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Everything posted by 45156

  1. Afternoon All Sat downstairs while 30747 is upstairs listening to gardener's question time sleeping. All posts read though not all rated. Now then memory lane 1966 world cup - my dad was watching it, I was sort of listening in the background while doing some m*delling of a fairly basic type (a bit like now, in fact). JFK - was at Rugby Park, as my dad's friend lent me his season ticket, in the seat next to my dad - this was a fairly early attempt to get me interested in football (see above for how this didn't succeed) - JFK's death was announced on the tannoy, then Kilmarnock went on to beat Airdrie 7 - 0. PanAm disaster - I was at work, and it didn't really sink in until I got home, as I was on board a British Midland flight from Edinburgh, and I didn't hear until I turned on the car radio - I didn't hear at Heathrow as I was pretty determined to get to the car park and onto the M25. Kegworth disaster - I was at home, and horrified by this one, as I had flown on that very aircraft (G-OBME) on the preceding Friday, on a flight from Glasgow and it was on a 24 hour maintenance on the Saturday, and crashed on the Sunday. I know this as the captain on my flight was an acquaintance through gliding, and I was on the flight deck. He did comment that the plane was, for a new(ish) 747 "a bit of a rough one". Diana - was lying in bed before getting up for an easy day when the news was announced on the radio. WTC - was on a training course at BT's Lancaster offices, and when we came down one of my colleagues said that a plane had hit the WTC, but we had not at that time, learned that this was a terrorist action. Well today was a tidying up the big cupboard at the top of the stairs. Wow. 30747 has just come down, frowned at me for being on RMWeb "again" and turned on gardener's question time down here instead. Thank God, I'm having my ears syringed tomorrow (2nd attempt) as I'm almost deaf in one ear. Regards to All Stewart
  2. Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey - The Beatles
  3. Afternoon All Been chuckinitdarn here all day and most of last night - and it has to be said that we do need some rain here, as the reservoirs are a bit low - and water was being tankered in to two on 6000 gallon tankers by United Utilities - so from my point of view, let it continue, and then they can also then start to abstract water from the Lune, which the Environment Agency prohibit while the river levels are as low as they have been. Again, due to property seeking, many posts have been skipped, so apologies for my sporadic attendance, and generic greetings are as usual offered and meant sincerely. Today has been, to say the least, a bit hectic, and I do hurt quite a lot - but I've just realised that the last pain relief I had was about 5.45 this morning - DOH - will be rectified as soon as I hit enter. Bookwork first thing started at 7.45 this morning, as 30747 likes to get it out of the way for the weekend. Then a trip to the antique centre at Ingleton, a wet walk round Kirkby Lonsdale, where the most delicious raspberry ripple ice cream was consumed, thanks to these guys https://www.cowtocone.co.uk/ who produce the best Gelati in England without a doubt - no food miles either as the cows are three miles from the shop, and the ice cream is made on the farm, then transported to the shop. I say England, as I can think of two makers in Scotland who can beat their taste - Cones and Candies in Biggar, and Luca's cafe in Musselburgh. Regards to All Stewart
  4. These Are The Days Of My Life - Queen
  5. As a rare malt afficinonado, I have now no bottles left, as they have all been drunk over the years. However, I did find an excellent blended peated malt which knocked my socks off for its quality and an excellent flavour unlike many of the blended malts out there. It's sold by Lidl, and called Abrachan peated blended malt whisky - at £15.99 a bottle, it knocks the sock off anything priced at much more
  6. Afternoon All Injury a bit worse than expected today, I have been hobbling aound. Garage rubbish disposed of now. Got a leaflet this morning that our council's efforts to combat the climate emergency mean that the wast collection routes are being "optimized", meaning that our bins will be collected one week, and our green and recycling on the other - just how changing the day of the collection from one wagon one week and two the other, to two one week, and one the other will make any difference at all. Not all posts read, but many have been. Generic greetings are, as ever proferred. Not a lot to say today. Regards to All Stewart
  7. The Day I Met Marie - Harry Webb
  8. So sad to read this and try, however hard it may seem. to keep your spirits up, by remembering all the good times about him. Afternoon All Garage finished now, and all tools have been sorted, and unwanted wood and metal will be consigned to the tip at the weekend. Fell yesterday when I was in the back shop of Age UK. I had a nasty cramp in my leg, and stood up quickly and my leg gave way - so the garage was done at a rather slow pace. The guy who was so full of the house on Saturday didn't make an offer in the end, as he had got his sums wrong. and couldn't afford the running costs like bus fares for three of them (including his kid) as none of them drive, and the bus fares round here are extortionate - over a fiver return, with the kid's pass at about £800 a year. Regards to All Stewart
  9. Time In A Bottle - Jim Croce
  10. Life Is The Name Of The Game (theme from "The Generation Game" - Bruce Forsythe
  11. Melancholy Man - Moody Blues
  12. We Wish You A Merry Wombling Christmas - also the Wombles
  13. Afternoon All Up at 7 - bookwork done by 8, and then the G(arage) word was uttered, and I was bidden to clear out all of the old tins of paint, and get the ones which were still of use packed into crates - as the removal people won't move them at all, and 30747 wants to keep them, as many are unused tins of chalk paint, which apparently is expensive - as we plan to move nearer to her best friend in Hereford, it appears that the plan is to take all the paint when we next go down to do any viewings, in the back of the car, and store it all at her friend's place - no problems there as she has massive outbuildings - and then found that there was a load of useless paint, jam jars, and other assorted rubbish - so then a tip run was indicated. Luckily our tips are now open for business, and no appointment is needed - and as we chose the quieter tip, which is five miles further, we didn't need to queue - had we gone to the nearer and busier, I have no doubt we would still be in the queue now. As you might therefore have guessed, the people whom I showed round on Saturday indicated that they will be contacting the agent on Monday to make an offer, and he indicated the level of that offer to me, and it is acceptable. Now then, all posts have been read, and the warmest of greetings are on offer to those ERs who are either ailing themselves or who have relatives who are unwell Regards to All Stewart
  14. I Love Her Still, I Always Will - The Outsiders
  15. Nights In White Satin = Moody Blues
  16. Afternoon All All posts since yesterday read - and supportive thoughts are offered to those ailing or with relatives ailing. Got another "muggins" viewing at 13.00 - ie the Estate Agent can't do it, so muggins will. Not a lot to report. but we got a very good picture of Lily last night and also a new video from the wonderful Gabriella Regards to All Stewart
  17. Morning All Currently awaiting the arrival of Peter the builder who is needed because our front door is sticking again - he said around 11 - I'll expect him about 12. Jonny - please acceot ny condolences on the loss of your dad - I really wish that mine had lived so long - but as a professional musician and also a heavy smoker and drinker, he was lucky to make 62. And of course, generic greetings are in offer to all fellow ERs. Regards to All Stewart
  18. You're Gonna Lose That GIrl - not the Beatles, but one of the best Beatles covers I've ever heard - the Mona Lisa Twins (from Austria)
  19. Afternoon All For once I can safely say all posts read, though not rated - and generic greetings are on offer as usual to all fellow ERs. The people who came yesterday at 6 stayed til 6.30 and had a load of questions, and in this case, it was lucky that I was conducting the viewing, as some of them were not the sort of questions that the Estate Agent could have answered with any certainty or accuracy. However, they must have been happy with what they saw, and of the answers I gave, as they want to come back again at 4 this afternoon for a second viewing - and yes, it's another muggins will do the viewing as the agent can't - 30747 has forbidden me to advise the agent of my "fee" for doing their job for them - but we will see...??? Back tomorrow, I hope. Regards to All Stewart
  20. Brenda Kavanagh is a brilliant boogie woogie pianist, and he does like a jape - like pretending to be a cleaner, or a rank beginner, and then breaks into the most amazing boogie playing.
  21. Afternoon All Got a viewing this evening, 6pm - agent doesn't work that late, potential buyer can't make any earlier, so muggins here gets to show them round - AGAIN - I am seriously considering deducting £100 from their charges for each viewing that I've done - I believe it makes seven that I've done and five that they've done. I have again had to do some skipping - as the laptop was again needed for "serious" purposes. So generic greetings are on offer as ever. Just as I type this, Lily (26 kg) has decided to sit on 30747's lap - by the time I got the camera, she had got off, so no picture today. Music fans - this was a chance encounter at St Pancras station and is actually quite stunning Back tomorrow (hopefully). Regards to All Stewart
  22. In The Mood - Glenn Miller Orchestra
  23. I'll never find another you - The Seekers
  24. Dancing Queen - Abba (possibly the most under-rated band at their time - excellent composition skills and musicianship)
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