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Posts posted by adamvb

  1. On 14/02/2024 at 11:06, tarifa said:

    I have pre ordered a Class 37 and now wondering whether I have done the right thing.  There appears to be many running problems with the Accurascale 37 compared to the Bachmann.  Without trolling this op I wonder if Accurascale are aware of the alleged problems and resolved them.


    I think they are aware and I'm sure that's why the lifetime warranty has been introduced to help ease the worry as more customers with motor issues have appeared online. It's potentially a big cost to them so won't have been done without a strong reason to do so I wouldn't think.

  2. 4 minutes ago, NHY 581 said:


    On the subject of evidence then, where's yours to support this statement. 




    Hi Rob, 


    I'd be happy to do so but I fear they would be deleted. If Andy is happy for me to share them I'd be glad to - I've had 4 different posts relating to reliability issues with the 92s motors especially removed at the request of Accurascale because they were dealing with me, and because of their internal annoyance at the issues experienced. 




  3. 5 hours ago, newbryford said:


    Although feedback does sometimes get you blocked. :mellow:





    5 hours ago, AY Mod said:


    The only people who have been blocked from this topic (3) are ones who either had a clear agenda or were just idiots and the only blocking has been done by me; despite tales peddled.


    I've repeatedly had posts removed by you Andy at the request of Accurascale, as have others when giving feedback of similar motor issues, and controller manufacturers have been repeatedly blamed with no evidence to suggest an issue of their making. I'm glad to see some acknowledgement of the motors issues (including with Steve Nicholls at the Warely stand). Hopefully their reliability can be improved - ultimately that's all any of us want. We don't just buy the models for the sake of it!

    • Like 3
  4. On 14/12/2023 at 21:38, GBRf 66 The Flying Dustman said:

    Well Adam I have looked at mine again tonight and the walkway and the ladders at one end are all 100% plastic you can see the mould lines on the ladders where they have been manufactured they are not etched at all 


    I've attempted to resolve via my retailer and Revolution but it looks like I'll have to give up and take the offer of a return and refund from my retailer as no solution from Revolution was forthcoming.


    I was considering buying another set from elsewhere but the pictures on Hattons website show the same issues as the Rails photos and my own examples which to me suggests its an issue with the batch which is a shame.


    From what I can tell it looks like the issue stems from how the top walkways have been fitted into the holes on the top of the tank (some are not perfectly alligned vertically or at the same 'depth' which caused the warped bits which seem to be under tension and spring up and down if gently touched. Bit of a dissapointment - here's hoping for a third batch in the future that match the finish of the first ones I've seen previously or I'll have try and pick up some first batch ones on eBay.

  5. 15 minutes ago, The Meerkat said:

    hi all,


    has any one had any issue with their 37 slowing down like the track or some one has hold of it then zooms off?


    i cleaned the wheels and track  but it still wants to stick at different places,  decoder is getting warm    


    Yep - there's been a thread before that was closed - is your's a DCC ready one or a DCC Sound, and what controller are you using out of interest?


    • Informative/Useful 1
  6. 18 hours ago, Revolution Ben said:


    Hello there,


    I hope they are better too.


    Other than the paint versions and printed numbers these models are identical to the first run.  The catwalks are photo-etched metal.


    In transit, especially if they pass through hotter climates, it can be that the metal expands, and may flex slightly.  Almost all of the time as the models cool they self straighten.  


    As ever we would kindly ask anyone having trouble to give us the opportunity to sort it (either via your retailer, or direct if you purchased from us) first.




    Ben A.


    Thanks Ben. Had them all out today and of the 12 I'd say 3 are straight, 5 are a bit warped, and 4 are very warped (see images below - more than just a little undulation and in some places loose from the top of the tank) despite boxes being undamaged and well packaged. Unfortunately Rails of Sheffield have already sold out so I can't get replacements from them.


    Are there spare parts available for the walkways? Although if there are I guess they would be difficult to replace/refit? It's a real shame as the ones seen in videos of the first batch (such as St Michaels Hill seem to be really straight around the 11:50 mark - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgkIneuts9M). 



    All best







  7. 2 hours ago, GBRf 66 The Flying Dustman said:

    I have to say I was so looking forward to getting my five wagons, then opened them up to find plastic top walkways that are all warped I just couldn’t see why they were not a etched piece they are on the Cavalex ones please I am not knocking how good these wagons are but for what you pay they should have at least straight tank walkways and not warped 

    According to the Rapido website the first batch were etched (source: https://rapidotrains.co.uk/vtg-tea-tanker/) - are they plastic now? I've checked the first 2 of my 12 tonight and they are twisted and not sat straight at all. Hopefully the rest are better when I open them tomorrow.

  8. I've been looking forward to these for a while after missing the first batch - and have a pre-order for 12 in, but I'm a bit anxious to receive them looking at the warped walkways on the tops of the ones on the images on Rails of Sheffield's website - hopefully these have just been rough handled by the photography team as they look pretty warped and detached from the top of the tanker in places. Has anyone had theirs as of yet and can confirm the finish?











  9. On 26/11/2023 at 14:50, adb968008 said:

    Have faith, this is an EP.


    The model isnt due till after summer 2024, when I asked, so time to change.


    VEPs here first.


    I did speak to two chaps seperately on the Hornby stand on Saturday - they conceeded the lighter blue was the wrong shade, but one of the chaps (don't know his name but he's been on the stand the past couple of years and appears alongside Simon K in the Hornby Model World TV programme) told me categorically that the grey (white) shade was correct as it is the colour code given to them by TPE and will not be changed. I mentioned I'd preordered a fair while back and if it arrived looking so white I would likely cancel/return it, but he said that would be the final colour for the grey/white - hopefully they read the feedback on here and see its not just one or two of us who thinks it looks rather off!

  10. 48 minutes ago, dave56 said:

    Sad to say I have had a failure on 37608 "Andromeda" running on DC . The same fault that occurred on 37423 "Spirit of the Lakes" back in April has happened again. The model has been running fine for two weeks on and off like last time,  again the train suddenly  slowed the lights went out and a burning electrical smell came up. Now the lights no longer work, but the train runs fine. This time I am returning the model to the retailer for a refund as I am beginning to lose faith in these models  


    Sorry to hear you've had the same experience - Peter at Torridon Road has had the same thing - again, seems to be a motor failure and not a controller issue - he does a follow up video where he manages to ressurect the errant motor by cleaning out material bridging the gaps:



    • Informative/Useful 3
  11. 5 hours ago, Tony Walker said:

    I know the thread appears to be more about running problems and controllers on DC, but here's short video of 37026 running at 126 speed on DCC but doing about 5mph. This developed one day after running perfectly the previous day. The loco ran really well one day, then used it the next day and this is how it ran.



    I now have a problem with 37602. Tried to run it double headed with 37609, but the running characteristics were so different it was unbelievable. I checked all the running CV's to ensure they were the same and they were. At full speed it runs around 60% of the top speed, compared with other 37/6's I have and if you look closely it judders. I ran it light engine for a while to see if it improved, but it didn't. Also noticed that it was pulling far more amps than the other 37's I have. I've contacted AC and await their response.


    By the way, I know they run perfectly double headed, see video on the 37 thread.




    Interesting - this is the same thing I've had with the Deltic, 92s and 37 I've had - what controller are you using? 


    Because there are a number of people on this thread who have had the same on some Accurascale models but not other Accurascale models it suggests to me the issue isn't power, but is with the specific locos. Again, I've not had this on any other manufacturers models including Bachmann, Hornby, Dapol, Realtrack or Rapido accross 80 or so different models including the recent Bachmann 47 and other which have the same Loksound V5 decoder - hopefully now more people have reported their issues the root cause can be identified by Accurascale.


    • Agree 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, McC said:


    You would need to be over 20V to kick in the protection circuitry. Generally if you have a 'modern' controller in good nick, all is well, but as above, rather than asking us 'marketing' types, the gurus are on the end of the chat, email, sms or dm :) 


    I think it might also be worth having some time for your technical guys to head onto the forum to see the problems and provide advice - email 1 to 1 is great, but sometimes a group discussion can provide a more rounded view of issues to aid progress to a solution. Ultimately we all just want them to work as reliably as our other locos do!


    Just to note I have emailed in outlining my experience with the 37 and previous locos and so far I've carried out a decoder reset and been told to send my loco back to retailer because this didn't work, and then asked about my controller setup and power rating which is a PiSprog3 with a 15V 3A PSU and a Bachmann Dynamis with a 16V 2.3A PSU - both should be fine and are in spec but the erractic running has been seen with 5 consecutive Accurascale Locos (Deltic, 92, 92, 92, 37). I'd be happy to carry out other tests as I just want them to work else I can't buy anything further with confidence!

    • Agree 1


    I've noticed with more testing on my 37 that it is getting rather hot along the area in the centre of the bodyside and smells what I can only describe as 'Scalextricy'. The stay alive seems to be working fine and the loco keeps running for a number of seconds when power is removed so it looks like its getting enough juice and is charging the stay alive. I've also tried a Loksound V5 from a Bachmann loco to rule out decoder or its setup and this made no difference (and the decoder from the Accurascale loco was fine in the Bachmann). 


    Cliff - Exeter TMD seems to be also having the same issue and has posted in the Class 37 thread as below - I've never had such issues with any other manufacturers locos, never mind 5 in a row.


    2 hours ago, Cliff - Exeter TMD said:

    Out of my 4 Class 37's I have had 2 do this now. I have just posted the second one back today. After about 30 minutes during its running in it started to surge, then slow down and at one point completely stop. It was not a decoder issue as I swapped them between one of my good 37's. What I did notice was the amount of amps the faulty one was drawing. It was drawing around 1.5 amps. My other two 37's only draw around 0.7 amp, clearly a motor problem. It also got very hot! 


    I am hoping that we have just been very unlucky as I have another two arriving tomorrow, with a additional one yet to be posted.

    • Informative/Useful 1
  14. I have had exactly the same experiences with Accurascale loco’s as @Geordielad and @Knapdale and are aware other members have who have now left RMWeb (scumcat – had a 92).


    I had a Deltic (KOYLI) – this exhibited the random speed up/slow down after a couple of weeks but only intermittently.

    I then got a 92 (Bertolt Brecht) – this exhibited the same issue after a couple of hours and was quite frequent, I had a replacement – this did the same, had another replacement, same experience – this third one went away for repair, came back with a clicking sound and the same sporadic running – ended up going back and forth 3 times (over the course of 3 months) and had an was told the fault was a ‘motor and a solder joint’ – a couple of weeks after its last return the sporadic running started again and I sent it back for refund. The suggestion was it was believed to be an issue with my control setup (which is PiSprog with 15V supply on my main layout and Dynamis on test track – and the same issues were seen on both).

    I’ve today received a DRS 37609 and this has started showing the same speed/slow down behaviour as the other models.


    To be clear on the circumstances I have a similar number of locos (74) as Geordielad on my roster, a number of them with the same Loksound V5 decoders that all of the Accurascale locos mentioned above had had, and none of them have had the same issue as each of the Accurascale locos mentioned above. The single point of issue each time is the Accurascale locos – it’s a real shame as they look the part – for me, this 37 was a final chance for me to see if things had improved, I’m genuinely disappointed they haven’t.

    • Informative/Useful 1
  15. @sanspareil @scottrains29


    After the issues I had (and still have) with the 91s from last year with rough/wobbly/generally clonky running I was interested to see that these issues seem to have been resolved by changes to the setup on 91110/R30166 - one of my friends got his delivered yesterday and looking at it last night against one of mine (R3891 - LNER) there have been a few changes. As others have said, the weird nose end/lower bonnet issue has been fixed, but in running terms, the wheels have been given a slighter wider tread and the tabs that were present on the bogies (that rubbed against the underside of the chassis) have been removed which seems to have elimanted the running issues - be interesting to see what owners of both think when comparing theirs. 


    Its fantastic that Hornby have listened and resolved the design issue - lets hope they will make parts available to purchasers of the original batch to resolve the flaw that was present from delivery.


    The livery application on the 91110 I've looked is reasonably good - certainly a lot smoother/crisper than 91111 last year, but there looks to be a bit of a rough application around the top bodyside vents and theres some dents in my friends example in what appears to be a full bodyside transfer and some cracking to the decal over some of the vents and what appears to be cracking in the front end yellow paint out of the box (similar to the issues with the black on the R3890 Intercity model last year) - hopefully these are not accross them all - it doesn't look obvious on all of the images others have posted so here's hoping. The driver being in the wrong seat is a bizzare error.


    I'm interested to check out mine when I get my hands on it - will report back.VentCracks.jpg.be0bce26bc9fbbcc017e036f9d1ed003.jpg

    91 Changes.jpg


    • Informative/Useful 4
  16. Just spotted that Eugene at Euvirail has just released a video showing how to potentially overcome some of the lighting shortcomings on the MK5s - a good technical overview and explains why the stay alive wasn't used on the DT end lighting circuit. It's a shame a 12v stay alive wasn't included on the cab end lighting circuits to avoid the flickering issues that are being seen.



    • Informative/Useful 6
  17. On 04/03/2023 at 18:59, adamvb said:


    Hi @McC @Accurascale Fran


    Now its been a couple of weeks would you mind sharing the easy fix with the forum please?


    My TPE MK5s were delivered with missing centre caps, glue smudges on some of the centre caps and lights that flicker almost constantly - its been away for a month and has now come back and is exactly the same. I also listed about the lack of couplings for the loco when sending it off and despite confirmation that all the things in the list being sorted the couplings were not in with the parcel.


    Coupled with the 92 mentioned in an earlier post that went away in early Jan with a failed motor and returned early February for a few days with me to then have to be sent off again because the powerbank had stopped working after the motor replacement and it had developed a clicking and thrum when running. It was duly sent back again with the MK5s for whats turned out to be another month and has just returned with the same clicking/thrum and this time a pantograph head floating loose in the packaging.


    I'm not feeling the love for Accurascale that others seemingly are and now almost 3 months on with the 92 and 5 weeks on with the MK5s I'm tempted to give up on the lot - hopefully you can give some advice to at least resolve the MK5s while I think what to do ref the 92.


    My 92 is going back for a third time, and the MK5s for a second crack at repair - hopefully the 'easy' fix @McCrefers to can be applied this time - will keep you all posted! @scumcat@Traveltrains


    Although it looks like its a pretty common issue with the lights on the TPE MK5 DT by the comments on Dean Parks review: 


    • Interesting/Thought-provoking 1
    • Friendly/supportive 1
  18. On 18/02/2023 at 13:26, McC said:


    There is a plan to offer a Lokpilot for lighting function, but no plans to offer a sound chip at the moment. We've noticed on some DT's there is poor connectivity between the pickups and the main pickup bar - we'll prepare a short guide / video shortly so you can pop the body off your DT and check / easily resolve if you are having any flickering.


    Hi @McC @Accurascale Fran


    Now its been a couple of weeks would you mind sharing the easy fix with the forum please?


    My TPE MK5s were delivered with missing centre caps, glue smudges on some of the centre caps and lights that flicker almost constantly - its been away for a month and has now come back and is exactly the same. I also listed about the lack of couplings for the loco when sending it off and despite confirmation that all the things in the list being sorted the couplings were not in with the parcel.


    Coupled with the 92 mentioned in an earlier post that went away in early Jan with a failed motor and returned early February for a few days with me to then have to be sent off again because the powerbank had stopped working after the motor replacement and it had developed a clicking and thrum when running. It was duly sent back again with the MK5s for whats turned out to be another month and has just returned with the same clicking/thrum and this time a pantograph head floating loose in the packaging.


    I'm not feeling the love for Accurascale that others seemingly are and now almost 3 months on with the 92 and 5 weeks on with the MK5s I'm tempted to give up on the lot - hopefully you can give some advice to at least resolve the MK5s while I think what to do ref the 92.

    • Friendly/supportive 1
  19. 44 minutes ago, scumcat said:

    I had issue with my mk5s the Lights in the DT flashed like a strobe. If you take the bogies off the contacts for the lights can be seen mine were greased up to the eyeballs I cleaned it off with a cotton bud and no more flashing. Mine also derailed on points I pushed in the wheels using a B2B gauge and no more derailments. My class 92 went back for the same issues as yours. Not sure of the results but it being exchanged when the posting for the TPEs is done. The power bank never worked successfully. One thing I can take away from all this is not really bother with the forums contact the support direct. They are quick to answer and so far have been superb.


    Interesting about the lights - will wait to hear back from Simon and if no success will have a look. I get the comment about contacting them directly, and I have as I mentioned contacted them about the MK5s (awaiting reply from in the week), the 92 (which has come back with more faults that it went away with), and my Deltic - for which spares took 4 months to come despite apparent numerous apparent attempts and lots of chases (I don't think I've had any updates without chasing), and now it is showing similar irregular performace at the 92 was - although thankfully that issue is now not present on the 92 now it has come back. Given its been away a month O was hoping it would come back and just be right - I will reach out to @McCand the team again on Monday, but my experience hasn't been great so far which is a surprise given the general consensus!


    Additional info: this is my 3rd example of the 92 - the previous 2 both having had marks on the body and the same running issues as the one that has been back and turned out to be the motor and solder joints.

  20. First mentioned in the MK5 thread alongside issues with the lights on those, but just thought I should ask in this thread instead.


    My 92 has been away with Accurascale the past month after it developed the random speeding up/slowing down issue which has turned out to be a faulty motor and poor solder joint which needed rectification. Its now come back and aside from pipe detail that has been caught in reassembly and bent up between the chassis and body, and a new click from the bogie when running slowly which I'm hoping will go away with some running in, the power bank of capacitors is now not working (and was before it went away) - has anyone else had this and managed to solve it? I can see there are various comments in the thread about power supplies to the layout being the issue, but I've tested on a PiSprog 3 controlled layout and on my programming setup with a USB Sprog 2 and its not working on either. Appreciate any suggestions before I have to send it back to Accurascale for a second month away!

  21. 21 hours ago, 22C said:

    Hi @adamvb, just out of interest, is it the white end lights that are flickering when the DT is in reverse, or is it that the correct lights are on but are flickering in general?


    The end lights on my DT work perfectly well when running forwards (i.e. push mode) but when running in reverse (i.e. pull mode), the red lights work fine, but the white end lights flicker and occasionally as does the destination board (which is mostly off when in reverse and on running forwards - I’m unsure if it is meant to be on in both directions). I have already emailed the Accurascale support team so hopefully there is a solution.


    Hey @22C


    Thanks for coming back to me - I've checked and its the same regardless of whether they are running the right direction the match the lights or not - just intermittant flickering over points, curves, allsorts - some of it without pattern. I emailed them midweek and I am aware Simon has a couple of sets that he will look at, but seeing further videos on Youtube over the past few days of other peoples having the same issue, the lighting circuit can't have a stay alive and I'm guessing the only fix will be to fit a decoder with stay alive - will be good to hear back from Accurascale.


    Taken alongside my 92 that came back today after a month away due to a faulty solder joint and motor returning with the pipe detail bent out of shape and wedged into the body in reassembly and a clicking its developed whilst its been away when running slowly, and that it took 4 months to get spares to resolve the issues with the chains for my Deltic which is also showing motor issues I'm really unlucky versus everyone else. Will have to report back to Accurascale again on Monday when I can face it - hoping running in solves the clicking on the 92!


    Further edit: Also, the powerbank in the 92 now seems to be unoperational too since return - after 10 mins running the loco immediately stops when track power stopped - anyone know if there is a connector for it that would be obvious to check inside incase it hasn't been reconnected whilst back with them? Will ask in the 92 thread.

    • Friendly/supportive 1
  22. I have to say that the coaches are great and well worth waiting for - the colour match is really good with Dapol 68s and they look fantastic. The only issue I am having is that some of the wheels have wonky centre caps and a couple with excess glue on the wheel face (and a couple missing the centre caps), but the biggest thing is the flickering end lights in the DT. I've logged a ticket and I know Simon has been looking into it for the past couple of days, but the more I look on Facebook and Youtube I'm seeing that this seems to be a common issue. I'm sure there were reasons for not including the circuit on the capacitor for the internal lights, but its a shame this circuit didn't have one fitted too. Hopefully the Accurascale team have a solution! 

  23. On 22/11/2022 at 17:55, Hroth said:

    Would the HH points apply to pre-orders that havn't been fulfilled yet?


    (thinking TT preorders!)



    I wondered this on my 00 preorders - the Ts & Cs say: "You will earn points on any pre-orders. These will become active 14 working days after receipt of your product. During the wait for delivery of your pre-order, these points will appear as pending." (source: https://uk.Hornby.com/community/my-hobby-rewards?filter=all&page=1#rewards_terms). So it looks like you get the points as with any other purchase.

  24. On 01/11/2022 at 18:12, sanspareil said:

    I've just noticed that West Hill now do a 2022 specific coupling pack for the MK4 sets. Anyone tried this? West Hill stuff in my view seems decent enough normally.


    I was just surprised to see them use intermediates for the coaches, I thought that would be too long but in the pics on their site they look pretty close.


    I posted about them on the previous page (on October 11).


    I've struggled to get replies from Hunt Couplings (as has been the case previously) for weeks on end (I had one reply a fortnight ago saying they were leaving for a show, but since then nothing on email or via Facebook even though posts keep being made publicly). After further testing today the design of the 'feet' on the coupling seems to have changed from the original hunt couplings and they are now much wider and this seems to mean they are impossible to remove/swap without the legs snapping off. The originals were 3.8mm wide at the widest point when 'relaxed' and 2.5mm compressed, these are 4.0mm and 2.95mm - which makes the difference - the new ones are also more roughly finished. If you are never going to swap/remove them then they may be OK, but at the moment they are not up to scratch for me - hopefully they will come back to me with a solution soon (although given its 4 weeks since initial report I'm not too confident!)


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