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Black Sheep

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Posts posted by Black Sheep

  1. A little bit more sketching today;


    Plan for how the station and station hotel fit onto the layout, figure I can gradually build up a picture of how it should fit together, then start mocking up in real life (never been one for scale models of scale models) 




    So, the formal building that sits across the end of the bay platform lines (parcels traffic on the line nearest the ''front''

    The hotel will have an entrance onto the promenade (Queen Victoria Drive perhaps?) and an entrance towards the station. 


    The road / car park slopes up to the station, just think a little queue of taxis from hotel round to entrance. 

  2. No progress as struggling to visualise in my head how it's going to look and then get it onto paper with space for platforms, buildings, streets etc in order to add additional track features (goods yard, depot etc)



    I want to run local terminating trains with shunt release from the local MPD (possibly off scene) but this invokes the issue of turning trains round so this might have to have a separate fiddle yard under the layout / at the side of the layout


    I'm tempted at times to switch locations to being at the side of a lake and build ''Rio'' somewhere in Cumbria which is what Milliedale was evolving into until I found I had enough space to make a go of Milliedale - on - Sea as that may fall into place easier. 


    Decisions, decisions. 

  3. Brick terraced housing one in the middle with 1:1 scale embossed stone cladding. (or a stone one with stone cladding like down my road!https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Chatsworth+Rd,+Chesterfield,+Derbyshire+S40+3JX/@53.231291,-1.460389,3a,52.5y,161h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1si8zcNemT9FzcQU6T68wGJQ!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x4879850c8933ed25:0x516ec21c2c09f4ba!6m1!1e1)

    Terraced housing with some of the houses with windows modified (usually badly) to landscape format instead portrait.

    In a similar vein, a few stone built terraces here with each house a different state of clean, the rain has cleaned a fair bit of soot and muck off them over the last 40 years but a few have been jet washed / blasted clean, others painted and some left how the weather left them



    Also to avoid moving traffic a car waiting for someone to exit a car parking place and holding up the whole town in doing so.



    Fit a tortoise motor under the car trying to parallel park so it shuffles back and forwards, don't worry about the car twisting round, be accurate for parking around here if it backs onto the kerb facing the wrong way, and no that is not a comment on my wife's parking

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  5. When I started the thread I was thinking little details we notice in our daily lives that aren't modeled, eg, 'red light, wait here' signs always seem to have a dent in them


    We appear to have de-railed through cameos towards 'how to get lynched...'


    That is indeed the nature of a forum but, while the 1940's German village could be an accurate depiction, perhaps the discussion on it should be its own thread like the train robbery has had so we can be irreverent of society without forgoing our humanity?

  6. cant remember seeing any layouts with ticket machines or platforms with the bin removed and a clear plastic bag added to the fittings for security matters. The first I suppose is rarely modelled as they are normally within a building and therefore unseen on most models but the second is definitely part of the noticeable modern scene



    and usually blown inside out by a passing train! 

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  7. On my way to work this morning I spotted a couple of things I've not seen modelled before and thought we could compile things we've noticed in our daily life as suggestions / inspiration for adding a bit of character / realism to our modelling.


    I'll start


    Motorbikes, while seen on the occasional pre 70's layout where they were a popular cheap mode of transport, especially in large cities I don't think I've seen a modern bike on a modern layout.


    Odd socks in laybys - every layby I've pulled into recently has a soggy odd sock either on the kerb or on near the exit, not sure how or why


    Horse poo, if there are horse drawn vehicles, there'll be some horse poo somewhere near by...

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