does not appear to have arrived, though my Christmas bonus from the DWP has - wow a tenner will go a long way to covering the increase in the cost of food this year - NOT. 30747 goes back to work next Tuesday after the closure of her workplace as mentioned earlier in the week. All I can offer is the usual generic greetings, and express a hope that all are well - if there is anything that I should know, perhaps some kindly ER would PM me with any significant updates. Regards to All Stewart
  19. So the test results arrived within twelve hours, and luckily we are both negative - as are all 30747's colleagues who also had tests yesterday - but nursery will still need to remain closed until next Tuesday
  20. Afternoon All Absent due to a real lack of Mojo - so many many pages skipped, and I can only proffer the usual generic greetings to all fellow ERs. Was just having a shower this morning, when 30747 got a phone call from her manager, about 08.30 this morning to say that three children from the same family had tested positive for Covid, and as a result, the nursery is closed for a week - so I was roused from my shower to get the laptop fired up to see if I could arrange a test - and after much negotiation of the .gov website, managed to get this arranged - and the system also offered an option for another household member to have a test, I sigend up as well. The location was, strangely enough, literally next door to her now closed workplace, as she works on a university campus, and there is a test centre there. Other than that, I have managed to convince her to try leaving the boiler on all the time, and to just vary the thermostat, which should be just as economical as switching on and off, then letting the radiators get cold then warm them up when needed - so far, so good - I guess it comes from the fact that we used to have a system without any controls to speak of, and relying on the primitive timer and thermostatic radiator valves. Regards to All Stewart
  21. Back from visit to glass merchant wh can't deal with this until later this week due to the usual excuses - COVID appears to be a great get out. Cabinet door left with him until next Tuesday??!!
  22. My wife worked as a Kindergarten nurse in Addiscombe, South London, in about 1974, and looked after the late Dave Prowse's daughter Rachel. Apparently, Dave often arrived to collect her, and as 30747 said, he just "filled the door". At that time, he ran a gym somewhere near London Bridge. She knew him as the Green Cross man, which he was at that time, and when we first saw Star Wars, she spent most of the film recalling her experiences of Dave. Many years later, we were acquainted with a chap who organised Star Wars conventions, and who gave us Dave's phone no, but he got it wrong, so her attempt to reacquaint herself wifh Dave came to nothing.
  23. There's a butcher in Kirkby Lonsdale who sells haggis scotch pies and pork pies, which are "award winning", but which I personally don't like - many do. On the other hand, their plain scotch pie is almost as good as those which I get in Ayr, though s tad more expensive.
  24. Morning All Chilly this morning - minus 2 on the car thermometer when I took 30747 to work - heating now on at a level which she would not normally permit. Greetings to all fellow ERs, and best wishes to Mick NB for a speedy recovery for your brother. Got to go out again soon, as I have managed to break the glass in one of 30747's cabinets, and need to get it cut and fitted. Nearest glass merchant is now in Morecambe. Music lovers, try this for size - found it be accident today on YouTube. I know nothing about her, but she's brilliant, Regards to All Stewart
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